Could Doctor be the new A tier killer?

So this is based from playing as the Doctor as I haven't played much as survivor since the update, so I haven't had a chance to go against a good Doctor.
I've been having a lot of fun playing as Doctor, and I use to hate playing as Doctor before his rework. In my opinion after he's rework he's now a really strong killer. He's still the best tracking killer in the game and he can shut down loops with his power, similar to Freddy and Clown. Although his lack of mobility is he's biggest weakness.
Again, this opinion is solely based from a killer perspective, so I know this opinion is flawed as I have been unable to properly experienced playing against Doctor as a survivor. I have played against new Doctor but due to matchmaking those Doctor's were rank 12's.
Comment your thoughts below.
I agree that Doctor is much, much stronger than his previous form. He’s much more effective at spreading Madness and his looping power was drastically improved. I personally would say that he’s definitely one of the stronger Killers now. Everyone has their own tier lists, so I’m not gonna be specific. That’s just what I think.
People should stop freaking out every time something gets changed in this game. They were so afraid of Doctor’s changes, yet here we are now. He’s a really dang good Killer!
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No. The only reason I find myself having trouble with him is his tr being really confusing and you can't tell how close he really is. It pretty much stays the same between 20 and 0m.
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He's too new atm
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Doctor is very good if he’s not in a tier he’s at the top of B
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No increased mobility, no way to ignore loops like Nurse/Spirit, no insta-down attack, nothing that helps him buy time like Piggy's party hats.
He can shut down loops, similar to Clown, and he can track survivors from time to time. He is a better Clown. In no world he is A-tier.
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Trust me I have no issues with slugging.
I haven't censored the names as it's not really name shaming, besides if anything I'm the one being the scummy one in this image (although I don't see anything wrong with slugging).
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I don't know but Doctor seems very solid
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I’d say he’s above average possibly boarderline A-B tier. His kit definitely slows the game down more efficiently which really helps since Gen Rush is so strong atm.
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I don't think he's much better than before, just a tiny bit different... Not really stronger. He was a potato before and he will be in the future. Just give it some days and survivors will have found a way how to counter the new Doc
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He's C tier, he does not have enough map pressure or chase tools to be A tier.
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He’s still too easy to loop. You can trick him into using shock at a loop only to move onto the window or next pallet.
Once he’s used shock to try to block the vault, move onto the next one and boom you’ve created more distance already. This allows you to loop both areas now (the one he tried to shock you at and the new one) until you force him to break the pallet and move onto the next loop.
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Seems like a solid B to me.
You just have to drop pallets early with him similar to Clown.
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He has no map pressure like Billy or Hag.
Has no snowball potential like Myers or Oni.
Has no way to ignore loops like Nurse or Spirit.
He is way better than he was but in no world is he anywhere near the top.
Doctor is mid to low B tier.
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Lmao this had me dying. He has extremely effective loop denial and the best tracking in the game. Definitely just a better clown lmao.
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Definite A tier, he has stalling, chase potential, and tracking. He's a good example of a killer that can do well without mobility.
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I disagree. He can pressure really well with the right build. Pig's is RNG, Doctor's is guaranteed to slow things down.
Also he can counter quite a lot of loops well. Especially Autohaven ones.
The only time he struggles is against a good team but this goes for almost every single killer.
He's mid A to high B
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He has plenty. I 4k most of the time with him even against competent survivors.
Yes I lose sometimes but that's life.
He's Mid A to High B
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A tier? A little skeptical, admittedly.
B tier? I can certainly see it.
Better than before? Absolutely.
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Recency bias. As soon as people settle into playing vs him he'll definitely drop off. He's stronger than before, but not so much as to be A tier.
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One build.
Unnerving, Distressing, Lullaby and Overcharge add ons: Calm class 4 and Calm class 3
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I get it, but eh, seems really gimmicky and punishes you for using your secondary power.
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It doesn't punish you at all.
You do realise what the Calm add ons do right?
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Yes, but it seems overall counter-synergy to the rest of the build.
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Not at all.
You have Overcharge, Lullaby and Unnerving to make it harder to do gens.
As well as having Distressing and both Calm 3 and 4 making your static blast range massive which makes them mad and stops them doing anything
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Doctor is A Tier on the smallest maps, but B-C Tier on larger maps. Overall hes balanced until they shrink all of the maps in my opinion.
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Yeah but then you have a tiny radius that gets you no benefit from the rest of the perks until your static blast is up again. I'd rather just run it with M&A, static blast on cooldown and get the drop on people due to low TR.
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I think he's a strong B tier. He's a lot stronger now but still struggles with large maps.
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You'll still have Distressing to help a bit with keeping every survivor under the influence of Unnerving.
Hell even without Unnerving survivors still tend to struggle with Lullaby
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He can shut down short loops, but if we’re talking about those car loops on Autohaven or basically any loop on Coldwind he can’t do much. Even some of the loops on Lery’s he can’t deny.
He’s just like most other killers that aren’t Nurse or Spirit.
I can’t deny that he is super fun to play as and he’s way better than before but I can’t place him anywhere above B tier. He’s like right around Myers in terms of strength.
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No. A great killer needs great map pressure and great chase potential.
Doctor has great map pressure with his static blast and madness but his chase potential is only good. He is definitely a good killer but not A tier level.
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A great killer is S tier. A good killer like doc is A tier
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I’d say doc is now B tier, A tier at best
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I always categorize great killers as A tier, good killers as B tier, average killers as C tier and bad killers as D tier. S tier are those that are near game breaking, for example Nurse would have S tier chases because of her ability to bypass dropped pallets and close distances.
Doctor's map pressure is A tier while his chase potential is B tier.
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Game breaking killers don't last, so having a tier for them isn't very practical. So you agree doc is A tier? (One tier under the best killers in the game)
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He is strong enough to fight bullies and feel like a killer. He has a fair amount of power, but thats about it.
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I agree that he is a tier under the best killers in the game. Im still a little skeptical about his ability to end chases but i like his map pressure a lot.
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Nope. For me. Tier S A B C D E.
Old doc is D tier. New doc is C tier as doc is still loopable at safe loop or long loop. If they improve the madness effect. I would move doc to B tier or even A tier if it was in small map. Unlimited snap out of it is freaking strong but currently snap out of it is too ez.
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Which part of Doc's ability makes things slow down? Snapping out is done faster than when you have luck at Piggy's first party hat removal box.
Keep in mind that Hillbilly is A-tier when you want to put Doc there. Billy is way, way stronger.
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