Why do people disconnect or quit a game just to keep their ranks?

Why not take the ranks away no matter if it true that their internet connection or if they quit the game on purpose?


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's more they do it to screw over the killer. If people DC, the killer pretty much loses a fair amount of chance to even earn a safety pip. I had a match just now as Doctor where 2 survivors quit the second they realised it was a Doctor, and I basically had to try farm 2 remaining survivors just to barely hit safety. I let them win, because these random DC's are getting ridiculous!

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    I say if that was the case then they shouldnt just lose their points they should lose their rank as well, and the ones that stay in the game gets 25% more blood points for each disconnected player. Why cant they do that for punshment and rewards no matter if its connection issues or they quit the game on purpose?

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    People derank on purpose for easier games or will dc to stay at a certain rank, to ensure the games never too challenging. I see it all the time on both sides.

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    That no fun. So is it safe to say those people just want to use that as a way to cheat the gams design. Oh and i know why players play with players that are new or low rank just so they can see who the killer is. Why not just tak that out regardless, its no fun to know who the killer is

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    All four of us survivors made it to the gate, and as soon as we opened it, the killer disconnected.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    You depip i you dc as killer. Hell you depip if survivors dc on you and you dont farm the remaining survivors for emblems points rather than just murdering them. Killers can depip or barely safety pip on 4k's with deaths on first hook while not camping.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    They lose their ranks. People DC to make the other side depip or fail their challenge.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Reasons for DCing or suicide:

    Play against same killer to many times (currently doctor is this one).

    Killer blantly tunneling and camping.

    Bad host connection and rubberbanding.


    Did I miss anything? I feel like I covered all of it.

  • RipperShark
    RipperShark Member Posts: 17

    I DC’d today because a Demodog slugged all four of us and was going to let us all bleed out instead of hooking us. Sorry, don’t have time for that nonsense.

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    I can understand where your coming from Rippershark but that doesn't happen all the time, but i have played as the killer and came across the same team 2 sometimes and the same two people disconnects right after i hooked them for the 3rd time i dont camp and i dont tunnel people its only when i go to hook players for their 3rd time that they do this then they message me calling me a camper and a tunneler but when i send them a video of my game play because im trying to set up a YouTube channel they have nothing else to say i record all my game play just to show my friends and family and to have proof that i don't cheat or use the perks that are toxic

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    Do they really lose their rank or is it that they only the bp and the marks to their next rank, because i read that they will only lose their blood points and the macks that they have but will not go below their rank that they are currently on

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    I had a guy play toxic af and then waited til he was about to be hooked his last time to Dc. He sends me a message saying no Adept for you. Sucks for him tho cause i got my adept.

  • FrankSRfromIT
    FrankSRfromIT Member Posts: 59

    One of my biggest pet peeves with this game. I hate when people DC, especially when you are going to hook them for the third time without camping, or tunneling them. Happens about every 4 or 5 games for me. As a Killer I don't DC when they pop the 5th generator.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    They lose 2 pips. So if they do it alot or if they're close to losing a rank, they will derank.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    if you care about your rank then you have other issues. I DC if the game is/going to be ######### IE; Huntress on Haddonfield or Cowshed

    even a monkey could get to red ranks

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I don't understand what they gain from this personally. They literally sacrafice a match worth of points, just because they're losing. But if a killer does it cause they're losing, they're the ones in the wrong. Man, I don't understand people anymore!

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    That what im talking about they keep their rank and only lose the blood point for that match and 2 pips but if they only have one pip they just lose that but thats it with no decrease to rank.

  • Jay1987
    Jay1987 Member Posts: 10

    I have a question for you, do you not like a challenge or do you think playing a game should be so easy that a dog or cat can just knock the controller around in a pvp game and be at the top of the leaderboards?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Cowshed, which with even somewhat poor RNG can easily have safe, un-mindgameable loops all connected around the border of the map, not to mention how safe the barn is, all while playing as a 110% killer, im good

    the ones with the long cart thing and pallet are the worst

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Automatic De-pip, and total loss of all bp points gained that match - if you willingly dc, so it's not to "keep their rank", when you basically have 5 free dc's every 3 games played, I can see why people DC so often.

    Primarily it's used to force the Killer to de-pip, because they won't collect the points to hook you, and sac you.