MMR system will fail because you can't measure skill in this game

there is so much RNG in this game that you wont be able to EFFECTIVELY measure skill.
measure skill through long chases? what about people who just camp every pallet EVER. and never loops
altruism? hooking in front of the killer, what if a killer camps?
escaping? hide all game and get the hatch
etc etc etc. there is to many factors and RNG element to this game in order for an MMR to actually work
Rng maps,rng loops all that effects a killers "skill" its totally at the mercy of rng as you are saying.
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The system can be done but they're going to need to cover all the possible outcomes in the match, like all aspects of a chase (total time chased, time between each dropped pallet because everyone can run to pallet for buying time), unhooks, the efficiency of this survivor in doing his objectives, items used (like keys, flashlights, medkits), how much he helped others survivors(protection hits, distraction, healing), there's so much variables to cover that looks Impossible to do, but they can with a lot of work and time.
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None of that really matters. You play enough games and the RNG balances out.
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None of that's necessary either. All they really need to do is decide on a win condition. With enough games, you'll end up at a decently accurate number.
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I agree this is an issue, but even this would even out over a large number of games to begin reflecting a given player's skill level, with regard to skill level of a killer. And this system is already tracking MMR as of today, so it should be a pretty large dataset for many players by the time the changes to matchmaking happen.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think this system will be perfect. A damn sight better than what we have, though.
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honestly, I can't say I believed too much in what they said about this legendary new system...
lots of words and then "we'll remove ability to see ranks of other players"
I.mean, it's pretty obvious that if it was meant to work, there would be no reason to hide other players ranks.
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Well, I'm pretty sure they will do this because devs are going to make this system in the "easy way", so obvious its gonna be an mess in the start..
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yep...that was a bit too much to bite :)
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what if you are found in a dead zone by a billy? and the game has just started
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It's not because it's the easy way, it's because it's the sensible way. There's no reason to come up with a convoluted system that's not going to measure skill any better than a simple win loss system. The convoluted system that's trying to measure multiple aspects of skill is what they use now. How's that working out?
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Who cares? One game doesn't matter at all. If that happened a thousand games in a row, it would be a problem for your MMR.
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Guys, they aren't fixing rank, they're bsing that they're changing it and at the same time going to hide it from each other so that everyone stops complaining and they can look like they did something to avoid the backlash that came out when they had planned on removing post game rank last update. They're removing information from us so we have one less thing to complain about.
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I see it exactly like that too
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This is what everyone is missing.
There are only an infinite number of variables possible if a win condition for each side isn't clearly stated.
If the devs do this first and then build the system around that, taking different aspects of that win condition into account then the system might actually work.
If they don't create a clearly defined win condition then their system will fail.
I'm interested to see how this pans out.
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A competent developer could do it. BHVR couldn’t handle a simple MM system based on simple rank. How is this supposed to work 😆
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What if the win condition is simply to pip? With the only difference being the backend number changes relative to the placement of your opponents they mentioned?
Example you pip but your opponents were below your mmr so you barely go up if at all in the back end. Opposite if they were above.
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o hey, I like your vids btw
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people find escaping winning, you can die and pip, you can also escape and not pip
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Without a better incentive, pipping will be a poor choice of a win condition. But for the sake of your example, we'll run with it.
Ok, so a few things we're not seeing here because we're just hypothesizing is how big of a difference are the skill numbers?
If you play this one match and the invisible score barely changes one way or the other, it's not really going to matter much after thousands of matches will it?
Similar to losing pips at rank 2. You lose them, but it's 1 match and it won't dictate your overall rank. If you play another match or two and gain those pips back then you're essentially at the same rank.
The numbers are going to be based off of all matches, not just the good and bad outliers.
How those numbers are gained and calculated is an important question to ask as well.
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we really just need to now based on what criteria the game marks as as good/bad so that we can play unto those 'objectives' and two - we need to know our standing on the 'leaderboard' yea - for bragging purposes and to know how much we need to improve etc. otherwise its a pointless exercise
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You've pretty much nailed why they shouldn't make anything visible. They want to try and match players that are evenly matched. If they tell you what the objectives are, you're going to change the way you play to min max your number.
If they just do something super simple like saying your number goes up if you escape or get three kills and goes down if you don't, people would freak out and complain incessantly about why that system is awful, but after a thousand games, your number is probably going to match you up with the right people.
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Remember Evolve? That game tried to implement a MMR system as well. Then it went free to play. Then it died.
DBD isn't nearly as complex as Evolve was and has entirely too much RNG for a MMR system to work. This is just a ploy to get rid of ranks and blame their infantile "MMR based matchmaking" when people inevitably complain about unbalanced matches. Sounds like a recipe for success.
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DOTA is far, far, far more complex and there are way more variables than in DBD. They use MMR and it does absolutely nothing to measure the skill of the players in each game, but it works as well as any system is going to work because you play enough games and the randomness does't matter. All they need is a simple win loss scenario and it'll work fine.
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Interesting that @ScottJund said the same example about spawning in a dead zone with Billy, along with everything else in your first post 🤔
Its all correct, but come on at least credit him and post his video. It’s very obvious you watched it and are just repeating everything he said as if it’s your own. Given that I recall you attacking him on here in the past, that’s pretty weak.
Post edited by Karl_Childers on0 -
I agree. the killers are so OP and so many are toxic on top of that, skill never enters the equation.
I just played a game. killer spawned right on me. I swear he hit me before I even started moving.
And I had some weird thing where my character couldn't run so he just hit me again and hooked me.
camped me, hit me coming off the hook, rehooked me, and camped so no one could take me off
Lost all tools, add-ons, offerings and didn't even play.
and that's a far too common occurrence
but you're wrong about one thing.
if someone hides all match and doesn't help or encounter the killer, they may escape but they'll get no devout, no boldness, no light bringer.
but lets be honest.
does skill ever factor in?
as a killer, Michael has add-ons so that he gets UNLIMITED one hit downing and can Mori people he hasn't even hit FOR THE ENTIRE GAME.
It's absurd.
I just played a match where he hadn't hit me once. I went to take a hit for someone else but oops
it wasn't a hit.
he morid my ass in midair. Healthy, unhooked. it's bullshit.
that doesn't take skill. just being within a ten foot range of a survivor and you Mori them.
this isn't a skill oriented game
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Escapes cannot be the win condition. You can easily not escape because your teammates were bad.
If you're a survivor that usually pips you do your part. Too much room for error on an escape win system. You could also do nothing all game and be carried to escapes.
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Dont believe a word of what you're saying