About the Upcoming Matchmaking System
If the Emblem system attempted to address the 'Rank/Skill' correlation and failed, why would the MMR system do any better in addressing this newly formed 'Ratings/Skill' correlation?
If the Emblem system couldn't figure out exactly what type of requirements/conditions define 'skill' in DBD (rather than the amount of time played), why would this new MMR system be able to define 'skill' in DBD any better (rather than the time played)?
In fact, Emblem system offset some of the problems of 'indicative of time played rather than skill' by requiring multiple 'pips' to gain just one rank. So even if you are able to 'luckily' pip in one match, you wouldn't necessarily have immediately ranked up. Yes, it's still indicative of time, but didn't affect you per match. However, this new MMR system would seemingly continually rate players per match basis, thereby 'luck' having a more involved role than 'skill' in its matchmaking.
I guess my question is, how is BHVR defining skill? What exactly constitutes 'skill' in DBD? Is their definition of skill 'team-based', in which what other survivors do affect your rating (and vice versa) or 'individual-based', in which only your own action matters? Moreover, in a game in which the developers are afraid to even clearly define "winning," how can they even state, "your rating will increase... if you win and drop... if you lose"?
What they have so far presented to us is very vague and unsettling, and doesn't seem to solve any of the issues that already plague the current matchmaking (e.g. - 1. purposefully deranking, 2. not pipping/ranking up due to not having the opportunity to display one's own skill, 3. varied SWF, etc.) What exactly is this new system trying to accomplish that they are unable to currently?
I’ve said many times in these forums and I still say ranks need done away with completely. The matchmaker never works right anyway and every time they jack around with it you spend 45 minutes trying to get in a match. Just forget the ranks and let everybody play and things will go a lot smoother.