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General Discussions

Disappointed Killer

Hello DBD Community,

First off i would like to say that I love playing DBD. Ever since one of my friends introduced me to it in September 2018, I have put in 600 hours of play time. I play both survivor and killer evenly and I don’t really main anyone (maybe that’s my problem?).

I am currently a rank 9 Killer and after playing 10 terrible rounds in a row, I am left feeling so disappointed that now I don’t feel like playing anymore. This is largely due to the ranking issue. All 10 rounds were against red rank SWF. This is the breakdown of all 10 rounds.

Oni - 0K - Entity Displeased

Oni - 0K - Entity Displeased

Oni - 1K - Brutal Killer

Shape - 0K - Entity Displeased

Shape - 0K - Entity Displeased

Shape - 1K - Brutal Killer (still de-pipped)

Pig - 1K - Entity Displeased

Pig - 1K - Entity Displeased

Pig - 1K - Entity Displeased

Pig - 3K - Brutal Killer

These were of course not fun rounds to play. Each round it was incredibly hard to put pressure on gens because each time I chased someone the other three survivors were on gens. At this point, I feel like the only way I can win is to camp/tunnel and run NOED and from playing survivor I know how annoying that is.

Is anyone else having this problem?

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  • Member Posts: 7,318

    How do you know they were swf?

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    You can see it.

    It's highley possible if:

    -They all joining to the same time and show a similar skillset and have a similar behavior.

    -You see them always in the lobby with the other people they have last time played.

    -They are all on the same rank (+/- 1) and or have one rank 20-18 in it (you know, baby survivor caring so that he comes fast up to rank 1, only to face then rank 1 killers directly... I guess).

    If one or more of those points happen, you have either face a swf, or face one at the moment.

  • I would like to see how u play there loads of factors that go into your score but if u want to just practice and watch killers on YT or twitch and see how u can improve your gameplay

  • Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. The point of the post was too see if anyone else is having the same issue. I have actually recorded a few of these rounds to review to see how I can improve. I have also been watching TrU3Ta1ent, Otzdarva and a few other streamers for awhile now to see how they play and what perks they run.

  • Member Posts: 174

    You can look at their steam profiles, although alot have it set to private, you can see friends of those who don't.

  • Member Posts: 394

    Killer emblems need an overhaul. 3k-4k at red ranks can still be a depip or barely a safety pip depending on your build.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    Comon... How high is the chance that you see multiple times, the same people together?*

    The chance is imo higher to get hit by an asteroid, as that those guys are not a swf.

    Edit: *Without the reason for it that they are playing together.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Use hag

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    It's normal. The game is in such a bad state that it doesn't require a lot of skill from the survivors' side even against good killers. It's enough to focus on getting gens done.

    You are allowed to camp, tunnel, use NOED, use moris. You are allowed to play to win. It's not your job to be the fun provider for the survivors.

    And keep in mind: Don't force yourself to find fun in playing killer. If it gets too frustrating, play something else - be it survivor or another video game. Playing video games should be fun!

  • Member Posts: 251

    Yeah I swear il never get baby survivors playing at higher ranks then getting mad when they get matches with killers bringing their best builds and stuff

  • Member Posts: 5

    You killer mains are some the biggest cry babies I've ever seen.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Too true about the easy ranking. I always play solo, and I'm usually god awful in chases since I always panic run trying to find a vault or pallet, and I'm Rank 4 now. I shouldnt be rank 4 at all!

  • Member Posts: 142

    As far as I know the "all joining at the same time" thing is not accurate anymore. I think I read that for some months now the matchmaking works differently and first puts as many survivors together as possible before pushing them into a lobby with the killer?

    Also the official statistics they released at one point showed that SWF teams are quite rare.

    So I'm unsure about all these SWF statements that people keep bringing up.

  • Member Posts: 141

    They are all viable if you disregard tactics that are considered unfair. Regardless of the perks, most killers have no way of stopping a hooked survivor from being rescued if they choose to not camp. Only killers that can set traps can defend an unhooking. And every killer knows that a hooked survivor draws the others in. All most killers can do is camp or orbit a hook.and being that gen repair speed is increased, they cant afford to leave a hook unguarded.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    That can be. I have stop playing dbd for some weeks (that are not months, but maybe something had change in this time). Not because of the ruin changes, but I was bored and I really mean bored (nothing else - no anger or whatever), to face feeled always the same survivor perks and also rl stuff had come up and whenever those "evils" combine, aka. boredom and rl stuff, it is easy for you to lay your hands down^^.

    So maybe they have it made now more difficult for swfs to join a match.

    Still if you ever played against a really good swf, that sticks in your brain :). Feeling totaly outplayed by everything you have tryd... That is a bad feeling.

  • Member Posts: 82

    All killers are viable in the right hands. If you are getting throttled every single game using the same tactic, its time to explore other options. What may suck for some, others can be excellent at. Its part of learning the game, and having a group of friends to practice against in private matches is a great way to have everything available to throw at the wall and see what sticks.

  • Member Posts: 40

    No. every game I play as survivor or killer is an easy 4k.

    I hear killers complain and I'm so confused because in my world, the killers are so OP the game is a joke.

    So seeing this is so bizarre to me.

    I wonder if we're all separated into different versions of this game because the oni is particularly OP and I don't know how someone can play it and NOT get 4k.

    I don't assume it is that you're bad at it. Although, you tactics could factor in. if you chase someone for more than a minute, LET THEM GO. Hooks should be fast and easy. Wasting time in chase is how survivors get gens done. and you HAVE to separate the survivors. If they're on individual gens, none will get done. but NEVER pursue one survivor for more than actually I'll say 30 seconds. First hit SHOULD be upon discovery, second from a short chase. if you're just chasing someone, you're wasting your time.

    I seldom see survivors escape a match at all, so for me this is like an alternate reality.

    I guess you were getting well organized parties that did gens together. so be smart. run the legion perk that alerts you when two survivors are on the same gen.

    use perks that help your weakness.

    always BBQ and noed but your other two should be gen oriented.

    surveillance is a good one.

    you could run ruin.

    its so weird to me to hear this because everyone in my group is perpetually perplexed why the devs keep nerfing survivors when killers are so absurdly op.

    we go days without surviving a single round as survivor and all my killer rounds are 4k unless I let them go.

    maybe there are different versions of this game out there and different people connect. some killer strong, some survivor strong


  • Member Posts: 40

    I will acknowledge that since EGC destroyed the pig, you MIGHT not get 4k with her, but you'll definitely get two hooks each and their escape will be 50/50.

    you'll always get brutal killer.

    personally I don't care if they escape, as long as I get 30,000 base bp. BBQ doubles, survivor pudding doubles and I get 100,000bp per round.

    I get my pips so who cares if they live or die.

    but as survivor you're lucky to get 20,000 bp per round.

    its so lame.

    they said they were fixing it but as killer I get 100,000bp every round.

    as survivor I'm lucky to get 20,000

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Except, ya know, checking peoples friends list. If you see the other names, well, I'd ######### wager they're grouped together.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    You playing on switch or something?

    Even then, if you ACTUALLY 4k every killer game, how have you not learned what mistakes to avoid to the point that NONE of you EVER escape.

    At some point you have to look at yourself.

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