Killers are tunneling. Survivors are flying through gens. No one is having fun.

Devs really let the flood gates open by nerfing Ruin without fixing the underlying problem. I mostly play survivor, but play killer some too. The fun factor has been torpedoed on both sides. I hope it has been worth it in your quest for new survivor players, devs.



  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I've been doing okay without ruin, but I've had to stick to strong killers. I've even reached rank 1 again after the update. However today I had a match in which all gens were done in less than 4 minutes, no toolboxes, no PT, just one guy with resilience.

    I know I made a mistake at one point and started to chase one of the three survivors who were working on a gen instead of juggling all of them. I can admit I did a mistake there, but you won't believe how fast those gens popped after that mistake, it was insane.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited January 2020

    Every killer tonight has had the exact same tunneling playstyle and it's getting boring. 2 matches in and I'm already on to Kingdom Come: Deliverance instead.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    The game literally hasn’t changed for me at all. (Rank 1 survivor)

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Actually I only chased that survivor around a loop, because I got a free hit when I reached the gen they were working on. I know they finished the first gen in 30 seconds because three of them started working on the same gen when the match began, during those 30 seconds I found Claudette working on a gen, but I left her after the first gen popped because I wanted to find the other group of survivors. By the time I found them they had already done more than 50% of another gen.

    Three survivors can finish a gen in less than 30 seconds if they hit the great the skill checks. If they manage to stick together while you chase and hook one survivor all gens can get done in less than 5 minutes. The mistake was not chasing for too long, it was not juggling all of them to force them to split.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Started about October myself. Started fading away from the game because it’s repetitive asf.

    Join game, chase 1 survivor, 3 gens pop.

    Join game as a survivor (after 10 minute wait), we either knock out all gens quick asf without intent because my team never uses add ons or we get tunneled/camped (which idc about).

    Nothing changes in this game. You can play the same big ass map 10x over, try to play differently, but nothing changes the vibe without adding some refreshment. New game mode or some new objective.

  • artchavez312
    artchavez312 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2020

    I mostly play killer because it takes less time to join games and more fun.

    The devs are going to realize that ruin was a clutch perk for slow killers or killer who needed time to build up momentum. ( myers and trapper to name a few.)

    Generators get done to quickly and by the time you finish a chase you already heard at least 2 of them be completed.

    Perks like blood warden, corrupt intervention, hex: noed, thanatophobia( paired with bloody butcher) and thrilling tremors have to be used or else you lose away too quickly.

    ( the reason pop goes the weasle isn't here is because you can't use it on completed generators)

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    I agree with ya dude tunneling and camping in other words (guaranteeing your kill) is becoming more and more common im also noticing a spike in NOED not that it’s a big issue I just run small game but still the camping and tunneling is happening more killer mains can deny it all they want but I’ve seen a difference makes the game not fun it’s fun for the killer but not the survivor

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Gen rushing isn't fun for the killer. I think that's the point of OP. TBH camping is the only thing that bothers me about killers. Survivors however are terrible all around. I played a game where I was ghostface and I went straight to the basement and hid there the whole time. Survivors got down to one gen and a survivor enter the basement for the chest. I exposed them and got them on the hook. Next thing I know they single file entered the basement and I had them all on the hook. Afterwards they tried to tell me I was bad...... They had one gen left and instead of finishing it, they all came to me in the basement...I never left the basement. I get mad at killers more because I play swf more, I get way more crap from survivors no matter what.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    it’s fun for the killer but not the survivor

    I wouldn't say "fun", more like "more satisfying", because it's a compromise to a game going too quick with not return.

  • Ancille
    Ancille Member Posts: 37

    It's not fun though. It's boring as hell and not at all tense or exciting. Killers having to slug to slow down gens (which a lot of red rank killers did pre-ruin changes) while it's extremely effective, it's VERY unfun.

    The Ruin changes didnt technically change much game wise in red ranks as it was broken quickly/worked through. What is HAS changed is the emotional mindset of most players who play killer, as psychologically it feels as though they lost one of the only cards they had in their favor.

    90% of my games since the change have had a killer that either hard tunneled and/or had bare minimum 1 survivor slugged at all times. A lot of of matches on Lery's too, even w/o an offering for it. But that's aside from the point.

    Give us something else to do other than hold down M1/R1 etc. Give survivors the weakness to be afraid, but the power to help each other. Make more objectives for us to do, and have the game take longer so killers dont have to resort to hated (yet obviously effective) tactics to even have a shot at getting a 4k. Nerf Mori's. Nerf Keys.

    I love this game, but I also loved Deathgarden. I'll just leave that there.

  • Drak2005
    Drak2005 Member Posts: 23

    I enjoy playing both sides but I have never camp and I try not to tunnel but too many people do they get a penalty to one of there emblems but most of them don't care you get more bloodpoints by chasing more than one survivor but people don't care they think that them getting two kills is worth it but when they complain about not having the amount of bloodpoints they want it takes them longer to get them

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    Main problem is in game lenght. Gens can be done so incredibly fast that killers have literally no chance to hook all survivors 3 times so they prefer to ensure some kills by camping and tunneling which are however FULLY LEGIT. I admit that I do same because it is better to ensure at least some kill than no kill. There is really no time to 12 chases with unsure results (more chases if I count DS and BT meta). Im sure that killers will stop using these strategies if there is more time and objectives to do without fear of 5 minutes long games. Hex Ruin was tool to counter gen-rushing early and now when its destroyed killers have even less time to kill and taking new tactic.

    Killers are literally forced to play this way and punishing them for playing this way will be same like prohibit 2/3/4 survivors on single gen. Survivors has BT and DS as direct perks that prevent tunneling. Killers has almost nothing to slow down gen rushing because thana and dying light has so low numbers that there is barely noticeable difference.

    Solution is not in punishing players for playing unfun strategies but its in adding play time and fun objectives. Killers will not camp 15 minut long games but nowadays 5 minutes long games will.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It’s all placebo. Killers are tunnelling just as much as they did before Ruin was changed, I’ve noticed no difference in the frequency. The only thing that is different is that now killers are more likely to be punished by a genrush for doing it - which is how the game should be.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    You are really damn right and it help me now because I been doing that recently and I camp to beat and pissed ranks 1 from for salty.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I haven't had any problems aside from the SWF teams that try to unhook as soon as you walk away so I just hook, turn around and loop back and surprise! Someone going for the save. Usually get 3 kills because 4th is hatch camping and the 3rd purposely baits you to the other side of the map which I'm fine with 3 kills. But the after game chat is where the real fun begins, lol. Super toxic because their SWF bully tactics backfired miserably so you're the bad guy that sucks because they died, good times😂

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    The good SWF teams are the worst though. They actually do gens and bully you to the point of wanting to stop playing, lol

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183

    Quite a few of my friends have stopped playing because the state of the game is so bad right now. I hate it because I absolutely love this game and I want to see it do great, but I can't blame the ones who are leaving. The Ruin change came too early, and the changes that should have came with the Ruin nerf (toolboxes, maps, etc.) probably won't be here for at least another 6 months to a year.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Gens go slower overall when survivors stack on them if I'm not mistaken...

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    So it's like Tuesday?

    Like that whenever Ruin was usually destroyed in under 60 seconds anyway. Now they can actually look at the problem without having a perk band-aid things up.

    At least the really cheese tactics like camping is less likely to have enough time to get more than one victim.

    Survivors do fly through gens - besides there being nothing else to really do, a killer can snowball at any time, so not getting enough gens done at a good pace is an eventual death sentence. Why they are end up rushed. About the only kind of survivor that has the luxury of screwing around is the 4 person SWF.

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    I'm having loads of fun as both killer and survivor.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Im about done playing anything remotely fair with survivors. Getting full team body blocked on first hook the match of the first game of the day by an optimal swf while doing a daily on pig for chasing, enjoy your wait time on a new lobby because ######### that. Bubba's looking extra fine right now, especially when hes in brown sugar mode.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I'm having fun on both roles. (solo queue red ranks as well). Queue times seem faster after the ruin nerf for some reason, at least for me.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    In fact, second match of the day, same swf body blocked on first hook. Ditched that lobby aswell.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Body blocking only helps you. It literally is complete map pressure.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    First games of the day, im doing challenges or just going for straight bbq stacks. I dont care about winning them, but if I have to deal with ######### ill just find a new lobby.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited January 2020

    Okay. But in the end it once again helps your cause. Far easier to down them considering everyone would be injured. It also prolongs the match to allow you time to get your BBQ stacks. You're wanting to punish survivors for doing something that not only benefits you entirely, but also is hard to even pull off. People will complain about everything in this game.

  • nerdguy5
    nerdguy5 Member Posts: 52

    Maybe you aren’t having fun but I am, and seems like everyone else is. What I’m really sick of is players who come on here and CRY that it’s not “fair”! It’s a GAME! You try to kill, WE survivors as a collective try to survive. The game was introduced as 4 against 1... what exactly did you expect? Participation awards? Handicaps?

  • To be fair if you do that you get like no points and de-pip in red rank games lol.

    Doing generators doesn't give a lot of points, you have to heal and save people and break totems and search a chest, etc.... you could have someone do all 5 gens and get the lowest score on the team in the endgame lobby just because that is all they did.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Not anymore. Old ruin did a good job when more than one survivor tried to repair a gen. Now three survivors can repair a gen in less than 30 secondsfl from the start. All gens can get done in 5 minutes or less if three survivors manage to stick together and the killer doesn't juggle all of them to force them to split, which is something that high mobility killers and stealth killers allow you to do best.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    The more survivors that are on there, the higher the diminishing returns. More gens would go quicker if everyone was on their own gen.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    So, you didn't know three survivors can finish a gen in less than 30 seconds?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm pretty sure it takes over 30 seconds. 3 gens with one stacks: 80 sec. 3 gens with 3 stacks 90+ sec.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Actually, it's 33.33 seconds. Individual survivor efficiency is dropped to 80%.

    Those 3 survivors sticking together the whole time for 3 gens would have a total gen time of 99.99 seconds instead of all 3 just working on separate ones and doing it in 80.

    Plus, if you manage to interrupt them, now only 1 person is on a gen at most.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    It takes 33 seconds only if you don't hit any great skill checks. If the three survivors working on it hit the great skill checks it can take less than 30 seconds.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes but if the one stacks hit their checks it's less than 80 sec

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Don't really see your point here. It's still more effective to hit your greats on a gen by yourself like @Waffleyumboy said.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Buff nurse please. Give her another blink, remove the recharge mechanic (make it so one recharge gives u max blinks), remove her fatigue or increase her base speed to 4.4