MMR Update is genuinely one of the worst updates I've ever seen

This is a difficult task in a game like Dead by Daylight, where both sides have different objectives and cannot be directly compared to one another.
This is a game dictated by RNG. This is just straight up fact that the game is not balanced. Only a braindead moron would think that this game is anywhere close to balanced, the thing is, we put up with it anyway because that's how the game should be.
Why oh why then do you devs think it's a good idea to implement a matchmaking system based on SKILL in a game where skill can be completely overshadowed by RNG.
Your skill rating will increase when you do well and decrease when you do poorly.
How? How can you possibly measure this.
Sometimes you get bad teammates
Sometimes you get a killer running insane addons, moris, etc.
Sometimes you get a bad map for killer
Sometimes you get a bad map for survivor
Sometimes the killer just decides to be a douche and tunnel the first guy down and murder them. Does that mean that survivor is bad? Of course not, it's out of their control!
And the list goes on
There are so many uncontrollable variables that happen in a game of Dead by Daylight, why the hell is a matchmaking system based on skill. Even worse still is that it's hidden! So we don't even know if the system is working or it's broken!
I sincerely hope the devs come out with some god tier matchmaking system when this comes out because just on paper this seems like easily the dumbest patch in Dead by Daylight history
What update? What am I missing??
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I agree with most of what you say - except for one thing. There is no bad map for survivor. There are only bad survivors.
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So if I slug everyone and let them bleed out, does that make me a “good player”?
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No, this displeases the entity. There's a challenge in the archive for killing survivors "by any means" but I let one bleed out and only got 3 out of 4 kills, so the game literally says "you didn't kill them, they just... died," To be fair, it's called "dying" status, not "going to be killed" status and I should have seen it coming lol
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Idk, I'd argue the game is a bad map for survivors if the killer is competent and running certain perks that are distance related. Hag+nurses could be brutal on the game.
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That makes no sense...a survivors chase time is entirely dependent on the map...
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It's easy to criticize, but do you have a better idea how to do matchmaking?
I guess, this would be only the beginning. As you pointed out correctly it depends on many things such as add-ons, maps, Mori, keys... but it is also possible to add such variables into the MMR algorithm if needed.
I believe we can agree that the current matchmaking is not good and needs to be changed.
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That's kinda insane as you actually haven't seen it yet
Only heard vagually what's it about
So many people are yelling doom and chaos again while having no idea what they are talking about
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I am pretty sure they said that this is still being worked on
For example, you mentioned powerful add-ons and Mori's, mori's can easily be fixed by making a safe change to the rating, preventing deduction to either side. OP add-ons are in requirement of balancing
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A skilled base ranking system is needed in this game. In the past I've supported that one be created. Implenting it is going to be a challenge and they will undoubtedly mess it up but is the direction they need to go.
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They're really going to have to give us a clear run down on what is considered good and bad with the new system.
but It's the Hidden part that really gets me, The only reason I can think of is that they don't want us to see if we get fair games or not.
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I mean they already tried that with the emblem system.
This would have to be the emblem system on crack, accounting for EVERY little possible play that could be made that would give a big impact in the match.
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I don´t think its necessarily bad, but I really dislike the fact that it is hidden. I mean, ranking up is often a good objective to have in the game, and if your rank (or in this case your mmr) is hidden, how do you keep track of your progress? What is my objective now, just play?
Don't get me wrong, I love playing the game, but I feel that you have to give people objectives instead of removing them.
Change it to mmr if you want but let me see my mmr, let me see if it gets higher or lower, and if possible let me see my team/opponent mmr as well.
EDIT: I now know that I will still be able to see my rank but I don't think it is good to hide your opponent/team rank...
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there is no update yet, as always the DBD community shows itself to be a low intellect drama queen type of people.
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You have to wonder how it will work with SWF as well. Will it go by the teams overall skill rating or the one with the highest? Who knows what it will do to the que times
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Emblem doesn't measure skill or performance. It messures what bhvr believes is the correct way of playing and how closely the player played towards that.
What I've asked for in the past is a Elo type system. In the short term the system won't amount to anything but the longer it stays in the more reasonable it will measure player skill.
Simply this game is too simplistic for any true ranking system. But the one it has now isn't good enough.
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The fact they say they that time and good connection is more important then fairness shows again how they have no commitment to balance at all.
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How would the MMR be measured? What counts as a win or a loss? If I carry the team and die at the end did I still lose? If I did nothing all game but escaped do I win?
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Yeah right. I'd love to see you make the kind of quality chase on Hawkins that you can on say the main building in Crotus or Grim Pantry.
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I think you are too pesimistic, I believe it is possible to create fair matchmaking system.
BUT you are right on 1 point.
If Skill Rating is hidden then we would never know if matchmaking is broken or working, because it will be invisible!
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Inaccuracy is going to be a given. Like I've said, this game is too simple. You can't rely on short term results but long term averages. Kills and survives. It is the only way. Survive against a killer and some of their Elo goes to you. Killer kills a survivor, some of that Elo goes to the killer. Over time it will level itself out and average out 💩 like keys and moris.
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I feel like they can make the system more accurate and just significantly reduce elo gained from killers who use mori's and from survivors who use keys (while also not heavily affecting the mori'd surv or key'd killer). I'd also like to see that happen to most addons as a whole. A huntress who uses 1 shot hatchets and a mori for the 4k shouldn't get the same amount of ELO as a addon-less clown who also 4ks.
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"have a better idea.. ?"
how about X hours played as survivor gets matched vs Y hours played as killer
and go from there
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I think what you’re overlooking is that these variables aren’t really variables since everyone is subject to them, especially over a large volume of games. More skilled players will find ways to win more games than less skilled players under the same conditions.
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Hawkins is extremely killer-sided.
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Anyone remember that leaked info that said they were going to hide ranks, and some people quickly jumped on people that referenced that, when it wasn't implemented on the test server? Well, here it is.
A hidden MMR system that will supposedly rank players better according to their skill. This makes the old rank system obsolete, so they are going to hide the ranks from the post game screen...just like that leaked info said. I'm sure that some will point out that they said they are considering removing them not that they will definitely, but come on. It is more than just a coincidence.
We are back to the same problem when we first heard about that. Matchmaking can remain broken, but we will not be able to see how bad. Even if they don't hide the actual ranks, the ranks themselves become meaningless, so it would have the same result. Players will have no way of determining if the matchmaking is working, or not. That is actually going to make the problem so much worse. At least if you do poorly in a match, there is some solace in knowing you were beat by players that were lower rank than you.
Hiding this information is just what people were concerned about when that leaked info was released. It means that we will have no idea whether the MM is working or not. Currently we can show screenshots of how bad it is, but after this goes into effect, we won't.
It seems clear that they are planning to speed up queue times at the expense of "fairness", and then they are going to hide just how unfair that it is, just as many people were afraid they were going to do. If it works, why hide it? Other games are transparent with their MMR system. You can't help but question their motives behind hiding it from us.
Btw, i find it funny that they said that they were going to leave the current ranking system in place (even if it isn't shown post-game), for bragging rights. What is there to brag about if the ranking system doesn't reflect skill?
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No, it will first be introduced to collect player data, but will not affect matchmaking. Once they are comfortable that it is working as intended, it will replace the current MM system. Could take weeks, or months, depending on how well the new system works and how much tweaking they will have to do.
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A journey of a thousand miles, my guy. Obviously it's not going to be perfect and judging by the various posts on the forums nothing is, nor ever will be perfect. At least they're trying to address the issue and that is far better than them devs disregarding it altogether.