Is unbreakable op and toxic?

I had a baby leatherface with a slugging build who had us all slugged so i picked myself up and did the last gen and gave everyone adrenaline and we all escaped. He called me a toxic bi*ch and to #########. So what are your opinions on unbreakable?
Far as I can tell, Unbreakable is totally fine.
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Signing on is toxic.
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Unbreakable is a top perk against slugging/boring Must 4k killers.
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Meh it only lets you get up one time. It's fine, just a salty leatherface who had bad luck that you had that perk
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Yes. This perk that is entirely useless to the player until a chance moment, after a long condition, on the chance that you're team are unreliable, and only works once in an entire trial.
Is OP, and obviously very Toxic.
It wasn't just an entitled killer being toxic, when they should have been more aware.
Alright. Now i'ma jump on my tenacity and slug race my way to the hatch. Peace~
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Not even remotely. Very situational. Equip it and you'll see how rarely you get to actually use it. Although, when it works at the right moment, it can be clutch. However, that's the whole point of a situational perk.
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Just hook them
Its toxic only with DS, but its DS fault
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Not at all, and with how common the perk is nowadays a killer should almost expect at least one unbreakable if they go on a big slugging spree. Outside of the DS + Unbreakable combo or generalized complaints about "second chance perks" in I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about Unbreakable itself.
He's just mad. If anything I'm surprised he didn't cry about Adrenaline instead.
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Toxic? Not at all
The only time it gets to be "OP" is when it's getting combined with DS, BT etc and the second chance perks gets all stacked on top of each other x4. That's more an issue with other perks and game balance though than it is Unbreakable.
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It is one of meta perks which i think is fine as it is.
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There's nothing wrong with Unbreakable. He was just being a sore loser because you ruined his fun - ironically enough, considering the strategies he was employing himself.
I hope you reported him though, since if that "BAD WORD" is what I think it is, he could get banned for saying things like that.
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He cried about adrenaline to the other survivors cause i wasent using it
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Generally speaking the better the killer is the more powerful and game changer Unbreakabill becomes as most good killers snowball via slugging.
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It is a very good perk and many times very useful.
If you listen to people you will realize that in this game everything is toxic, if you escape it is toxic, if you use ds it is toxic, if you do engines it is toxic ... you do what you want and just have fun with the stupidity of others. 🤣
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Imo unbreakable is like dead hard and DS. It's not overpowered, but it's yet another second chance perk survivors have that can completely reset a killer's pressure with no effort from the survivor's end. When you throw it in with all the other perks it becomes really tedious to deal with.
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If a person has ds active, she shouldn't br allowed to recover?
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I think he's essentially just saying that players shouldn't be able to hard-counter a hard-counter.
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Unbreakable is fine. It's the risk you take every time you slug someone.
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Toxic? Probably not. Is it part of a meta that should be changed by the devs? Yes, definetely.
And by meta I mean DS, Unbreakable, adrenaline combo.
At least that comeback factor that allows survivors to often kobe from the hook when all are downed or hooked should be disabled when survivors have either DS or Unbreakable. I mean, they already have comeback tools, no need to boost their chances.
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It certainly isn't. No perk in this game is toxic, people are allowed to play with what the game offers you.
And it's only fair for survivors to have a perk that can counter slugging like that.
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Playing the game is toxic
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Many people would disagree as they claim that using Noed, Franklin's, blood warden or even spirit fury enduring combo is toxic.
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Selecting perks is toxic
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Only if paired with tenacity, flip flop, and maybe no mither if you're good at looping.
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Lmao no.
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Playing with a slugging build without taking in consideration Unbreakable is just plain dumb. He was just an entitled moron, better to ignore his kind.
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This sounds absolutely nuts to me lol. Lower the chances if survivors have second chance perks equipped?! I've been playing this game for maybe a year now and the only major set back for the killers was ruin nerf and this JUST happened. Aside from that, survivors kept getting hit back to back with nerfs. The game is made for killers to win yo. It blows me when I scroll through the forums and I see killers complaining lol. I can't even count all the killers that tea bag me/camp/troll by hitting me while i'm on the hook only because I made them chase me for a long time and I can't do anything back besides satisfy them by dying and giving them bloodpoints. It's absolutely disgusting and makes the game not even enjoyable. What's worse, I'm on ps4 so when I report them it goes unnoticed so I have to just deal with it or not play so I don't even play as much anymore. Don't get me started on how toxic killers are now since ruin nerf 🤦🏾♂️
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Dude. Game actually increases your chances of unhooking yourself when your whole team is down.
Also, if you think survivors getting hit with nerfs is a bad thing then you clearly have no clue about this game. Remember these balanced insta heals and insta gens?
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If you're running it with DS then I suppose there could be an argument for calling it toxic, but outside of that I would say no. Unbreakable is definitely one of if not the strongest survivor perks in the game but imo it isn't toxic all by itself as it is only there to counter slugging which in itself isn't a fun strat on the survivor's part.
Scott Jund had an Oni game he posted to YouTube a couple days ago where he complained about Unbreakable because it stops survivors from being punished for their mistakes. This sort of argument has never really clicked with me, mostly because I've never been as puritan on non skill based gameplay the same way a lot of big streamers are. Sure it's cool when you outplay your opponent but I've never felt like DbD is the sort of game where perks like dead hard or DS or NOED just don't belong. This game isn't an esport, it's never going to be.
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Excuse me?
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I won't excuse you as I don't know for what.
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That's just ridiculous. These perks exist, so you can use them. No matter if some people don't like going against them or not. I hate going against OoO, but that's no reason for me to call it toxic.
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nah If your slugging expect unbreakables it's hilarious how mad people get from it
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I don't have any problem with unbreakable.
I do hate Adrenaline though.
I thin problem cones from being able to stack crutch after crutch.
DS, BT, DH, Adre, UNB.
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It’s neither OP nor toxic. It can only be used once, and btw I play both survivor and killer at rank 1.
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DbD streamers are either very toxic survivor mains, or killer mains who whine at everything. I think that perfectly reflects the status of the community
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As with any survivor perk: on its own, no. One Unbreakable is fine. When you have multiple people with Unbreakable/Ds, it's problematic.
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Honestly, it's an awesome play you did. I've let myself get too occupied on a final survivor chase with one slugged, and paid the price. That's just what this Leatherface did. Clearly you hurt his pride quite a lot when he saw 3 down icons change to healthy.
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No perk in the game is toxic.
OP? That's up to you, but toxic? Not possible.
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So OP that you can only use it once and only if the killer slugs you.
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Which steamers you mean?
The actual big streamers like Scott, Zubat, Tru3 or Otz appear to give pretty good feedback about the state of the game as they play every role game has and have a decent knowledge about it.
Or do you mean these dbd streamers that pop out left right and center that can pretty much be summed up as ochido wannabies as they pull their sick jukes and amazing challanges of surviving with swf and suck.
Or the twitchies as they are league of their own?
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Well, mori's and keys also exist but for some reason only one is hated and discouraged while other rewarded.
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Object of Obsession is countered by Myers, Piggy, Wraith, Ghostface, Demogorgon, and Insidious.
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Perks cannot be toxic. That word is so overused it's pathetic. People are toxic (or not). Use of a perk is not toxic. Maybe there was something else you did that was toxic. Calling them a "baby leatherface" is meant to be derogatory, so maybe you did something else that was meant to irritate them...but using unbreakable is not toxic. If they hadn't slugged, you wouldn't have been able to use it. Some killers have been relying a little too much on tunneling and slugging lately and are unused to any type of counter-play.
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Speaking from a killer POV, unbreakable is fine. It's not toxic and unfortunately some killers give others a bad name. Sounds like a bad leather face.
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There are no toxic perks. There are boring builds, and superior game-changing perks which some could argue should be adjusted, but using them is not inherently being toxic. The point of Unbreakable is to get up from the dying state when no one else can help you.
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When was it toxic to use a perk
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nothing wrong with that in my books, i'd be mad as a killer if that would happen but not to the point of calling it toxic
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Unbreakable is fine, sure it lets you pick yourself up and possibly change the outcome of a game but you can only do it once per match and there are a lot of games where you don't get a chance to use it. With the recent increase in slugging since ruin got shafted you should probably run it now while it's more useful. This is coming from a killer main that's been with the game since launch, never had a problem with the perk.
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I think killer mains need to get on a band wagon and complain about any useful perk for survivors because that is exactly what they do when they come up against anything that seems difficult. Now personally I have builds for all occasions but I am gonna use the words you survivor mains use. Unbreakable and Adrenaline are both unbalanced crutch perks that need balanced. Rebuttal all you want, I will not respond. Because the toxicity is within the survivor players more so than the killer mains. I have not played for months because of ######### changes that were put in place to make it easy mode for survivors.
Mind Games have been pretty much removed because they as survivors have no clue how to counter.