To punish those who genrush all welcome to read.

Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I just had a match were I do what the Dev's said to do. Try different build and experiment. Only thing is I guess I've been getting unlucky with the matchmaking. I mean SWF after SWF. Who just rush generator's and teabag. So after I got one down and heard 3 gens pop. I left her and Just waited for the last 2 to go. At that point I didn't even wanna try it's preety much GG unless I Camp and slug and play dirty. Not my playstyle so if they wanna rush gen's so be it. I opened the exit gates and there it is. No one pipped but I de-piped. I'd rather have it that way then me try after 3 gen's pop. And barley get 2 kills by playing dirty and stuff.



  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    They could've also been straight up not using comms. You can't know to what extent they did anything tbh.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Save your breath man. He's likely a rank 12 or higher. When he's on stream he's using someone else's account.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    Camping is like spawn killing

    Gen rush is regular gameplay

    Get good.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Genrush doesnt exist. Its an excuse of killer mains for performing bad. So everytime a killer main says gen rush is a thing its just an insult to themselfs.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Which would mean the first guy dies on first hook and you probably get the second one as well or some hook exchanges, with any random guy die at the end. Maybe even more if they try too hard and you get 2 downs.

    @LetsPlayTogether Genrush is a thing if multiple people run Prove Thyself and / or bring multiple toolboxes, eating the second stage of the first downed survivor to finish 4 gens. For example. There's nothing you can do about it as killer unless you luckily run into that gen they just put their brand new parts in.

    Generally: of course it is the killers task to put pressure on gens and survivors, some basekits have better or worse tools to do so. I currently have really good games and mostly jsut a hatch escape every third game with Demogorgon. Most of the games have the first gen done instantly (first down = first gen) and the second pops short after, during the second chase or down. But after that, I'm normally at the spot where 2 people are healing or on hook and another one needs to unhook and I manage to get into chase one after another. Even if three gens are done and 4 survivors still alive, I can get to the 4k.

    The problem is, killers can throw games by single mistakes. There are situations where you instantly can lose all your pressure if you mess up, like going for the "wrong" survivor and losing him, while when done correctly you could have two downs. Survivors have a lot of perks that allow them to make mistakes and extend chases. And this is the main issue. While killers need to play almost perfectly to get solid games, survivors profit way more from killer mistakes than killers from survivor mistakes, and survivors have a better pool of second chance perks, which again give way more value if used correctly.

    And regarding the skill level: every noob survivor can hold M1, the chases might end quicker but still other survivors finish gens easily. So it is enough to have one good chaser in the team. And you don't know who is easiest to down until you chased all of them once, to determine if it makes sense to drop a chase. And still, drop the chase and hope you are lucky to find a gen they are working on. If not, it pops.

    That, all in all summarizes in my opinion, why people like Monto still manage easy 4k, or FunGoose had recently a 100+ 4k streak even with new ruin and changing killers, while other killers complain about gen rushing, just because they... make faults. Like almost everyone in this game. Just killers get punished harder for mistakes, without the help of old ruin.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    That's not necessarily true. While genrushing isn't a thing, I agree with that, it doesn't mean the killer is performing bad. Map balance and generators are a real issue.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Peanits plays red ranks. And he is right on this point. Mostly you even get a free hit for such behaviour while still being able to hook your prey.

    And jsut read your second post, so... probably don't need to take you serious.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    I can understand being annoyed about how fast gens get done. I can understand not agreeing with gen speeds and thinking they should be fixed. That's an opinion that can be understood, even if you don't agree with it. What I don't understand is when killers get mad at the survivors for completing gens quickly to win the match. The main objective for survivors is to complete generators as quickly as possible, survive and escape. The longer it takes to complete the gens, the more at risk you are of being downed and hooked, especially for people that aren't very skilled at looping and evading killers. No [bad word for poop] completing gens quickly is used as a tactic. "Do gens slowly so I can hook some of you" is not something that a survivor is going to agree with LOL. Just like it's not your prerogative to accommodate the survivors and play a certain way to please them, the same goes for survivors vs killer.

    The objective is to escape and survive, not pander to the killer's wants and needs. I personally don't shame/criticize killers when they use certain perks, add ons, characters etc because they are a part of the game, and it's just the way the game functions, even if I don't like it. Even camping and tunneling is something you're technically allowed to do, which is why I don't DC or complain on the forums about it because it's just the way it is. It's annoying as all hell, but it's allowed and just the way it is. Can't control the way people play if it's legit/accepted. At that point it's just whining with no beneficial outcome.

    Why get mad at the killers and criticize them for killing me a certain way if they're playing legit strategies/using legit items and their main objective is to kill me? Why get mad at survivors for trying to quickly get out, escape and survive when it's their main objective? If you're going to be mad, be mad at the devs and people that made the game the way it is, not the people that are playing the game and using what's available to them to sway the odds. Btw, if you feel the need to tunnel or camp, go for it. It REALLY annoys me, and I think it's douchey and sweaty, but at the end of the day it's not your duty to play a certain way for me, and it's not against the rules. Kill me.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    *ignores that this ensures nobody can be safely chased or hooked and trolling the heck of of killer* which apparently devs like Peanits fully endorse

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Doubt you went against swfs literally every game

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    So survivors doing their objective too quickly for your liking, means they deserve to be punished? Do you see how flawed that mentality is spelled out in simple terms. Gen rushing isn’t real. It’s literally the only survivor objective towards surviving. Lol

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Peanits you savage x'D.

    But Peanit's right dude. I had a swf today where a Meg was the designated "chaser". Fully equiped with OoO, a Flashlight, and spend the whole game Pallet/Locker spamming unless I chased her.

    I ignored her all game, and tunneled the first survivor I got. Then it was 1v2 with an annoying ass mosquito.

    In End Game Chat they said I had to tunnel because I couldn't handle their "awesome comp", and we're reporting me for tunneling/camping.

    However 4-man swf's are hell in this game when they want to be, and most games the swf doesn't make mistakes like my match did.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    The game is hardest for the killer in the beginning and gets easier near the end. The more gens that get finished the harder the game gets for the survivor since there are less gens the killer has to patrol. The point is that you don't want to give up too early. I've been in multiple games where survivors pop 2-3 gens before I get my first down and still end with 4k.

  • NumB_16
    NumB_16 Member Posts: 78

    the only thing that ensures nobody can be safely chased or hooked is the killer. flashlights were nerfed multiple times (no more instablinds, survivor has to be in killer FOV to blind, quicker pickup animation), if you keep getting blinded while picking a survivor that's on you: face a wall, bait the flashlight save, see where the survivor is and face the other way... there's so much counterplay to it...

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Lol instablinds sitll happen from behind all the time

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Logic and reason have no place in these discussions begone. It is always SWF and Genrush as the culprit.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    What maps were you playing on, what killer were you playing as and how good are you at killer? These all factor in to how well you do in a match. If you're playing, for example, Clown on Fractured Cowshed you're simply not going to win. But if you're playing a better killer on a slightly better map then maybe it's a combination of you needing to improve in several areas and the survivors simply being better at the game. You should learn when to slug, and also when to stop chasing someone if you want your gens to stay

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    This whole community has become too ######### toxic. Say goodbye to the casual players.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    Can we really make accusations like this without getting banned?

    Oh wait . . .

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    Too true.

    It's been tough but I write off the first 3 gens mentally. So long as I was able to retain the area/gens that I was working towards the turnout is generally in my favor.

    On the other hand if gens popping depresses/frustrates you. Throw on NOED and be glad you are about to have 4 perks to play with 🤣

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    Maybe you're bad, haven't you consider it? It cannot be possible that every match you go into is a 4 man SWF, but if you believe it is, i have the perfect Youtuber/streamer for you, he's called Tru3ta1ent.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Its the Schrodinger's survivor, he follows you around to bully and stays in the generator rushing at the same time.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Your a killer. The devs don't care if you have fun.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I've had some pretty annoying games recently.

    A Claudette with a flashlight, OoO, DH, DS and Adrenaline. She followed me the whole game, not doing any gens.

    Their team still got 4 gens done, but I got the 4K so I didn't really care. Got messaged after the game about tunneling and how I camped them. I sent them a pic of the Emblem screen where I have zero taken off for proximity to hooked Survivor.

    Fun times!

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    It's not on subject, but...

    So many people say "how can you tell it was SWF?". I mean, IKR? You can't, you can neither confirm or reject that statement because game doesn't give any info about that. "You probably just bad", but also "probably not", and even if it's literally impossible to prove or give an evidence, we will dismiss the possibility that you're not.

    New "hidden" MMR system not gonna be like that, right?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Whenever I get someone following me with a flashlight, I usually snowball because it tells me that they stay around hooks ALOT.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Try Corrupt Intervention. 3 gens popping in the first chase is a bummer, 1-2 gens are expected to go. Pop goes the Weasel can hold the remaining gens for long times. Slowdown perks are really strong, but dont be discouraged when 2 gens pop at the start, thats normal. With CI, you should prevent the dreaded 3 gen pop and start with a decent chance.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    What he is saying is absolutely true but you sound like you are too butthurt to accept it

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Thanks to anyone who actually offered some advice and not just a sassy remark. I've been rank 1 multiple times I don't like playing dirty and tunneling but still had survivor mains criticizing me for misplays when I'm not a bad killer. No trutalent but I hold my own. And one more thing claudette followed for maybe 10 15 sec not the whole game. So she got back on a gen. S ok me people thought that she followed all game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    According to the devs you should just give them 2 gens for free and just focus on others lol.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That is if the killer fell asleep, one of them is running Prove Thyself and survivors can teleport from one gen to another.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    So I guess telling you the devs don't care about killers was actual advice right?


    You realize that if you base your argument purely on matchmaking and not provide with footage or a description of specifically what u did, no one can provide you with actual advice right?

    People thought Claudette followed you around because you didn't provide any information other than the substancial (/s) "the devs don't care about their game".

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Damn I am a killer main myself, and do think that weaker killers need help and that many maps need some balance improvements, but people like you are not helping to make a valid point for killers. All he did is point out that they probably weren't gen rushing if one of the survivors was just running around and not doing gens at all.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    If it's strategically smart, then you should do it, according to the devs. Sometimes it is smart to let one or two gens go if they are very far away from where you are chasing survivors, and try to apply pressure on the remaining 5 generators that are all closer to you.

  • On big maps, because the maps totally are not a problem at all in that aspect.

    (I am mostly being sarcastic, but in all honesty the devs have said they plan to make maps smaller over all eventually, so thankfully that will help a lot in the long run)

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    so i guess you don't complain regardless of how the killer kills you, since that's their only objective


  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I do think gen rushing is a thing, but I also agree it's not every game. Now if they're all running prove thyself, with all purple toolboxes with spare parts, and they have a leader Dwight, I'm probably thinking they're a gen rush team lol. Luckily, that's very rare.

    One of my favorite builds now, that I have tons of success on, have 0 gen slowdown perks and I still 3-4k quite often, and pip most games. It's usually distressing, unnerving pressence, coulrophobia, and either sloppy butcher, or make your choice with an add on that adds the mangled status effect. It works wonders. Usually 2-3 gens might get done, but after that the match slows to a crawl with them getting constantly hooked or healing.

    Occasionally I might switch out sloppy for overcharge if I THINK it's going to be a SWF, but it's not a requirement. I love this build and it works most games.

  • Throckmorton
    Throckmorton Member Posts: 27

    It's really funny because you're bad most likely and petty. When things don't go your way you cry and blame devs for everything. They don't cater to you or any of these bad players bitching and crying on here. Grow up and play like a beast instead of a puppy

  • Throckmorton
    Throckmorton Member Posts: 27

    I like how you think you can predict the future. You could make a killing doing sports bets. Wait you cant and you're just bad at the game right right that makes sense

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Peanits was right, just put your survivor down and chase that guy, now a third survivor must stop doing gens to heal the downed survivor and you can down the toxic survivor in the meantime.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    More often than not, if 2-3 gens pop within 5 minutes, I will start to play more sweaty. Not to say I tunnel or camp...but if a survivor insists on running around the hook the second I put someone on it, I'm going to make the hooked survivor pay. I will always try to get at least 2 kills, if I'm lucky, the final 2 survivors are overly altruistic and I end up with a 4k. All of this is to say, don't give up if the survivors are going super fast, just do what you can and maybe try to sweat on them a little. Couldn't hurt, right? Also, not giving 2 poops about the broken ranking system helps.