Dev's Say They Expect Generators Not To Last In The First 4 Minutes



  • Feck3
    Feck3 Member Posts: 15

    Y'all all complain too much on both sides and there's no need for the foul language just play the game Jesus

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    I use source, unity, and unreal. Oh and creation engine. But dnf with that mess

    Unity is the absolute worst for map design/work. Source is my favorite but unreal is the easiest.

    Making maps in unreal takes no time once I've drawn them and designed them on paper. I've made the same level in all three engines once. Unreal was easiest/fastest to make. Source was least head scratching and unity took way too long.

    Unreal map making is literally tile based drag and drop at the most basic level. This is great when using it at high level too. Need to fix a window? It takes minutes.

    The issue comes down to their rng spawn system. Since none of us have that we can't comment on that.

  • NagaPLZ
    NagaPLZ Member Posts: 1

    Devs need to be more creative and add new components to the game. I understand that there is already a foundation to the game, so theres only so much they can change. A rework is a huge waste of time, maps are very good overall except for Shelter Woods. Players are leaving fast, and queue times are horrible. What devs need to do is add a new twist to gen repair to help gen rush and counter totems. This is just an example, but there is so many options to play around with to make things much more interesting on both sides. For instance, randomized "status effects"


    Increased killer speed +3%

    Decreased survivor speed 5%

    Decreased repair speed 15-20%

    Pallets disappear or disabled

    Hex Ruin


    Killer hook = 15% gen regression to all genes

    OR Whatever your imagination can come up with

    Different penalties happen during the trial in time segments at random, but killer can select out of a pool of say 20 status effects for match or randomly generated. If survivor finds the correct totem, they can break the status effect immediately. For example, match begins we start with Exposed for 60 seconds, then 60 second break, then another status effect hits until end of trial or EGC. It doesnt have to be exact, but as a survivor we need more pressure on us and to make it more exciting. Those status effects should not be revealed to survivors until one gets hit (ie exposed). Or we can even stack two status effects in that time period, possibilities are endless. Obviously survivors will need some changes as well, but it can be perfected and tweaked. IMO a rework isn't going to fix things long term, people will continue to get tired of fixing gens with nothing refreshing added to the gameplay. I hope this will spark something new as I really love this game even with all of its faults.

  • We should add 1 more gen requirement to the big maps. Instead of repairing 5, you need to repair 6.

  • Ol_Philly_Six
    Ol_Philly_Six Member Posts: 35

    "despite not having any programming knowledge"... So what you're saying is you are talking out of your [BAD WORD], and have admitted to having no idea what you're talking about?? Cool, thanks for clearing that up.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2020

    Programming has nothing to do with map making in ue.

    You need to know 0 coding to make maps. Most level designers can't code but instead script. That's just for sequencing the levels which dbd doesn't have.

    Dbd maps are basic maps sans the rng aspect. If not for the rng you could make and pop out a dbd map in no time once the design was finished because there's no sequences past spawn. It's basically like a killing floor map, at least gameplay wise. Spawn and play. It's not like say fallout with scripts, quests,etc... Where the level designers have to make the levels and then script in all the quests

    Here's a general overview of game dev:

    Level designers draw up maps and make them. They then give them to artist to finish up with assets. Then they will script in what needs to be scripted in. Enemies? Them. Loot drop like xeno blade chronicles? Them. Quests? Them. Anything to do with the level or the map they do.

    Artist- make art and put it in the game and test it out. Many projects I've worked on they've never done past this but I do know artists at AAA studios who double up on jobs.

    In general they design the look, feel, world etc. Art stuff

    Programmers: we get yelled at for every little thing. Our job is the math, functions, back end, and all that jazz. However, there are multiple types of programmers. For instance a bug fixer, my usual job, fixes bugs. I'm good at isolating and fixing others people's code. I struggle at making code from scratch. Which is funny because I do that a lot these days.

    Network coders do just that. Network black magic. These guys are crazy and a gift from God.

    Engine coders make, fix, and do whatever to the engine. It's a really fun job with tons of physics and math. But they get the game running then keep it running when the rest add and break stuff.

    These are the three basic groups of game dev and their general roles.

    I wanted to stress coders because everyone thinks we do it all when there are specialised coders for each thing.

    DBDSM Member Posts: 134

    I've got a Ruin rework that might solve the early game issues while also allowing Survivors more control over how quickly the penalty is eliminated. I think it's pretty fair for both roles. I calculated the number of totems wrong but it still works.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I work in programming and balancing video games, does that count?

  • Ol_Philly_Six
    Ol_Philly_Six Member Posts: 35

    So you do have knowledge of programming?? And thus, aren't talking out your ass?? For future reference, if you're trying to get a point across, and know what you're talking about, maybe don't say that you don't know what you're talking about?? Just a thought.

    Well yeah, obviously... The guy said "despite not having any programming knowledge" so I was calling them out on talking about something they don't understand, then they began talking about how theye actually do understand a fair bit. If it's your job, then I would assume/hope that you do have some knowledge on the subject. These forums are full of people talking [BAD WORD], so I thought they were one of them because they said that they were, what a fool I am...

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    I literall didnt say one thing about killer beleiving their priveleged. As a matter of fact i made it clear repeatedly that killers feel underpowered even though there not. How can someone spell out that killers dont have it that bad and then the first thing you jump into the answers with is a deliberate misconception and exaggeration. You know. How can you read something. And then run as fast as you can to prove it right.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Its important to stay hydrated. Dont wanna get dehydrated from all the salt in this game.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited January 2020

    You deserve to have your account reset with that Mori-insidious combo you got there, you're lucky it stopped at a depip :^)

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Idk what you're talking about - that right there is top tier gaming :^)

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Who cares about gatekeeper, you should care about fun for both sides in terms of gameplay, which you didn't with your dumb nerfs

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    1st... massive paragraph, should probably break that up so more people will read it.

    2nd... all I see is survivor bias and overconfidence with a very vocal minority of that subset. In turn, you are making survivors look bad too by overgeneralizing, stereotyping all of us as the exact same.

    3rd... you have some good points about balance, but it's all hurt by your utter contempt of killer players.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2020

    To bad i dont have any contempt. I just disagree. Kinda ironic im being called bias and overconfidence. I literally played all weekend and every single game had a minimum of two kills and those were rare. Mostly 3 and 4 Ks. Playing both sides. And i literally used a lvl 1 bbq on myers at rank 10 (havent been able to play to much since reset) and while context certainly is relevant and not all stereotypes are true, my 10 year minorly mentally challenge sister understands that concept. You are not special for recognizing that.

    Still not seeing any points for killer side, still aimlessly being toxic which is as you said "me stereotyping you incorrectly" and "overgeneralizing" and i really wanna hear your opinions on how an average of 3 kills a game at rank 10 with one lvl 1 perk against some games that probably had swfs is unfair play. Im not exactly top lvl but its not like i havent been there. ALL weekend. Average of 3ks (most of the 2ks were me playing as killer) i want you too look at my sample of playing from rank 12 to rank 10 for an entire weekend against some games that probably had swf (the mortal unbeatable weakness of all killers) and tell me that averaging 3 kills in almost all of them is a survivor weighted game. You can keep saying that im hateful and filled with hate. But no matter how much you say it, to no surprise, its still isnt true. I dont hate you or any killer main, im legitamently just asking for type of consistent evidence. The last data released by behavior showed every killer but nurse averaging between two to three kills each game, with freddy getting MOSTLY getting 3ks at the top of the food chain. How in the face of those statistics can killer mains still say this is survivor biased game. Both mine and behaviors.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    ''Killers are always b*tching about this and that.'' You are just generalizing all killer players as whiners... which is more what survivors did with Nurse (her addons did need a change, but not her base... especially with how they didn't check how she would work on console first).

    ''But God, the literal, not even an exaggeration, unending aimless pointless b*tch that survivors are just privileged.'' You are pointing out an argument that is common to hear: That those who only play survivor feel like they deserve an escape... have you listened to survivor mains? I've received lots of salty messages that reinforce that claim. Killer mains have a similar problem with 4ks, but that's less justified based on current mechanics. You don't provide evidence with how it's wrong. If you listed a person who said that, and said it was wrong, you wouldn't need proof, but since you didn't specify anyone, you have the burden of proof to find evidence of your claim. How are survivors not priviliged? They have many perks to give second chances, and exhaustion perks extend chases (and for killers, time is everything).

    ''This is how killer mains look to the rest of the world.'' It's really not. This is not public opinion, with most killers giving good suggestions to issues/balance. Not just on the forums, but other methods of communication (xbox live, youtube vids/comments, etc.). If you do not see them, then you must not have been paying attention or sticking to very specific subjects.

    And Survivors are catered to. Ruin was changed because it frustrating for survivors, Doc was changed to make it less frustrating for survivors (the actual word they used in the patch notes)... Nurse was changed because of survivor pressure, same with Spirit. Pig was nerfed 8 times in a row without anyone from the dev team mentioning how they'd give something to Pig...

    If you don't see the symptoms of the problem, then you'll never be able to see the problem. And the toolbox nerf will not fix the main issue which is default gen times/map size.