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When's that Hotfix coming?

Member Posts: 1,632

I have been missing my Freddy a lot. Like the delay on his snares isn't entirely life threatening, but like. I just want the smooth game-play and don't really want to play him till it's back. Just wondering when that hotfix is gonna be? What is wrong that is making the Delay?

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  • Member Posts: 7,161


  • Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2020

    Is that really a bug, though? Haven't played him since this patch, but even before there was a delay when hand animation finished and snare has been placed (cca 1 second). Now the hand animation end seems to be synced with the snare placement from what I have seen in some streamers' games.

    So the snare placement is the same only animation has changed.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    That's a bug. A "bug" is unintended behavior of a program/game. It is un-intended that his animation is not in sync with placing his snare. Set's my OCD off every time I see it.

    The good thing about it, is everything feels more fresh now that i'm not only running Freddy and am switching it up between Legion, Ghostface, and Clown.

  • Member Posts: 542

    It's a killer sided bug so i would say give them a few month's then they might get round to looking at it then another few to fix it.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Hopefully this week, fingers crossed.

    If its not this week it'll be next surely? Right? 🤔

    Guess time will tell

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    I saw a survivor moon walking last night though. I still don't know how to moonwalk, but with the updated - something or other - that supposedly makes it so you can't moonwalk. You still can. Or you have to do something different.

    I didn't know how to moonwalk before as survivor, and I don't know how to now, but I see people doing it. So there is faith.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    That updated movement that prevented moonwalking was just something they were testing on the PTB. It wasn't a part of the mid chapter patch.

  • Member Posts: 624

    I have hopes for tomorrow

  • Member Posts: 742

    Most likely tomorrow.

  • Member Posts: 142

    I was saying that it seemed like a bug before and now it seems to be fixed because now it's synced with the animation. It was not before - there was a delay since the animation end and actual pool placement.

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