playing survivor with fast gens is so easy

you could waste every pallet you ever run to as a survivor, and 3 gens will get done by the time you get hit and you still have half the pallets lol. so many tool boxes and prove thyself cause its so quick.
Yeah it's fun to play as survivor and hold one button then get hit down with a skilled killer with noed.
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I tested it as a killer on Thompson House and this survivor was just literally running from pallet to pallet, throwing each one down and leaving. No mind games, nothing. And 4 gens had popped before I had gotten him lol. Maps are so bad. This ruin nerf came at a horrible time.
As survivor, I just sit on gens while one dude gets chased. Too easy. Too boring. Not fun to play either side anymore imo.
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I never said it was fun, its just really easy. I have been playing killer games all day, and have finally been doing a few survivor games, and omfg its so easy.
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The tryhard stress of most of my games today is finally gone, and i can just press m1 and space in peace while someone throws down pallets for a few mins so we can leave.
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A survivor ran from pallet to pallet dropping them when I got close when I was playing trapoer once. I was an m1 killer, my traps were across the map. End result: chase ended in less than a minute, 6 pallets gone, an entire side of the map a death sentence for the survivors permanently. Safe to assume it was an easy 4k with 2 gens still up after that.
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That's thanks in part to the 'rebalancing and distribution of pallets for safety yada, yada yada' they put out in the last patch, as well. Every map is frickin pallet town, and if there's a narrow corner, you can bet a pallet is just around it. Low to mid ranks don't always see them, but red ranks run them like old favorite track from Mario Cart. It's just gross and really annoying.
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I think you’re a killer pretending to be a survivor to bait a thread. You almost fooled me good you silly sally.
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If ruin is gone in a minute in most matches what difference does new ruin make vs old? Also, if you had old ruin, most people above a certain rank dont even get bothered by I really only seeing this as a noob stomping hex :x my ruin ALWAYS gets found within a minute to 2 minutes of a match. Sometimes before I can even down someone. Ruin is not and was not the saving grace of perks. It did little to nothing often, especially in high ranks. It was basically a bandaid to a grenade wound
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Do bones, problem solved
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So you chase a survivor from pallet to pallet to pallet to pallet to pallet while gens are popping all around you left and right....
Do you not see the problem there? Play smarter, not harder. You don’t NEED to chase one survivor until they’re down. That survivor will keep running from pallet to pallet because he knows where he has been and where he is going. He’s likely created a dead zone for you around a generator or two.
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If he made 6 pallets only last him a minute you found a big damn tater there.
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What is the point of this thread? To antagonize killers? To show-up that survivors are the 'power role'. In some games yes, gens go fast, killers don't get many hooks, and everyone escapes. In other games killers slow down gens, survivors get hooked left and right, and everyone gets sacrificed. Good for you if you are making it out every match.
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I'm saying survivor takes skill.
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Pffft, I'm a trash surv and I could make 6 pallets last longer against a trapless trapper. Did he pallet camp? I bet he pallet camped.
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How'd you know lol
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Because it's literally the only way you can waste 6 pallets in under a minute. 6 pallets should last you at minimum double that, depending on what tilesets they are. If it's like 2 safes and 4 unsafes it's about 2 minutes, and he probably had windows around as well.
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Yeah, it's a bad game.
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That's what killers are supposed to do, stop the survivors from doing gens. By chasing them, hitting them and hooking them.
What survivors are supposed to do, is gens, waste killers time, rescue and heal others.
There's plenty for survivors to do, when the killer is doing what they're supposed to do
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Even if ruin was gone first thing in the match it kept one person off a gen for a bit, whether it was to run around looking for it (potentially giving killers their first chase), cleansing it cause they spawned on it, whatever it may be. Ruin didn't always matter, but it did help, even for a few seconds, and seconds really matter as a killer. Everybody is looking at the ruin nerf and asking for it back. I don't even care to have it back. I want them to figure out a way to fix the reason everybody needed to run it. Killers didn't run it because it was a fun perk to use, but rather to help them slow down anybody they could so they could breathe at the beginning of the match lol.
And if they did the ruin nerf cause 80% of people used it then is there going to be a DS nerf next?
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I said t e s t e d it as killer and that's how braindead easy survivor is. He literally did nothing but got rewarded for it lol.
Why do killers have to pLaY sMaRtEr when survivors aren't even required to have a brain??
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This game is ded. Unless they to a major hotfix.
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They've messed with da several times. I'm not sure howd you nerf the ability further without making it useless. That's about the same line as any meta perk really. If we go by that logic, they'd start nerfing things like nurses calling and BBQ because 80% of people use them due to meta perks. Same as adrenaline and deadhard.