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Why no one uses No Mither (QoL changes)/Buff

Member Posts: 1,620
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

No Mither is the ultimate meme perk, but maybe it should be useful once in a while.

The problem with No Mither is that its existence contradicts its purpose. It allows you to pick yourself up INFINITE TIMES, making it infinitely stronger than Unbreakable. But it has many issues.

Just like Unbreakable, it relies on killer NOT picking you up, and this can happen ONLY if the killer does not know about you having this perk.

Unfortunately it is IMPOSSIBLE. Immediately after the trial starts, killer can see that one survivior is injured and broken, making this perk instantly worthless.

Killer being able to 1 shot you on top of that makes the situation completely hopless. Lack of pick up speed buff (like Unbreakable has) makes you a burden for your teammates, and the "you dont leave blood trail" buff was probably just a joke.

So here are some change ideas, from the simplest to most complicated:

  1. You start the trial healthy. This should be obvious. You get broken once you get hit, but at least killer does not know immediately. Still a joke, but at least you can pray that you will face instadown killer and he will not notice until he slugs you.
  2. You start the trial healthy AND the killer CANT SEE the broken status effect. This might actually work, not sure if hiding a debuff is fair play. Or you could not actually be broken, you could just have healing speed greatly reduced to, to 0% for example.
  3. You start the trial healthy AND you are NOT broken. Picking YOURSELF up makes you broken FOREVER. Sounds like fair tradeoff to me. Obviously you will not get to pick yourself up second time, because the killer will now know about you having this perk. UNLESS you have Unbreakable too. Unbreakable would trigger BEFORE No Mither, giving you 1 safe pick up without revealing your meme power. This might actually be strong. Better remove the fAsT cOaGuLaTiOn, or it would get too OP.
  4. You start the trial healthy and you are NOT broken. Instead you are EXPOSED for the entire trial. You are not a target, you can heal if you want, but you are still going diwn in one hit. Unfortunately going down in one hit would probably make the killer suspicious...

Thanks for reading, if you don't like my ideas then post yours, lets MAKE NO MITHER GREAT AGAIN! (Was it ever great?)

Edit: changes based on comments

Post edited by Archimedes5000 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,471

    I like 3 the best if it keeps the other benefits of No Mither, being the reduced blood pools and sounds of pain. No Mither is a meme perk at best, and this change might actually make it contend with Unbreakable. They both counter slugging and have the same use, but No Mither gives reduced blood pools and quieter pain grunts at the cost of being Broken.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    People always like to say No Mither is hard mode when it's actually meme mode. I like your suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    My idea is: start the trial healthy, as soon you get injured (now starts my original idea) your healing speed goes to -374747477474474774 (just takes more than 1 year), so its pretty much the broken status effect

  • Member Posts: 699

    I always hated the "start trial off healthy" suggestion. You pick No Mither to start off, and stay injured. it goes with Resilience and... other perks, maybe?

    I feel like it should help with David King's kit, making him a very aggressive, yet vulnerable. So my suggestion is this...

    "You are broken. You leave no blood trails. grunts of pain are 0%/25%/50% less. You can recover from the dying state as many times as you want. You can recover exhaustion while running at 8%/10%/12% of your normal rate(doesn't pair with vigil)."

    Could give higher ranked players an actual reason to use it, with the major downside that you are one-shot permanently. Rewarding aggressive play, it could actually be a good stealth/chase perk. I feel like the numbers could use some tweaking, but that's just an idea.

  • Member Posts: 226

    Will be interesting when we get to the "Survive 1 trial using No Mither" level of the tome.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    The thing is, that the "pick up yourself" part would be completely useless. No killer would slug you if they know you have No Mither.

    My suggestions were made to make current No Mither usefull, not adding new mechanics.

    Im not saying complete rework is not a good idea, it just wasnt my intention.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    You are not leaving trial of blood for the cost of being a 1 shot target all game. Seems like a fair trade to me

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    @DudeDelicious I feel like this topic may be of interest to you.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Self caring in corner is bad, but going for the save injured (and then complaining about tunneling) is not the smartest idea either.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    I think that people who like hard mode in solo just go for super altruisic builds with like autodidact or well make it, and try to be useful to the team and save everyone instead of being handicapped while dragging the team down.

  • Member Posts: 927

    Personally, I think it should just make you exposed the whole match. You still go down from any attack, you don't have a target on your back the whole match, and others can still get altruism bp for healing you. Also, it doesn't feed Oni the entire match.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Wait, actually its not so simple, if you get 1 shot at the start of the game then it means it has to be No Mither. There is no other perk that does that...

  • Member Posts: 927
  • Member Posts: 3,703

    At the VERY least they should get rid of grunts of pain and the loud injured music.

  • Member Posts: 445

    For the same reason that no one uses speed limiter.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    Well yes, but Devour, NOED and Rancor are late game, so you would have to NOT get hit for the whole time before it triggers. Only ones remaining are Haunted Ground, Iron Maiden and Make Your Choice, and these work only in special circumstances.

  • Member Posts: 1,623
    edited January 2020

    If I didn't want to leave blood trails then I'ld rather use lucky charm, not leaving blood trails is not that powerul (if you're talking about traking, the blood trail isn't really used to tracking) to trade for being injured all the match. And you still grunt, wich means you need at least Iron Will so you have a chance to play stealth. Because with No Mither you leave no blood trail, but the killer can hear you if you're hiding, and if you run the killer will track your scratch marks basically you need to be good at loops wich is unhealthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 599

    I think, no mither needs it's own state, other from "broken", that's not visible on the hood. You start healthy, and after you get hit, you can't be healed, just like in broken state (i.e. can never get a second health state after losing it). Simple as that. You have some time before killer will realize that it's not just unbreakable and that's you don't heal not just because you don't want to waste time doing that. If only not for that tendency to simplify and group up survivor and killer effects...

  • Member Posts: 174
    edited January 2020

    My idea about no mither is simple. Movement speed. With other words, you run faster. The devs can't give no mither a stronger effect than a similar perk. Movement speed hasn't been exploited that much till now even tho it's extremely strong. You get some with breakout and some with hope. But it's very specific. Honestly when I have no mither I literally run the shirtless David king and bloody pants. I would even add a halloween kit if it was useful. The noises reduction they put on it, honestly? This could be such a badass and show off perk if you were running faster than everyone.

    Stealth or hiding the bar? The purpose of this perk is just the opposite. "I'm an easy kill come at me" basically explains it.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    My purpose was to use the current effect of the perk and make it useful, but total rework might work too.

    The reason why (running) speed boost is not used is because it makes chases longer, and also it can have unexpected impact on balance of the whole game.

    The problem is HOW MUCH speed boost do you get. Hope gives you 7% and this is already enough to outrun Tobstone Myers, if you stacked another 7% on top of that, you would also outrun Hag, Huntress and Spirit, while almost matching the speed of every other killer in the game, prolonging chases greatly.

  • Member Posts: 927

    Don't forget t3 Meyers, Ghostface, Billy, Oni, and Bubba. Also worth noting, Legion still puts you into DW, many Plague players get you broken before hitting you, and traps set by Trapper don't down you without an add-on.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    1) I am aware of that, thats why I want to mask a bit/hide/remove the broken effect only BEFORE you revive yourself. This way you have 1 "guaranteed" revive like with Unbreakable and a VERY small chance of the 2nd one if the killer is forced to slug you even though he knows you can revive. The problem with No Mither is that right now you have VERY small chance of reviving even 1 time, making it way weaker than Unbreakable. And Unbreakable has NO DOWNSIDES, is UNDETECTABLE by killer and it gives you BONUS REVIVE SPEED. So basically No Mither is WAY weaker thsn Unbreakable, even though it can be used multiple times.

    2) I dont think I have EVER seen anyone revive with No Mither in a serious match. It just does not happen.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Imo all it needs is a reason to run it.

    It's the hard mode of survivors but with no reward other then bragging rights

    A big bp bonus to reward you is all it needs imo

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Bp bonus would make people run it, but they would just ruin the game for other surviviors... They will be useless to the team, just farming Bp and then dying... Not really a good solution imo

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I used No Mither with Resilience & This's not Happening back then.

    Faced a Slugger Huntress. All other 3 Survivors get slugged. Lucky me with No Mither get constantly hooks to death, not wasting time crawling around like others. I think its the best use of No Mither - Save your time.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Its about playstyle. If you want to only genrush, it unlock DH and Resilience at all times. Always having DH available mean that you can always dodge one-shot powers. The main problem with this build and playstyle is maps and your FOV. If you get a maze of walls, your build can hurt you. You must take map offerings to enjoy it.

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