How do you expect MMR to work with swf?

MMR is more of a players individual skill yet thats harder to determine in this game with swf as one person can just distract the killer or they can gen rush thanks to coms. Like obviously players play better when they have coms and are in a swf. So would their MMR be higher thanks to swf then if they go to play solo they get ranked against a killer who would be able to handle the swf group and the survivor gets absolutely destroyed? Edit:Also what if the mmr goes by the person individually in solo then they go into a swf and just stomp on killers?
Don't ask questions that make sense.
This is BHVR. They have zero forethought most of the time.
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Hopefully the average. Making it highest breaks matchmaking as demonstrated by all dbd players.
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What does this whole "MMR" matchmaking mean? Im sorry, I have no idea
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how would that work if you have one person whos like the worst player and then someone else whos like rank 1?
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They'd get like a rank 9-10. Something wrong with that?
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matching making rank ♥
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well theyd get whatever the mmr average is which might not be a rank 9-10 but i guess thats fine unless the rank 9-10 cant seem to kill the rank 1.
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Yes but they could kill the rank 20 easily. Balance.
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unless the rank 20 purposely threw to get his mmr low (Another thing thats abused in other games like overwatch along with smurfing)
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Silly of you to assume the new mmr system is going to work period.
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If the implementation of SWF following their highest ranking member is something that they liked, it would stand to reason they'd do the same for the skill level: Whoever has the highest skill determines the matchmaking for that SWF group.
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You get hammered 20 games in a row just to win maybe 5 games? Yea that could be a problem.
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well idk how the mmr system will work in this game obviously im just hoping it doesnt fall to the abuse other games have.
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Waiting for any devs to show up and explain how the unfair God mode will be addressed....
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@Peanits you have any idea of how MMR will work with Swf?
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All I know is anything other than the average ruins queue times. We can only hope the devs make a good mmr.
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It makes sence that having friends makes you the best of the best players there is unlike those solo players that can't even communicate telepathically like a hivemind . . . doesn't it ?
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Probably the same way as it's supposed to work with rank at the moment - use the "best"/highest/whatever value in the party for matchmaking purposes.
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Great question and one of the things which needs to be addressed.