Hey! Stop playing the best you can!
DBD is the only game in the world where ppl ask the other part to "not play the best you can or you are toxic". And that happens from both sides, but Survivors are the worst about this.
Its like in a FPS you ask the other team to miss the shots so you can have fun. Or in a soccer game, ask the oponent not to kick too much to the goal. Even better, when you meet someone you'd like to hooked, you first introduce this person to your personal foe so he can have a chance to marry the person, instead of you.
Or, maybe, in a test for a work vacancy, you dont give your best to get the job so the others can have a better chance.
Its pathetic. If killers wanna camp, so camp. Wanna tunnel, so tunnel. Not even in one match I asked anything to a killer neither a survivor. Got camped? Live goes on. Tunneled? There will be a next match. I must Get Good, instead of complaining. As long as i can see expert survivors stalling the tunneling killer until gates open and he escapes.
So, instead of being a crying baby about how other manage to win a match, i rather get better and beat those killers, as much as "toxic" survivors.
The only real toxicity in this game are offenses after the match.
But... keep this mindset and go to a Olympic swimmer and explain to him that he must give the swimmers that dont have the same resources a good headstart, so they can get more chances do win...
Can I make this more clear? Just... ridiculous. Focus on being a good person after match, and during the match do everything you can to win. Its a game, dont get sad about harsh tatics. Learn to get better, or quit the game. But dont tell the other part that if he doesnt play by your rules, so he is "toxic".
And to finish this... a noob camping killer can destroy a strong SWF team. So, he must stop using his poor tatic cause the SWF dont know how to handle and beat a camper? Just... Get Good.
Meanwhile killers complain when survivors bring in good perks or items. Stop choosing sides and accept both sides are the same.
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Oh, please read again and you see Im talking about both sides.
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It's definitely not even close to being the only game where people do that. It happens in pretty much every online multiplayer game that people whine about certain tactics or builds being "toxic" just because they're strong.
But I do agree with the general sentiment.
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Yeah pretty much. Whenever I get salty messages on Xbox I just reply with a bunch of emojis to troll a lil bit
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Not really...
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Well, the sports examples and other games examples are not killer or survivor related, they show an usual behaviour of both sides.
This part implies im also talking about killers that complain: "instead of being a crying baby about how other manage to win a match, i rather get better and beat those killers, as much as "toxic" survivors".
But i see the text looks like sided. Its cause in my experienca as survivor and killer, up to this day, i never got a killer complaining about anything, while I get offenses almost daily from survivors. So I have more examples of that.
But I know killers cry about meta perks of survivors. Just never happened to me.
Those must also stop doing that and learn to play better.
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Yea I thought as much. Thanks for clarifying.
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Killers (in my experience) blame the perk not the survivor for being op, they usually dont blame a survivor for using said perk cause why wouldnt they, it's fun to win, but survivors will ######### and moan about tunneling, camping, op perks, and complain about the killer who uses said perks. Not all survivors do this maybe like 10%ish of the ones I play with/against, but there does seem to be a different attitude.
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Well said mate 👍
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Yes but all your references have rules within the game to promote fair and fun game play.
And I'd argue that camping and tunneling is not trying your best to win. It actually is limiting your growth as a killer and preventing one from learning how to track better and learn the skills to be a good killer.
Play how you want, I'm not arguing that. But let's not pretend that those strategies indeed involve low skill tactics.
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I agree 100% with this. I despise tunneling. To me, it's just desperation to earn a easy win. I've never resorted to tunneling, and never will. If I do hit a unhooked survivor, I always let them get picked up. If they win because I choose not to play dirty, so be it. I still got points, they got points. I'm tired of this sentiment that killers must win all the time, despite the fact they get pretty much double the BP per match, so who really wins in DbD?
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Right on! People need to play both sides so they can understand a bit more.
But I'm with you. I'd rather lose the match the tunnel someone out of the game.
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It's true.
They make the most effective way to win also be the least fun way. I'd like it if they changed it so those "unfun" strategies were not the most effective but alas that isn't where we are now.
I also don't mean make those "unfun" strategies less effective. They simply need to make the "more fun" strategies more effective to allow killers to choose them without knowing they are intentionally making the game harder for themselves.
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I only ever usually see that after a survivor accuses the Killer of something absurd like camping, tunneling, or using broken/boring builds. Then comes the lines "Coming from the one running DS", or "Coming from the one running Sprint Burst".
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My own experiences as survivor I get alot of excuses after the match from killers. Literally had a doctor complaining yesterday that if the game was still p2p he wouldn't of lost as if the survivors are now somehow the hosts.
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I don't agree that camping/tunneling (at least at their most extreme) are examples of playing optimally, but I do agree that many people feel entitled to getting a fun game from the other side. It's hard to understand the other side's perspective if you don't play both sides.
More people should play both sides, I think. Maybe take a break from your current side for a while and try to shoot for at least rank 10 on the other side.
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You absolutely was not talking about both sides lmao you got called out and panicked prime examples was "mainly survivor this" or "don't call out campers that" want to call out both sides then point it out you never once said stop being baby's about survivors perks or what items they take. Maybe just keep these thoughts to yourself next time yeah? Or cry about it in your next in-game chat on the real people who hurt your feelings
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They complain but the "rules" around them aren't as rigid as with Killer Perks, offerings and add-ons.
There is a blatant difference between the way players, and the community as a whole, views and reacts to Survivor and Killer perks (and other things).
Survivors perks, offerings and items are complained about and deemed "toxic" but are still used and accepted to be part of the experience of the current game. While, on the other hand, Killer perks, offerings and add-ons become basically "blacklisted" by the community if they are toxic or unfun and any one who uses them is demonized.
The main fact is is that there are 4 survivors and it is extremely rare for any of them to take the Killer's "side" in the end game chat. And this extends to the forums.
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Killers are far worse than survivors. Killers dont complain in the end game chat as much bc they risk arguing against 4 other players. Instead, they come here and the steam forums and ask everything a survivor has to be nerfed and threaten to ruin everyone's game when the game doesnt get balanced their way. Survivors are far less bias than killers. I read far more survivors who care for the well being of killers than I ever have seen from killers. Killers have aggressively pushed back on every single change from body blocking the basement stairs to face camping/blocking hook saves. They stand by the worst, unhealthy strats while many, many survs spoke out about their own side's issues and continue to do so. Any killer that doesnt agree with the mob mentality and says he does fine gets called a liar or "you're just playing against potatoes."
The, "I'm not bias disclaimer," was cute though.
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I've stopped playing. Does that help?
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BHVR had said in the past that knowing when to do what is important. Blindly camping is bad, yes. Blindly "tunneling" is bad, yes. But sometimes it is the best option.
Also, people seem to like to use tunneling to talk about trying to get rid of the weakest foe, but if I'm not mistaken it was meant to originally be more like specifically targeting a player. Like, you'll ignore the guy injured on death hook just to chase "JoeBob96" because you REALLY hate him.
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Im with you until OoO shows up. That person gets hard tunneled even if i lose the match lol
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In videogames, others call players "tryhards" and "sweaty" as an excuse to outplay them.
I can't think of a reason why playing really good is a bad thing.
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But one unpolite comment, all discussion is going fine. Its nice to see all sides of this situation.
I would like to say that english is not my first language, so sometimes I can be harsh talking cause I use the idiomatic expressations I can, and lose some subtle in my words, or make then more heavy than intended. But the idea is to keep the exchange of ideas as polite as possible.
Tks you all
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I mean, if you get all the kills or escaped, but your depiped and got barely any blood points, cause you used some toxic strat, did you even really win the game?
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Or worse, you didn't escape or get all the kills and you depiped and got barely any blood points, because you used a toxic strat that ruined someone (or everyone) else's enjoyment of them game.
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Yes I agree there is a time and place for these tactics. But I don't think is is the occasional opoortunistic use that people have a problem with.
It's when it is used all game. Game after game as the killers' primary strategy that many find unappealing and unfun.
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Those same survivors you speak so highly of also thought that the old exhaustion system was balanced, old 8 second self care, the old double window killer shack, pallet vacuums, old mettle of man, as well as the old BNP. Tell me more about how survivor players are perfect little cinnamon buns unlike the toxic killers. Accept the fact that OP was right, and (almost) everyone in this community complains when the opposition plays their best. This place is made up of the type of person that says a character is broken in a fighting game just because they suck at facing them. If survivors could choose the killers they faced, it would be a very short list. Survivors need to learn to treat killers like the opposition, instead of a ######### fun provider.
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While I agree with you I've learn that no matter what strategy you use, one of the four survivors is going to call it "unfun". The only strategy that some survivors enjoy involves them escaping 100% of the time. Maybe if I played wraith and just AFK'd in the basement I could give them the kind of match they want.
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Sweaty = playing better than me
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Nah, you'd find someone who would screech at you anyways, because they didn't know where you were to teabag you or whatnot.
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Most competitive games don't get boring for everyone when both sides are playing optimally though. The fact that this is a casual game makes it even worse.
I don't pick zoners in fighting games when I'm versing my buddies in a casual setting. When i'm playing competitively I might. DBD isn't competitive so I get where people are coming from. I don't complain about it too much because I don't take the game too seriously.
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You're right and i have your same opinion. A flashback came to me reading your post.
Once i joined some randoms in a kyf and i was about to take the part of the killer. Then i asked what rules there were. The rules for the killer were:
1 NO RUIN (pre-patch)
Well, i can play around the first rule, for the second rule i'm perfectly fine 'cause i never use noed and then i asked: what is tryhard? They responded with "trying to win at all costs"
Now, the only times when i tunnel or camp are when i'm badly losing, like all 4 survs are alive and all gens are done, but i consider tryharding a word invented by survivors who want to WIN and take it easy.
Sure, if in a match survivors are potatoes and after 10 minutes there are still 5 gens i'll play with them a lil' bit but i seriously don't understand the sense of using the word tryhard in normal games.
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As I've said before, I've seen far more survivors concerned over the health state of the game for everyone than I have seen from killers. Ive met many surv mains for years now. The game was extremely surv sided in the first couple years and killers have used that as an excuse to hold extreme bias views much later and continue to hold on to poor mechanics and still think they cant ever possibly have anything that's overpowered or broken on their side.