Should Freddy be nerfed as well?

I wonder if he is still over performing after they tweaked him a bit ago? I know people on here are saying to nerf him, but I’d rather they rework hillbilly first. What do you think?
Also, is ghost face in a good spot? He seems a bit strong.
Hag is over performing, let's make her slower than the survivors and eliminate her ability to trap near hooks.
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in my opinien the only change billi need is to get rid of his insta saw, as for ghost face the only think that should be fixed is that when you look at him face to face he dosent break out of power,for frieddy i would like to see palets addon gone
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I think hag might be perfectly balanced now. She can put pressure and travel a good distance but not just by revving a chainsaw like others we won’t mention. Hag is underrated.
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I agree completely.
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This is what bugs me...
The devs say recently they don’t like old Ruin because it put pressure on the survivors with no effort from the killer.
They don’t like all these slowdown perks because they’re obnoxious.
Yet here we have a killer who with no effort on his part gets free slowdown on survivors with add ons and then has them running across the entire map or blowing up their own gens to wake up. All that for free with no effort.
I don’t hate Freddy. His powers are fine. The way the sleep mechanic has been done though and his slowdown add ons just feels dull.
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I agree. Something with him seems off now. I actually liked the old sleep mechanic better than what we have now.
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Just need to add low skill ai bots so survivors stfu.
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why you are passiv aggresiv to people who just want the game to be nice for new player along with veterans.
Lets face the true some thing have to be changed for greater good of game
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100% agree. But I hate Freddy. I think he is the most braindead Killer currently, because his Snares are simply reverse-bloodlusting. I also agree regarding his Sleep Mechanic, but I would say, this is the best solution. Because if either the Survivors would not fall asleep over time or they would not fall asleep when getting hit by Freddy, this would be a huge impact on his power. Imagine chasing someone for almost a full minute (or 90 seconds, when woken up with a Clock) without using Snares or Pallets on them. Or, when they only fall asleep by getting hit, which also results in immunity while being chased and also no Reduction of the Teleport Cooldown would be possible.
So while the Sleep Mechanic is not really something I like, it is how it has to work.
Power-wise I think Freddy is fine.
Regarding Billy: Basekit Billy is fine, maybe they will do something about his Mobility. But personally, I only have a problem with Insta Saw, Tuning Guide and Cooldown Add Ons, not so much with the Basekit.
Regarding Ghostface: First they need to fix him. His Reveal Mechanic is broken for both sides. And they need to look into his Stalking Mechanic, because the best way is to play him without Stalking, and this is something that needs to be looked at. Not by a straight Nerf, but making his Stalking somewhat worth to use.
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Nah, honestly just remove the killer queue and put in bots instead. Killers are already gonna be leaving the game if they keep with the trajectory of the recent changes and what they said about slowdown perks.
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I play GF a lot and stalking is usually the best strat. Tru3 fanboys say otherwise but it's not like they play the game themselves.
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I think you should git gud, instead of cryin about killers.
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Billy is fine
Ghostface just need his power breakout fixed on both sides. Either you break him out from behind a wall or cant break him out from 5 feet away staring right at him.
Freddy is fine.
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By nerfing killers into the ground while yall still run around with swf, strong meta perks but killers still need nerfs ?
Nothing passive about this. You survivor mains are killing the game. I play both sides so i understand i bit more about balance i guess....
Anyhow just get the devs to put bots in i already stopped playing killer due to you people crying so much and no i did not use ruin.
I use to be a freddy main btw pre and post change. He is far from op but ok guys and girls just shovel more dirt on half of the community that enables you to find matches.
No logic to debate. Everything is too hard and survivors are fine right.
Fun is only subjective for surviors right.
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None of the killers you mentioned need reworked or nerfed. They're in a good spot.
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Terrible bait -2/10 not reading any discussions made by you
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I was making fun of your constant calls for killer nerfs. Git gud
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Yet here you are. Hmmm
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Thanks I’ll do my best. You too okay ;)
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It's not so much the sleep as it is the slowdown add ons when combined with thana, dying light, ruin and pop.
Also I think it's the oblivious rather than the sleep. Borrowed doesn't work, lullaby makes no sense on a killer thats so fast with a 32m terror radius. At least on Huntress shes slow and has a 45m radius so it makes sense she gets the non-directional lullaby to get closer to survivors. Then theres the constant grey foggy effect and underwater sound on everything. I don't like it. They should dial it back a bit.
I don't mind him being strong I just dont like that trippy effect there all game with no effort required on freddy.
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######### off with these nerf "insert" killer. Have you played them consistently and effectively at red rank? Learn his mechanics and stop asking for nerfs.
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No. Freddy is fine
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Boo hoo
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What if survivors are underperforming? :)
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Clearly due to killers being too strong. Honestly, remove killer. Every time survivors load into a match 2 are chosen by the entity, the survivors then finish 5 gens and the 2 chosen are killed while the other two live. No need for a killer, perfect 2 kills 2 escapes.
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Well that would be boring to go around and finish gens and then get killed, and the game would no longer be horror, terrible idea
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Before they touch killers they need to fix gen times. Survivors can escape any killer now eith the ruin change. All they need to do is do gens. Only reason killers will "over perform" is because survivors wont do their objective and want to have fun or be dumb instead
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All three of the Killers you mentioned are fine and don't need nerfs. If you aren't asleep, then Freddy is a M1 Killer with no chase ability. Billy is only really powerful when caught out of the open. Ghostface just needs bug fixing. The detection is bad on his side and the Survivors' side.
Remove Freddy's pallets? LOOOL You have to be kidding me right now. His pallets are easily counterable by dropping them early and running through them. They have no collision, unlike regular pallets. If he's using them, then it means he can easily be turned into a powerless Killer if you loop him at the right area.
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His pallet are really only good for memeing. Snares are bae. Even if you are not in dream world, ill land that one hit and then your looping is done.
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Instead of saying “git gud” which doesn’t help anybody, why not give him advice? Way more constructive than saying “git gud”.
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Git gud, Is advice. Not particularly helpful advice, but still advice. But rather than call for nerfs they could learn the games/killer base mechanics.
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They’re posting their feedback, which is still more helpful than saying “git gud”.
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But their feedback won't solve his problem while "gittin' gud, while the guds gittin" will. 😉
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It’d be easier to learn if people actually helped them, honestly, saying git gud instead of actually telling someone how to play against X makes me think you don’t know yourself.
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Woow see twitter for my uncensored opinion on this garbage
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Stay awake. Even if you dont wake just watch for freddy or use spine chill.. But staying awake is key. How you do that, is part of the "gettin gud"
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I think Freddy is fine, I think killers should be left alone and devs work on fixing core issues. Keys, moris, map balance, bugged sounds, ds and deadhard not working, phantom hits that aren't hits like when plague vomits on a survivor but they dont get sick, and bugs ingeneral should be more what we talk about imo before anything else.
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If you really want to get better, play the killer for awhile. Its the easiest way to learn their mechanics especially on killers with addons that can drastically change their gameplay.
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That’s more helpful than “git gud”.
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But it is the "gittin gud"
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But you told them partly how to “git gud”.
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So now they are becoming the "gittin gud"
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his slowdown add ons slow down gens by 6 seconds at best now after the nerf, just saying :)
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Freddy hitbox needs a nerf. But more importantly, Quintin needs a buff. Lol
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Yes let's nerf the killers that are actually fun to play so that killer mains who stay are just masochists who like the humiliation, while we're at let's make huntress axes slower and easier to dodge, nurse can only move with teleport, spirit cant hit for 3 seconds after leaving invis, oni can only get his power once a game, revert the freddy rework, make trappers bear traps bright pink, plagues vomit only makes the survivors annoyed and grossed out, make demos lunge slower than his walking speed, make it so that hag cant teleport to her traps, and take away docs static blast but not bring back his old aura insanity. While we're at it make it so exhaustion perks timers dont stop while running, bring back the old brand new parts and say ######### it make it so survivors never actually get sacrificed unless all 4 survivors get hooked. Sound good to you.
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Ghostface - the Weaker Myers, is not too strong.
Freddy - the most balanced killer in the game, is not too strong.
Hag - Now listen here, I know what you can do, and are getting away with it because not many people play you. Don't worry your secret is safe with me.