Recent ruin nerfs made 70% of the killers unplayeable+ Rank system broken



  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    He literally used his power to assist in the first down and the second down was fully due to the spirit's power?

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    I wanted to edit and say that nvm I just watched it again lmao

    But yea.

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    I've played for almost 3 years survivor main for the first 2 and I have rarely seen it in the first 2 mins. Maybe a couple dozen of times and I was addicted to DBD Only seemed to happen when someone was not playing smart and trying to rescue before the killer leaves. Or on small maps.

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Is he though? He's one of my least played killers (he's only level 8 for reference) because I thought he was boring. He's super fun to me after the changes so I started playing him. People are almost always salty but with the matches I was playing yesterday as doctor, the salt levels were at maximum. Which I loved btw. 😂😂😂

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I've had some matches against very optimal SWF teams where the gens get done in the first 4 minutes and the game is over with not long after that. But it doesn't happen most games, and those are few and far in between. And usually when that happens and I actually take time to reflect on what went wrong, it can usually be traced back to a few mistakes I made on my part.

    1. Bad combination of perks and add-ons where I was trying a new build and either it doesn't have synergy, or I hadn't figured out how to make that build work yet.

    2. I tunneled at the beginning and got caught up in a chase too long. I.e. not really paying attention. It happens to everyone, even at high ranks. You play a few games getting back to back 4ks and then you start getting lazy or not playing optimally.

    3. Bad map to killer combo. Like I got a huge map on a slow killer and didn't focus on my objective of controlling one side of the map. Maybe I was trying to pressure the whole map instead of one side and playing to my strengths. Maybe I spent too much time trying to protect a totem or something.

    My point is, I 3-4k most games even at high rank without ruin or corrupt. The gen rush games are usually few and far in between, and most are due to my own personal mistakes in game. But mistakes happen, and you can't expect to be perfect every single game. I don't think gens are entirely responsible. Although I would like to see new objectives be introduced, I don't feel like it's current state is impossible to win at.

  • StingyJack
    StingyJack Member Posts: 12

    I mean, yes, that is when the game came out... but I have not had all of the DLC for nearly 3 years, nor have I had the rift passes or any cosmetics I've bought recently.

    I would not have spent money on these things if I knew this was coming.

    Now I'm stuck playing so that I can try and get my money out of the rift pass I just bought.

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78

    7k views. Wew, my post blew up. I'm glad all of you guys are debating.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    You can still get good results with other killers with the ruin change. Been making good use out of new ruin on Mikey and Legion and climbing ranks QUICK qith these 2 (I let my rank drop to about 10 before quickly going back to 3 within 2 nights).