What killer should be nerfed next?

I was chatting with my friends and one mentioned they feel Freddy needs a nerf. I stated I thought billy and Freddy both, and possibly doctor now too. Who do you think needs to be nerfed a bit in the near future? Let’s make our voices heard so the nerfs will be more likely to happen.
The only nerf Freddy needs in my opinion is the oblivious change to be reverted
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I think that’s my top vote as well.
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I'm torn on Billy. On one hand, he's a great killer to go against, but I feel that at the same time, too many people just abuse the chainsaw to get a easy win. I have so much respect for Billys and Bubbas who don't 100% rely on chainsawing everyone. I feel like maybe if there was a slight impact to billys chainsaw, such as a cooldown, he'd be a little better. This is just an opinion. Feel like saying this is going to have many Billy mains hunt me down!
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Honestly, Legion. Such an OP killer, can just keep stabbing people and then they have to spend time off gens to mend, and gens already take so long. We should honestly nerf them. And Leatherface, an AoE oneshot down has no place in this game, he can get the whole team at once.
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Its been a longtime coming. He should have been hit before Spirit.
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Bubba for sure.
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Everyone, they are so unfun to go against
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Why are people saying Billy? He’s like the most balanced. 😐
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You got it all wrong! Let's nerf Nurse. She is still playable. Sluggish, but I still sometimes have to go against this OP killer. I don't want to learn mindgames against her, it's frustraiting game design. Please just nerf or delete her at this point. :(
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Billy with good addons slugging everyone is basically free auto wins. He can use his mobility and insta down way too much, the snowball is insane.
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Honestly just delete all Killers and replace them with "The Puppet". The Puppet has no attack and can't move, their power is that they pop up next to the survivor and make a loud noise. It's on a 10s cooldown and it goes in a rotation around the survivors. And it looks like a jack in the box. That way the game will finally be balanced and the poor poor survivors will be able to have fun in the game without the mean killers ruining it for them :(
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The add-ons are fine, insta billy i’ll agree is bs but everything is ok. For his insta down just be at loops or somewhere he can’t use his chainsaw and then force an M1 which gives you distance and forces him to be a normal killer. Mobility is good, if a survivor is good at chases then gens will still go by, just like any other killer.
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Of course he is. Billy and NOED, the two most balanced things in the entire game.
It’s Decisive strike that’s the problem! That 5 second stun really does make Billy, NOED, Iri heads, instasaw and moris look tame in comparison.
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This is either amazing bait billy is the most balanced killer in the game
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Then use one of the counters he has and loop him? Can’t use his chainsaw and snowball any differently than other killers then.
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Darn you’re right, getting to a loop and doing totems take way too much effort and too stressful.
Why you brought ds into this idk why but ok? Billy is fine, noed isn’t a problem if you do totems, Iri heads are dumb and insta saw is dumb as i’ve said.
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I mean, have you played against a Hillbilly with good addons? There's only so much you can do even at loops when they curve with insta saw.
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The whole point of this ######### game is to survive being killed by an abominable monster. Its not supposed to be easy to fix a gen. Its not supposed to be easy to escape an inescapable predator. ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Remember in the beginning, being hooked and sacrificed was a part of the experience. If its easy, its not thrilling, just a game of tag with digital characters.
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Yeah that perk that can be prevented from the get-go, right? Man if only there was a way to counter it- like Killers can counter decisive, right? Oh wait...
I'll agree that insta hatches are in need to be nerfed, but Billy and NOED are no where near a problem. His addons need to be looked at- but his base kit is fine and should be left alone.
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The only real issue with Billy is his addons. I think his base is fine.
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Some people just want to watch the world burn.
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No one as all the killers are fine
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If he can curve around loops then he's a goddamn good Billy and should be rewarded for his skill.
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And Billy doesnt need nerfing i beat billy all the time. The one i have a problem beating is ghostface due to his stealth. But ghostface is SUPPOSED to be stealthy suprise you. Thats what he did in the movies.
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None of em. Buff and rework a few, maybe tweak a perk here or there. But none of em.
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Imo if you're going to nerf any killer Hillbilly is the obvious choice now.
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Curving is skillful, sure. When paired with insta saw it becomes uncounterable bs.
(Saying this as a Billy main)
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I really hope this is a joke thread...
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Nerfing killers before fixing MM or Maps is just asinine at this point. Some people just love throwing gasoline on a dumpster fire it seems.
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IMO, killers actually need more buffs than nerfs. Thing is, you are not supposed to cry if you get sacrificed. The whole game goes around that idea. Escaping a trial should not be easy, as some1 already said. Nerfing even more the killers will make this game a, rather boring, looping and t-bagging simulator, making the game loose all its strengths, like the thrill in a chase or the idea that you will not make your way out this time
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Yeah because running around a huge map looking for 5 little totems and cleansing all of them to stop the killer from having godlike power is so much easier than.....simply not picking up the guy who got off the hook for 60 seconds just to avoid a 5 second stun lmao
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The thing is: It's a four vs. one scenario. Four people can go look for five totems hidden around the map. They have several tools to make it even easier to see them- like map addons and detective's hunch. As a Killer you have to wait 60 whole seconds after an unhook in which the survivor is free to do what ever he wants, since you can't do anything to him except mori him- and we know how survivors love that right? Now let's scale those 60 seconds up to how it would be ingame: 60 once unhooked, make it 240 for every one of the survivors side running the perk, make it 480 for two hook stages in which it can activate.
Seems like an awful long time. An awful long time in which a team of four people can easily cleanse five totems.
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Oh good call. I forgot about Ghostface. He needs a rework as well.
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Oh man, killer nerfs.
I can already envision the devs drooling at the thought of this.
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Good god all these entitled surv mains, not a single killer needs a nerf, this is brutal, half of the killers need a buff, this game is going to hell if more of this happens.
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My experience reading this thread...
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Or better yet, just don't target the guy who just got unhooked. Punish over-altruism.
Target the other guy and go for a snowball effect. This way you will NEVER have to worry about DS ever again.
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This isnt always easy the rescuing survivor is always further from the killer than the rescued. The unhooked survivor is always directly behind their savior if they run in the same direction.
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Oh yeah lemme swing for the unhooker.
The unhooked dude with BT on him bodyblocks
Well then.
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None? Billy is the definition of perfectly balanced at a base. He has great map pressure, can end chases quickly, but is still subjected to looping and other various counters that survivors have. The only problem is his addons. Arguably the same could be said for Freddy. And seriously, new Doc hasn't even been out a week yet and we want to nerf him?
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We need to need to nerf Clown, get rid of his annoying little bottles. Also nerf Trapper so you can escape his traps on the first try no matter the ad on. And Wraith also, let's remove his silent and wailing bell clappers and make him a more visible, like give him an aura when you are in his terror radius.
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i feel we should nerf nea, since SHE IS LITERALLY EVIL INCARNATE
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How about we stop changing the killers who have had their powers set in stone already. Survivors just can't handle going amazing any killer that has the SLIGHTEST chance of getting thou guys.
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Scariest killer in the game.
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All of them need to be nerfed. Each and every single one.
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All killers should just have their powers removed and only be allowed to m1 and chase without Bloodlust
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That could be something to work with