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I need an honest answer: Why do u tbag?

Just why? It's used to incite a reaction, and people who don't know that is like a 5yo waving around the middle finger, you wanna tell them stop but u can't hit kids so they keep doing it.

I ask ppl after matches y they do it, and of course reactions are dismissive as u would expect when dealing with something as complex as a question: Why do u tbag? I'm met with anger and laughter, both are just as humiliating as the tbagging itself.

I don't camp hooks so idk y ppl do insist on doing it. I don't want some BS answer like an dumb joker quote, or tell me to ignore it, or tell me bc the internet is a place where u can act any way u want and get away with it. I'm so sick of never getting any genuine answers.

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  • Member Posts: 5,176
    This is an answer I saw on another post and it said that they think that those that t-bag aren't good at any other game and feel better about themselves when they tbag in a game that's basically on EZ mode. I think they simply tbag because they want to get you mad, they WANT you to camp them, they obviously want attention so I personally dont give it to them unless no one else is around 
  • Member Posts: 5,176
    Rattman said:

    You take these braindeads way too seriously. Obviously they do it to piss you off and make you lose concentration. While you angry, you more likely will make mistake in chase, allowing them to win.

    A warrior's greatest weapon... is patience.
    (c) Zenyatta

    My main boi zenyatta and his great quotes 
  • Member Posts: 8

    Yea I know I take it too seriously, but its just oneof those things that gets to me, and most of the time its at the end of a match.

    Even had a good game just now, sacrificed 3 and the last 1 escapes only bc of the hatch and feels I'm trash bc I got everyone else but him. I mean, the thinking of some ppl is just horrendous.

  • Member Posts: 647

    @IGutlessIWonder said:
    Yea I know I take it too seriously, but its just oneof those things that gets to me, and most of the time its at the end of a match.

    Even had a good game just now, sacrificed 3 and the last 1 escapes only bc of the hatch and feels I'm trash bc I got everyone else but him. I mean, the thinking of some ppl is just horrendous.

    It is more funny when you don't pay attention to it and the tbag gets them sent to my basement ;)

  • Member Posts: 816
    edited August 2018

    I did it all the time because i didn’t know it was t-bagging to crouch until a couple days ago. I thought it was a way of telling people to crouch, lol

    Post edited by xmenfanatic on
  • Member Posts: 697

    @IGutlessIWonder said:
    Just why? It's used to incite a reaction, and people who don't know that is like a 5yo waving around the middle finger, you wanna tell them stop but u can't hit kids so they keep doing it.

    I ask ppl after matches y they do it, and of course reactions are dismissive as u would expect when dealing with something as complex as a question: Why do u tbag? I'm met with anger and laughter, both are just as humiliating as the tbagging itself.

    I don't camp hooks so idk y ppl do insist on doing it. I don't want some BS answer like an dumb joker quote, or tell me to ignore it, or tell me bc the internet is a place where u can act any way u want and get away with it. I'm so sick of never getting any genuine answers.

    its specifically only for "no reason at all facecampers" and "slug guards".

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    I mainly t-bag to say hi to my teammates and while waiting at the exit gate when killer hardcamps a hooked survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Honestly, I have a nasty habit of doing this at the exit gates.

    I guess it's a form of showboating.

    There are a lot of games where the killer plays really scummy (and still loses), which just makes the temptation too high.

  • Member Posts: 539
    Some may find this shocking but I do not crouch up and down aka “teabag” unless I’m next to another survivor that’s either to tell them hi or thanks
  • Member Posts: 15,095
    Make blood warden active by pressing a button. Teabagging at the gate will vanish over night.

    I assume it's to show superiority. "I'm better than you and I know it." Then they step into your trap and dc because they already wasted their DS.
  • Member Posts: 3,293


  • Member Posts: 3,823

    @Mc_Harty said:

    T-bag the killer for 3 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 51
    I don't mind when people do it, I just assume they're children. When I play survivor, if there's no one that needs saving, I just leave.
  • Member Posts: 217

    @Rattman said:
    You take these braindeads way too seriously. Obviously they do it to piss you off and make you lose concentration. While you angry, you more likely will make mistake in chase, allowing them to win.

    A warrior's greatest weapon... is patience.
    (c) Zenyatta

    Teach me man. How to play killer when there are 4 of such tbaggers? or 3

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    @Vadim239 said:

    @Rattman said:
    You take these braindeads way too seriously. Obviously they do it to piss you off and make you lose concentration. While you angry, you more likely will make mistake in chase, allowing them to win.

    A warrior's greatest weapon... is patience.
    (c) Zenyatta

    Teach me man. How to play killer when there are 4 of such tbaggers? or 3

    Just do your objective. Its simple. Sooner or later they will make mistake.

  • Member Posts: 150
    Some may find this shocking but I do not crouch up and down aka “teabag” unless I’m next to another survivor that’s either to tell them hi or thanks
    I do this as a form of thanks for healing me
  • Member Posts: 29

    I don't tbag as survivor, and as killer if I see survivors at the gate teabagging I turn around and walk away. They are literally children who want attention (and are probably laughing at this post, giggling at their screens).

  • Member Posts: 200

    I do it if the killer is a straight up jerk if not, i also do it to communicate with my fellow survivors when i'm soloing

  • Member Posts: 50

    Why do I teabag?
    Because it's the Sangheili formal greeting if you get what I mean...

  • Member Posts: 47

    Exactly what is tbagging? (honest question)

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Cass said:

    Exactly what is tbagging? (honest question)

    Spam crouch button
  • Member Posts: 4

    @Cass : it's when you spam Crouch :-)

    On PS4, I do it to say hello & goodbye to the other survivors (there is no chat).

    I do it "to" the killer only when I want to be chased instead of another survivor (as an example if he will die soon but I haven't been catched yet, or if i'm playing SWF), but not during the chase and nether with disrespect or the will to be insulting him.

    I also sometime do it near the exit to say goodbye to the killer - but only once, not spamming it. Most killers don't like it so I am avoiding it now.

  • Member Posts: 540

    People Teabag because its fun. If you get upset at someone pressing LCTRL on their keyboard in a video game you may need to re-think life a little bit

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    @Bemaduray said:
    @Cass : it's when you spam Crouch :-)

    On PS4, I do it to say hello & goodbye to the other survivors (there is no chat).

    i think on pc people told me to do it to get the united-bonus, because its broken?
    i crouch a lot in the game, but never to insult the killer (although a killer has accused me for that, even if i didnt intent to do so, and i think i was only crouching. (migt be the united-bonus again).

  • Member Posts: 47

    @Vietfox said:
    Cass said:

    Exactly what is tbagging? (honest question)

    Spam crouch button

    really? people get angry about that!? I see it all the time. I thought tbagging would be griefing or something

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    @Cass said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Cass said:

    Exactly what is tbagging? (honest question)

    Spam crouch button

    really? people get angry about that!? I see it all the time. I thought tbagging would be griefing or something

    You got a good example here, watch it from 08:17 till the end xD:

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    @IGutlessIWonder said:
    Just why? It's used to incite a reaction, and people who don't know that is like a 5yo waving around the middle finger, you wanna tell them stop but u can't hit kids so they keep doing it.

    I ask ppl after matches y they do it, and of course reactions are dismissive as u would expect when dealing with something as complex as a question: Why do u tbag? I'm met with anger and laughter, both are just as humiliating as the tbagging itself.

    I don't camp hooks so idk y ppl do insist on doing it. I don't want some BS answer like an dumb joker quote, or tell me to ignore it, or tell me bc the internet is a place where u can act any way u want and get away with it. I'm so sick of never getting any genuine answers.

    Ok history lesson in fighting games there was huge conflict over smack talking each other. Some saw as a sign of disrespect others say it was a strategy to tilt the opponent into playing badly. Muhammad ali popularized the tactic in boxing often inciting his opponents to act aggressively so they were easier to predict. Honestly its a ######### strat that kinda spits in the face of good sportsmanship. But some people don't care whatever it takes to win they'll do it. My advice pay them no heed and remember as killer to hunt the weak first the strong later. Dont let a teabagger piss you off get your hit at the exit gate and let em move along don't feed em by giving em a reaction just gg and move on you will be a better killer for it and a stronger one ^ ^.

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    @IGutlessIWonder said:
    Just why? It's used to incite a reaction, and people who don't know that is like a 5yo waving around the middle finger, you wanna tell them stop but u can't hit kids so they keep doing it.

    I ask ppl after matches y they do it, and of course reactions are dismissive as u would expect when dealing with something as complex as a question: Why do u tbag? I'm met with anger and laughter, both are just as humiliating as the tbagging itself.

    I don't camp hooks so idk y ppl do insist on doing it. I don't want some BS answer like an dumb joker quote, or tell me to ignore it, or tell me bc the internet is a place where u can act any way u want and get away with it. I'm so sick of never getting any genuine answers.

    because the killer camps and tunnels me the entire game and i still escape and he gets no kills because of it

  • Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018
    Because the ctrl key occassionally gets stuck when crouching and I have to mash it get the damn thing to let me sprint again.  And also to say hi or thank you to other survs.
  • Of course I was heated when I made this post and just checked now, plenty of replies. I don't mind the 'Hello' or 'thank you' crouch at all and honestly don't see that one much since if I so see them im chasing them down instead of admiring them heal, lest of course I'm Michael.

    I just try to go into matches now just expecting everyone to tea bag me, and if they don't I respect them.
  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Vietfox said:

    @Cass said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Cass said:

    Exactly what is tbagging? (honest question)

    Spam crouch button

    really? people get angry about that!? I see it all the time. I thought tbagging would be griefing or something

    You got a good example here, watch it from 08:17 till the end xD:

    Er yer you do know that little icon he has is a illegal cheat that gives you a map of the game please forward this to the devs so they know what there working against
  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    I have very large and heavy survivors balls from running NM and doing stuff like this:

    and this...

    So I'm not teabagging as much as I am just resting my legs from the immense weight.

    It's honestly a detriment to my life. Unless a building has a double door I can't come in 😞

  • Member Posts: 82

    To make Kate's bags bounce 8-)

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @IGutlessIWonder said:
    Just why? It's used to incite a reaction, and people who don't know that is like a 5yo waving around the middle finger, you wanna tell them stop but u can't hit kids so they keep doing it.

    I ask ppl after matches y they do it, and of course reactions are dismissive as u would expect when dealing with something as complex as a question: Why do u tbag? I'm met with anger and laughter, both are just as humiliating as the tbagging itself.

    I don't camp hooks so idk y ppl do insist on doing it. I don't want some BS answer like an dumb joker quote, or tell me to ignore it, or tell me bc the internet is a place where u can act any way u want and get away with it. I'm so sick of never getting any genuine answers.

    I generally leave the bag in my tea so as to avoid any awkward eye contact with someone as I continually dip my bag in and out. I guess its just a preference.

  • Member Posts: 72
    In other games it is used as psychological strategy in this one it’s just to be a jerk 
  • Member Posts: 154

    I usually teabag to random survivors for saying hi or thanks, often I also did teabag to killers for saying thanks when they actually brought me to hatches or just left me alive for making us points.

    When im on the exit I always let the killer hit me twice so he gets more points, rare cases I teabagged as for being a jerk. Yes when the killer tried to camp me.

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