Is this bannable through BHVR?

I play DBD on Playstation. Today I had the challenge "Kill 10 Survivors by any means necessary" and I've been working on it for about 20 minutes using Bubba. Anyway, my last match I had to secure 2 kills so I camped a David and then Mori'd a Nea I hooked earlier. The David felt a way and decided to send me messages clearly upset that I camped. It was all fair until he told me to [CENSORED] myself. I have censored screenshots here:
I know there are people that take this game seriously and others like me who play just to play and have fun but telling someone to [CENSORED] themselves is over the top. Now after this big dissertation, I'd like to know if this is able to be reported someway somehow to BHVR? I already reported this to PSN and got word that its been dealt with already but will that effect his access to DBD?
Thanks in advance.
Luckily it's not bannable! Keep camping to your hearts desire.
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@chase131119 Oh, I should've been a little more clear. What I meant is what he said able to be reported through BHVR as well and will it effect his access to playing?
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All theyregoing to do is suspend his messaging abilities for like 2 days
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No, because this is a playstation thing and not a bhvr thing. BHVR wouldn't ban them anyway, and his reports also mean nothing because the in-game reporting system is worthless.
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This is not reportable through the in game system however you can send a report to PlayStation if you want to.
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Ahem. I guess that is one way to find out if you are facing a SWF....
That's bannable (what he said.) I'm sorry you had to go through that. That wasn't right at all. You played a way that is allowed. And It's a shame people get so upset and can't just move on. Hopefully you reported them in game (Not really sure how PlayStation works to be honest). You can ALSO send in an additional ticket. Maybe it gets looked at sooner? I'm not sure. But definitely report.
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Thank you. 💜
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Don't report anything that happens outside of DbD to the support team. You will have to report it to the respective party at hand, which is Sony. They deal with chat offences for the PS network.
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Actually the PS4 in-game report system is pretty worthless. 🤷
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Or a month. Depends on who looks at it.
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Ive said worse and only got 2 days lol
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It sucks that you had to deal with that- personally I try not to camp or mori, but for the Rift thats as good a reason as any (especially if you're playing Bubba at high ranks). Hopefully you don't get anymore toxic people.
Side note: Your PSN uername is my Minecraft username. Mei is bae <3
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Thanks for kind words 💜
And yes she is, I love her so much. Its an obsession 😂 Cool to know someone likes her as well, I usually run into people that absolutely hate her.
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If you use the PS report feature, they will warn him. I believe it's 3 strikes and you're temp banned. If a player doesn't change after temp ban, they get perma ban
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Honestly just turn off your messaging off on psn you v will be allot happier playing killer. I had v someone say they v where going to burn down my house with me inside
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Sadly stuff said outside of of DBD isn't bankable for the game itself, but they can get in trouble on PlayStation for their harsh comments. The best thing you can do is report the chat and PlayStation will review it and notify you with what action that had taken
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It's really disgusting that people can tell someone to ######### because,,Internet is protecting them".
In lol for example someone really did after message like that. I know most of people don't care,but there are some who care,and I hope most of platforms/games will treat start this kind of things seriosuly.
Also I hope he'll get punished for that.
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Justifying his actions, got it.
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No need to apologize, I appreciate it though. On the other hand, I wasn’t playing to ruin someone elses fun. I’m sure I stated above that I had a Killer challenge to “Kill 10 Survivors” by any means necessary. I’m not a great Killer so I camped the David to ensure I got at least one kill. I don’t camp unless I need to but even if I did, or if any Killer does, nobody deserves to be told to [CENSORED] themselves. It should never be pushed that far over a game.
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I understand where you’re coming from, I really do. I just can’t consider someones feelings that resorts to saying these types of things to people. Thats the lowest of low type of a person, irregardless of the excuse of “passionate outburst”. There are people who struggle with their mental health everyday, imagine what saying something like this to them can do? All because you’re upset off of ONE match. We can agree to disagree my friend, we have two different outlooks on this type of behavior.
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@DudeDelicious Also I forgot to respond to this specific part: “A survivor in that circumstance is unlikely to be sympathetic that you’re just trying to complete a challenge”
Does that make it okay for Killers to be unlikely to be sympathetic that they’re camping the Survivor? Seems like fair game don’t ya think?
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Disable messaging on your PS4 from non-friends and carry on as you were.
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Already done but thanks for the late advice.