Why are people acting like killers just suddenly got toxic after ruin nerf?


I see so many posts being like “ time to camp and bring out insidious bubba” or “ I’m going in with all the dirty perks I can to make survivors suffer”. Like, do they think this is new? I’ve played over a year and MOST killers used so called dirty builds loooong before the nerf, so what are they hoping to establish with these posts? We know, you love noed, sloppy, devour, and moris among many other so called op perks. This isn’t ground breaking, scary, or anything new from most of you. So I guess I’m just confused to why they’re acting like they’ve been playing fair or nice up to this point?


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Because in their head its true.

    How many times have you seen a killer literally sit around a hook all game then when someone calls them out post-game they say “who camped? Me? Never!”.

    People have always played dirty. At least now without Ruin they have less time to camp/tunnel one survivor. Lucky for them they still have Hex: Nobody needs skill to fall back on.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Both sides can be toxic. I'd say it's gotten worse since the Ruin nerf though.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    Kind of reminds me of that situation where Survivors felt the need to blow all of their insta meds, before they were taken, tweaked- but still second chances. Almost like they are being just, as riddiculous as these Killers now. Hm...

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    Was it not recently on another thread that you got on to me because you assumed I said people who needed ruin are bad? Yet here you are doing the same thing. And I for one care a lot about whether both sides have fun that's why I refuse to use thing like moris that pretty much shut the other side out of the game. Don't speak for the rest of us just because you don't care.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't remember that, and I personally care about the experience of the other players. I try not to kill survivors too fast, use moris, or use keys. I will use a bnp occassionally because I usually die anyways. I'm still a bit of a potato as survivor :p

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    There actually is a nice way to play. I've been thanked by survivors and told that my games were some of the most fun they'd had even though I'd killed them all simply because I never camped or tunneled.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Because in their head it's true.

    How many times have you seen a killer instantly walk away from hook, then someone in post game chat calls them a camper/tunneler because they walked back when they heard the immediate unhook.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Thank you. This is what I was referring to. The other night we played against the worst killers back to back, using every dirty tactic they could. We finally got a very good huntress who played “nice”. Still got 4K but I messaged them and thanked them for being a breath of fresh air.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    I hate these kinds of threads. I'm sure half the people here would look at 2016 DBD and say it's fine. Literally the only saving grace in this gane is that because of how braindead easy survivor is, most people play it brain off so Killers have a chance.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    If you play DBD long enough you should know that not every killer is toxic. There were lots of people who meme around etc or played very fair during the trial, giving hatch to last survivor etc... maybe those people do not want to play like that anymore.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    As for Killers being toxic. Well, point me to a Killer who gained a following for being "toxic". Cause I can point to several survivor content creators who were some of the biggest names in the community that got there through content of them being "toxic".

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Im pretty sure they mean that they won't be playing fair anymore in terms of granting survivor courtesy.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Ah yes the classic "killers bad" thread very original

  • HookCampingBubba
    HookCampingBubba Member Posts: 35

    Toxic killers? It's hard not to get frustrated when the very developer of the game shows their utter contempt for you routinely, and Survivor mains demand you placate their every need while teabagging you and DC'ing at the sight of mori. We're fed up with being treated like second class citizens.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Meh, my experience with ruin...it was found in a minute. If you look at my history and see a topic I created a while back. All killers told me not to rely on ruin. Then the second its nerfed they're the most hypocritical people acting like it was the wall stopping the game from breaking. The loudest wheel gets the oil. Ruin didnt make a difference then, it really doesnt make a difference now. Only difference now is you are forced to commit to a gen or it regresses so fast. I like new ruin better than old because it didnt bother people in lower ranks. People just like to whine

  • HookCampingBubba
    HookCampingBubba Member Posts: 35

    Completely ignorant to how many killers depended on Ruin to be viable, but continue to be a useful idiot for Survivor mains.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    As a survivor I didn't see many sweaty killers before ruin nerf, but now I do. Camping with Spirit even, when she is by far, the best killer in-game. Don't missunderstand me, camping is a strategy and stuff but I, as killer I never camped/ tunneled (unless survivors are trying to bother me) , never used ruin and still 4Ked against purple/red ranks.

    The main point is... Why do them act so sweaty like "ruin was neccesary to not play sweaty"? Or as some say "to be a nice killer" (meaning don´t use camp/tunnel strategies), when I and other people never used such tactics and never used ruin in the first place?

    Basically there are a lot of "bad killers" wich used ruin and they thought they were good and skilled when the truth is they lack of skill and they are angry because now they are refusing to see the reality, that their "skill" was not skill at all, the long the game last, the more the chances of winning a killer has, so basically those people didn't win by skill, they won because the match was long enough.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    There are a lot of people who are like this: The change of ruin puts bad killers in their place...

    That's not what ruin did before the change. It only bought time, not win games. Even then, there is no killer perk that really helps killers make up for mistakes. Not like survivor perks can, anyway...

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    They said you shouldn't rely on it, not that you shouldn't use it. All it was supposed to do was buy time for you to apply pressure to where you don't need it.

    But then they changed Ruin to a late game hex. Let that sink in.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    By all means then please elaborate. Because quite frankly I'm not the one getting extremely toxic over somebody else's point of view. You think a perk that lasts 1 minute most times is "viable"? If not doesnt even work on skilled players. I literally made a topic complaining about how my ruin always got found early and every other killer told me "dont rely on ruin" the big idiot here is you. If you have zero to contribute on this subject aside from salt, then be on your way.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2020

    I do not think that the new ruin should even be a hex park anymore I think it just needs to be a Built-in perk with a slightly lower regression penalty. Because at the moment even with the 200% penalty that it has, it's not nearly as useful as it can be and ruin still gets found fairly quickly in a match. I think either that or they need to make it so that you can start placing your own hex totems on the map because quite frankly they just get found way to quickly most of the time

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674
    edited January 2020

    Killers have been toxic before, you're not wrong. But i see tryhards with builds like the one below more often now since the change which is also why i decided to go back to low ranks. If you're curious... main reason everyone dc'd is because no one wants to deal with a tunnel mori when we didn't even bring anything except a medkit into the match. I'd understand if the killer would fight broken with broken (keys, toolboxes..) but thats not the case here.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Yes more killers have become more toxic recently. Yes they have started to use NOED, Mori's, and Camping more. If you think they behaved this bad before the recent patches, then you are either blind, or ignorant. I'll just toss it up your were too entitled of a survivor to notice the Killer playing in a way that gave you some form of Mercy. I know I have started to play more Toxic as killer since the Ruin nerf, as when Ruin worked it allowed me to play less stressful, and give survivors more of a fun game.

    After the change, now I just don't care about the survivors fun, and will use any means to get my 4k, and pip at the same time. It's funny to see the survivors get upset when you get the upper hand and start farming off the last 2 survivors till 1 dc's or they simply give up and suicide.

  • HookCampingBubba
    HookCampingBubba Member Posts: 35

    Learn how to protect it or put pressure appropriately. You sound very low IQ.

  • HookCampingBubba
    HookCampingBubba Member Posts: 35

    And I agree with the sentiment "don't rely on it" because you shouldn't. Old ruin would't do everything for you, it only worked if you had skill. Clearly you didn't.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    At the time? Hell no. I'm a bit more confident now where I run pop and overcharge and do just fine. Back then I protected it to a point I would sooner let a gen pop than leave ruin unattended. I had to get better though. To which I feel I have.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    In high ranks yes.

    In low ranks, in which the majority of the player base is, it was nothing that had anything to do with skill.

    Most of the time it was a safe 3k for the killer. Which is pretty much the reason why they changed it.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2020


    Its insane that Killers' perks are so heavily monitored by the community. Like "THESE perks are dirty/toxic and bad for Survivors so don't use them even if it makes your goal of Killing the survivors easier because it is unfair/not the right way to play."

    Very few Survivors adhere to a rigid set of rules. Most sure as hell don't care if a perk is considered "toxic" or "dirty". And while players complain about DS, one of the only "toxic" Survivor perks, no one is tell them they can't play it because it is "dirty" and the wrong way to play.

    Play how ever you want, with what ever perks you want. Stop trying to push this narrative of "these perks are blacklisted if you want to play fair and correctly."


    This community.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    People will use any excuse to justify playing scummy, they are just looking for attention because they won't normally stand out in a sea of mediocrity so they are seeking some kind of validation