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General Discussions

Get told to get better all the time

I'm a rank 7 that has recently decided to main clown, I constantly go up against mostly "Rank 4's" and kill them semi-consistently. This wasn't a problem until I hit rank 8-7. It doesn't matter if I win, It doesn't matter if I lose. I'm always told some variation of "Get better trash clown" or "God you suck, quit proxy camping." And every time I rebuke them with something like "I saw no one with BBQ so I knew they where all close." They DC, or call me trash again and DC.

Honestly just here to vent, I've stopped having fun in my matches and don't know where to go from here. There used to be an ######### once in a blue moon, mostly was nice folk. Now it just seems like I've entered the cesspool. I feel like I've finally seen what people mean when they say that DBD has a toxic community.

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  • Member Posts: 110

    In the same ballpark with ghostface. Purple/green.

    Just tonight. Running BBQ w/GF. All the gens done, 1k and throw 1 on the hook. With BBQ I see the 2 remaining survivors 99ing the both doors and dancing around them. I Mark both of them and they just run back and forth trying to bait me half way across the map. The only reason I can see them is because of GF's stalk. Eventually the hook guy dies.

    Post game "reported camper blah blah blah you're trash you'll never be a high rank". I'm human. Sometimes I forget the excerpt in "The survivors rulebook for killers" about hooking someone and then facing the corner on the other side of the map.

    I just laugh at them and sometimes I get mad, still human. I'm not playing by their made up rules so all three can teabag at the exit. I'm not playing in a style that is advantageous to my opponent and neither should you. I tell them next time bring BT like a good teammate and we can play trading hooks in the EGC. (Myers or GF for the one shot).

  • Member Posts: 110

    Also, take a break. De-rank at the turning of the month and then see how you feel. I have never played another game with so much salt and bitter behavior.

    DbD community is like the 4-chan of gaming communities.

  • Member Posts: 523
    edited January 2020

    Endgame Clown:

    "Blood Warden + Fire Up + No One Escapes Death + Rancor"

    One-shot Clown:

    "Haunted Grounds + Iron Maiden + Make Your Choice + No One Escapes Death"

    This is my current, and main build right now:

    "Corrupt Intervention + Discordance + Dying Light + Thanatophobia"

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    The thing I like about console is that if I get tired of all the trash talk, I can block survivors from talking to me and they KNOW they are blocked. This feature needs to be on PC too. I know you can close the abuse window but the survivors assume you read their hate.

  • Member Posts: 425

    Intensify stomach jiggle physics* joke aside dont let those comments get to you they happen.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Can Killers all just go on a strike and find another games to play until survivors get 30 min que time and realize how much this game is not enjoyable as killer?

    There are amazing games like LOL and DOTA2 or Rainbow six that have smart developers balancing necessary things step by step.

  • Member Posts: 523

    Whenever there is toxicity, I fight fire with fire... And I win, as they cannot handle the things I say - which shows them as a hypocrite.

    If they cannot handle offensive things... Yet they are able to harass you without issue makes them a hypocrite.

  • Member Posts: 40

    not seeing anyone with BBQ DOES NOT mean they're close. it means they're in lockers or running discordance.

    If you're camping hooks, that is a little shady. But as long as you don't tunnel unhooked survivors, you're ok

  • Member Posts: 40

    There might be a few whiners out there, but in my experience, no one minds dying in a fair game and MOST survivors only complain when a killer HAS resorted to shady behavior.

  • Member Posts: 40

    and about BBQ, most survivors know to run to a locker the second someone is downed and stay there till 7 seconds after hooking, so BBQ is more for points than seeing auras. MOST survivors evade aura sensing.

    it's not that they're near at all.

  • Member Posts: 394

    No, most survivors ######### if they die period. Very rarely do you get survivors gg'ing at end of game if they die.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I really wish this would happen. Might make the survivor mains realise the game is nothing without us letting them play. As much as they complain about everything, they'd soon quiet down when they can't play matches anymore!

  • Member Posts: 3

    Honestly this game is losing its fan base and appeal quickly. I mostly main survivors and killers but this game is massively balanced towards the killers. It's a complete drag being a survivor waiting for 30-44 minutes for a face camper or a try hard kill/survivor who tunnels you from the get go of the match.

    Iv decided to take a leave of DBD and I'm done buyimg for the time bieng


  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Lol "proxy camping "

    I'm laughing so hard

    Your not a camper

    But they have to call you something

    Hahahaha I take screenshots at great distances from the hook always and send them back.

    Or every chase is a tunnel

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    So survivor comments have made you not have fun in the game? Have you ever considered just hiding the chat...

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Never care for what these people say. They just want you to feel bad, perhaps because they lost to you and can't deal with it. Or because they have some mental health issues and have fun in trying to bully you and make you feel bad or something.

    I'm rank 1 and have had a few matches where I played one of the killers I'm not that good with in which people questioned my rank at the end. In the post game chat of one match where I played Spirit, one of them actually got really agressive and insulting, like he was trying to assert his dominance, because he won against me and wanted to make sure I knew that I sucked at the game. Even after I explained that I didn't play Spirit often, he kept trying to insult me, which made it obvious that his only goal was to try and bully me. Which is just laughable and embarassing.

    So never, ever take anything serious what these kind of weirdos say. And probably don't try and argument with reasoning, because these people either just try and ignore or don't have the brains to understand it. I never got mad during the post game chat with that one player, if anything just making fun of them. In a not insulting way. It seemed like he was the one who got upset at the end, ironically.

    I'm also pretty sure there are many more normal people than toxic people playing this game. It's just that it's the toxic people that we more likely remember.

  • Member Posts: 344

    Just remember that these people don't know you and you don't know them. They can't judge you solely based off of one experience and even if they want to try then you just have to remind yourself that their opinion means nothing. Trust me, halfway through the next game they'll forget all about the match they had with you and I recommend doing the same. It sucks to hear/read such negative talk but it doesn't hold any value unless you let it. Easier said then done but if its too hard to not take it to heart then I would just close chat or block messages. Life will be so much better.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Honestly this game is losing its fan base and appeal quickly. I mostly main survivors and killers but this game is massively balanced towards the killers. It's a complete drag being a survivor waiting for 30-44 minutes for a face camper or a try hard kill/survivor who tunnels you from the get go of the match. 

    Iv decided to take a leave of DBD and I'm done buyimg for the time bieng

    Why don’t you play killer since you seem to be an expert at how to do it.

  • Member Posts: 369

    all anti gen perks on your current build, says a lot about the state of the game

  • Member Posts: 21

    tbh, now just tunnel because the game is really hard to play when four survivors are alive especially when they swf.

  • Member Posts: 436

    If you can't ignore the jerks, just turn off chat. It's not like people are having meaningful discourses after their games. 99% of the post game chat is nothing more than ggs or people being jerks.

  • Member Posts: 523

    My build is subject to change; I necessary don't need anti-generator perks. It's what I wanted at the time.

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