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So is SWF becoming mandatory?/Will SWF always have a amazing advantage over solo?
With the new MMR system i definitely cant trust people i play with if it doesnt depend on my rank. (Then again at rank 5 on console you get potatoes anyway still). But my SWF i play with we all work really well together and i know they are around my skill level. Does this just give another advantage of SWF over solos? Edit:Another thing is probably on my own i wouldn't play as good (as is probably the same for anyone with coms vs without coms) so that just puts me higher in mmr because me and my swf just destroy killers then when im on my own i do decent.
SWF will always be stronger than solo. If they buff solo to the levels of SWF without implementing penalties to SWF or buffing killers, they only make SWF even stronger. BVHR refusing to implement voice chat for survivors and buffing killers to accommodate for voice chat makes it so much harder to balance a game when you have SWF's with access to voice chat.
But if survivors get voice chat, I sure as ######### want proximity chat as a killer.
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Yeah having those coms gives such a giant advantage so its pretty much guaranteed you'll place higher with even a decent swf.
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I strictly play solo at rank 1 and even with potato teammates you may die, but you can easily pip. SWF isn't even remotely close to mandatory. The current survivor pip system is even too easy in its current state. You barely have to do anything and you'll pip.
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Im talking about the new mmr system they are introducing where rank apparently doesn't matter?
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Even if it's the new MMR system it would still be putting you with people at a similar skill level.
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Yeah so like i was saying with my edit your mmr would be higher with a swf because of comms so lets say if you always played in a 4 man who had amazing synergy. Your mmr is amazing because you can get gens done unhook people keep the killer at bay ect. And whatever weaknesses you have the swf can mitigate that kinda easily. Then you play on your own without coms. Sure you still have that skill but what synergy you had with your swf wont help you in obviously the normal solo game with noone able to talk to eachother. Obviously you can do mediocre and still pip which is a problem in itself.
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Oh well that's an entirely different point and yeah I agree with you on the issue. I'm not saying their MMR system is a good idea, I actually think it's bad. There are quite a few issues with it and I don't think it would fit the game.
That said, even with the current ranking system you'd have the same issue. Playing SWF would boost you to a rank you may not be able to get to on your own and have the same thing happen.
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Maybe ill switch the title from "mandatory" to "will swf always have a amazing advantage over solo?" Which is a most likely yes.
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Oh yeah that's an entirely different question and I don't think a single person would say no.
It isn't even a small advantage, it's massive.
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Yeah ive seen more posts about this like "SWF needs to go"
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THIS is what I was talking on my topic about how this new system which aims for solo play skill doesn't work with groups since it's different. 👍️
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Then the opposite happens and you play solo get a decent mmr then just play with a swf and stomp on killers.
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SWF will always have an advantage over Solo until the dev's start implementing tools that give Solo's the option, and ability to have the same communication as SWF's do.
Like Voice Chat.
Proximity Voice Chat would be cool.
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For me, in dbd ranking are
- ) SWF with at least 2 decent survivor
- ) Top tier killer / SWF with 1 decent survivor and no potato / solo teaming with at least 3 decent survivor
- ) Mid or low tier killer / solo survivor team with all normal skill survivor
- ) solo survivor that team with potato survivor
And I would like developer to add in game chat / voice function to helping solo survivor as we know currently solo survivor are most difficult role to play in game. I believe it is not too hard to develop this feature and Dev somehow "Approve" SWF with voice comm are totally ok to exist.
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Yeah but on console and discord obviously still would be better since they wouldnt be talking on dbd then.