Nerfing stronger killers and the Doctor

I keep seeing discussions pop up to nerf "x" killer and "the Doctor is too strong", this is my response to these discussions.

I really hope people realize that it's okay to have strong killers in the game, and not every killer that's better then average needs to be nerfed. Stronger killers like Billy, and Huntress are fine and don't need change due to Huntress's higher skilled play, and Billy's moderately skilled high-risk high-reward play style. Spirit's base kit is fine and her add-ons just need to be altered slightly. The only "stronger" killer that I can see be changed is Freddy, not because he is unfair or too strong, but similar to both the old doctor and old ruin, he benefits from a passive ability (dream state) that takes no skill to use, and seeing the trend the devs have been following I think they don't like that.

As for the Doctor I think he feels as strong as he does to most players right now because people don't know how to play against him yet, he is a killer that needs to be approached differently then most, and despite what people think he CAN be countered without the use of special perks like calm spirit. I think more people need to be aware of the fact that they can't start asking for nerfs the week a killer is released or a killer rework happens. Most killers need to be approached a certain way and it usually takes the player base a while to adjust and establish how to play effectively against that killer. The best example of this is the Plague, she DOMINATED the game when she was released, but a couple months after everyone figured out that if you don't cleanse she sucks ass.

That's my opinion, feel free to share your own, I'd love to hear it. I personally think the next few killer changes we will see are going to be buffs unless the devs tweak spirit's add-ons, because I really don't think the devs are brain dead enough to demolish another strong killer to the point of unplayability like Nurse, I think they learned from their mistakes.

TL;DR: Strong killers are okay and don't need to be nerfed at all. Doctor feels strong to most players because the general player base hasn't adjusted to him yet like many other killers on release.
