So Since Rank Won’t Matter Anymore...

What will be the point in even trying your best as Killer? If you do well, you’ll only ever face the top of the top, SWF.
Where’s the fun or reward in that, imagine only facing SWF all the time for having a high MMR score. It just sounds like free stress, not stress free.
I'm fine with the changes if matchmaking actually works properly and puts me against people that are actually near my whatever the new system is
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If each individual killer is given an mmr, which was rumored, then this would open a lot of doors, so to speak. Tired of nonstop red swf as spirit? Well then why not try (insert killer here).
It would also make going after adept achievements less meh. Might help break up the monotony of only playing your favs or whatever. Or just give you your best possible shot at a 'chill' killer game.
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They've talked about separating killers ranks individually before, and it is a great idea. Whether it's in a new mmr system or our current ranking system we definitely could use it.
But they said it probably won't come with the new MMR changes so that's another... promise from BHVR. Can't wait.
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Stop telling that swf are a bad thing to face as killer. Thats entirely hilarious. Also first prove us that swf would be the top ranked. You cant? Then dont make up conspiracy theories.
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You answered it yourself. Rank won't matter so if you get rekt who cares. Nothing will matter and be more casual friendly.
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I'm not too scared, i'm sure someone will find way to track Elo in no time. That's how it is when games start their MMR systems.
Not to mention that I will less likely think the game is punishing me when I get 2 kills, because I won't be able to see it anyways. Honestly that was the worst part of the current system. Even if you play well, and the games you do pull out on top of SWF's or good survivors. Then the game black pips you like as if you didn't do anything rewarding.
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Imagine thinking SWF isnt OP in 2020.
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Imagine denying the fact Almo posted proof swf don't perform significantly higher than solo queue.
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The worst part of the current system is that the entity is not happy with me.
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Nurse also didn't perform significantly higher than other killers. Yet she got nerfed.
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Nerfing nurse isn't going to cause over 10% of the playerbase to quit.
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If they really wanted to stop SWF, they'd make DbD require control of every mic connected to your system, and have it shut them all off (and keep them off). It wouldn't stop SWF because other methods exist for communication, but I'll bet most people don't want to go through the trouble to do it outside of their PC/console.
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How do we know that the only people at top ranks will be SWF? Did they end up releasing the details of how the MMRs are calculated after all?
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This is a big issue for competitive players. I've never been to rank 1 as a killer main and that's been my primary goal from the start. And the reason I suck it up when I get a 4 man dance crew at the exit. This whole "at least you'll know you've reached rank 1" is a pretty interesting concept I must admit. I have my reservations though.
But seriously they're just gonna blend us in with the rest of the dailies killers since a casual mode isn't feasible. We'll see how long it is before A Day Without a Killer.
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Its almost as if people have completely missed the point of what being "overpowered" means
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i'm guessing, the majority of potatoes should fall in the middle of a bell curve in this system...there will be mega potatoes and mega brains and the opposite ends.
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Did rank ever really even matter the current matchmaking system is so bugged as to barely be operable anyway
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I have to disagree with those statistics. Simply because we don’t know where those survivors fall under a normal distribution curve. For example, is that the average group of SWF or somewhere near the lower end of the spectrum.
What I can tell you, is that it does NOT apply to good teams. The team I play with escape almost 100% of the time even with Eboni’s, granted we each have over 4000 hrs played.
Also sorry for the late reply been busy with school.
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That's how ranked games work. It puts you against people of similar skill. Whether dbd needs a casual mode or not is another question.
DBD will be switching ranks for MMR as the ranks in dbd kind of didnt work.
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No, however it is quite obvious whatever will be calculated towards MMR will usually be hire with people who play SWF.
For example, imagine the longer the chase, the higher the MMR is for survivor. If I’m playing with a team and my partner is being chased, I can tell them, “hey don’t go to the left side of the map there’s only 1 pallet left.” This would lead them to go to the right side of the map, therefore leading to longer chase times and a higher score.
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That’s my argument though, high skilled killers won’t want to play if all they’re put up against is voice comm SWF.
They will either continue to play until they’re fed-up, or intentionally throw games to be able to “rank down” if you will, in MMR.
Same goes with the top SWF. They’re not going to want to face Eboni’s every game just because they have high MMR scores. That becomes boring at some point.
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Maybe, but we don't know yet what is going to affect MMR. For all we know, SWF will have a secret penalty applied to their rating for that very reason. So it's a bit early to be drawing definitive conclusions like "good killers will only ever face SWF".
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No worries I understand.