People are upset no matter how I play.

Played Doctor on Lery's, my build: Thrilling Tremors, Pop Goes the Weasel, Infectious Fright and Distressing.
I played like a normal match, I was having fun, I had no issues at all, killed the two Survivors without doing the things that would upset like tunneling and camping, etc etc, I found the last Survivor, instead of slugging for the 4k, I gave this Ace who t-bagged me all match (which is not an issue yet), I closed the hatch after finding it and move back and forth at the gates, this Ace got lucky with his position and got a gate open, I let him go and he t-bagged me at the gate, yet, I never get this issue when I play tactics like tunneling or stuff that others don't like, when I apply pressure, I played optimal, 3 gens were left, and I played nice, the one time and I asked them why they tbagged in out of the reasons they could have, I told them they did nothing to earn a tbag, they called me toxic for messaging them.
Another match I played on Macmillian Estate as Michael Myers, more cocky Surivors in some SWF, I got into E3 and downed 2 Survivors, they DC'd after midway into the game, I hooked a Nancy and she DC'd, a David tried escaping through gates and I downed him and killed him, that Nancy messaged me to say "your garbage" 5-6 times in a row.
My deal is that whenever I seem to play fair and in a good way to make others have fun, it gives them some type of damn boost in ego and to presume I'm some 'trash ez killer' but when I go on a slug fest or try to tunnel a Survivor, they all start going off on their rant on me and blowing up in my face about it, is it just a lose lose situation playing this game? I know a lot of games where the community gets angry over little stuff but by far this tops the cake.
I say this stuff with around 1,000 hours of experience, so it's not my first time hearing his stuff.
######### people are #########.
That's just how it is. 🤷♂️
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Like I always say these mediocre survivors and killers think they are big hot shot GOAT at the game, BUT in reality they are not. I’m tired of these, Boosted over egotistical players that make this game a living nightmare, because they think all good, I tend to play fair on both sides, but these players are wildling.
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I love playing this game, don't get me wrong, but I debate playing this game over doing something or playing another game over my free time, not that it's boring or anything like that, it's because I get constant issues from whoever I play against in a giant salt fest, I like playing casually and even competitively, but no one can suck up their pride and act like a decent normal being.
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You can disable the postgame chat. I highly recommend doing this in your case!
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Not the point, I am not upset at their comments, I wonder why Survivors despise how the Killer plays regardless of it to being their liking or not, disrespected if being nice, hated if playing unfavorably, closing the chat is like when someone starts saying rude things to you continually, you close your ears, it's a band aid fix but it gets you nowhere.
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Of course they can't suck it up. Too many gamers in this day and age are so damn entitled that they must win everything they come into contact with. Nobody is allowed to just have some fun, and a laugh, or just mess around. God forbid you even attempt to hurt a survivor! Obviously there are exceptions. I've had many killers/survivors who are good sports about losing, or even if I'm losing, they kinda join in. An example would be a trapper last night. He bulldozed the team, and was offering me the hatch. I was shaking on the ground to say no, since he earned the kills, so it proceeded to him walking away shaking his head. So, I span around on the ground and he joined in. Honestly, this was the most fun I've had when losing a match. He was a great killer and so much fun to play with. I just don't understand why people can't all be like this. Accept it's a game, and just have some fun with it instead of being so damn entitled with the need to win. Of course, this won't ever happen, but I suppose we can hope.
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Because people don't like the idea of them being bad at video games, so they have to justify the loss as not their fault.
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Xbox and PS4 do not have that option.
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You can turn your messages to private, but I'm not doing that cause people get heated at a video game.
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Treating the opposition as an enemy is a good motivator to try hard I guess? It works for killers survivors can do it too.
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I am unaware of what it is like on PS4, but you cannot do that on Xbox.
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Yeah, people are trashy a lot
like, gave the hatch to someone ? that same person insulted me in the postgame chat
never camped of my life on the game ? got called facecamper and all etc and you can add all the insults you want behind i got pretty much everything
even when i play very nice, people tend to be idiots.
but at least, sometimes, someone's gonna show me some love, and that's always nice. Had very good laughs with the other side, exchanged tips with newer players, complimented the others, thanked the others etc
i guess our community is just like that
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People who only see games as "competitive" only play to WIN, WIN, and of course, WIN. No matter if they must ruin the fun for everyone else one way or another.
And this is sad because i had so much fun games where the survivors were nice to me / i was nice to the killer. Being nice to each other, even in a "fight" is way more fun than just being sweaty all day, ready to hit that damn quit button and ready to wait 10 minutes to insult your opponent.
I will always remember that game of Clown i had (long time ago), where i did a big lot of mistakes, but ended up downing someone after 4 gens. I was about to give up, annoyed and all, and was going to facecamp that guy to death, but then i told myself "who cares" and let the guy right behind unhook him. i let them open the gates and all, and right after, they decide to do a beeline in front of the hook to cheer me up. I got some hooks, and it's all thanks to them because i was the one who ######### up, and almost came to the extremity of taking hostage the fun for one of them. And in the postchat, same, they were very nice.
If only everyone in this game could be like this. Nice to the other side, no matter if it's a win or a lose
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Everytime a survivor offends me in ps4 chat, i report then to the Playstation Network: select message, report, this should not be in ps network, haressment or bad words, confirm the report, block the member.
Im sure i got some racists (im brazilian) banned for good from ps network doing that. And normal offenders will think twice after getting a warning if they dont wanna lose their account.
The thing is that the good people must not isolate thenselves. We must report bullies, so they stop doing that with peaceful players.
Tks God there is no built-in post game chat in ps4, cause its way better to use ps network reporting system. Much more simple and all proof is just there, typed.
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Someone called my oni "Gaaarrrbaggge" after I killed them
I only get messaged as killer too, sometimes as survivor too
Its always really funny cause I usually respond with "I forgot who asked" or something on those lines
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It's stories like this that makes me keep my hope that there will always be decent players out there. I've had the same thing happen to me, with Oni. First day I bought him, I was trash. And I mean baby killer style! The survivors clearly noticed that I had no idea how to use him, and it ended up just being a great experience as they let me at least farm some points from each of them. Now, with the game as it is, I just play for the heck of it. Win or lose, I'm happy we all earned points. Winning is nice ofc, but not the goal I play for anymore.
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I can answer this. Group mentality.
You have 4 survivors versus one killer, and no communication between the two until the very end of the game, you can't say glhf before a match starts or anything so they only have the game to judge you on, and as a group it will grow negatively over the course of the game no matter how you do or what you do.
Then in post game, if one person says something, everyone else is likely to bandwagon against you, it's very rare people don't conform to whatever the group is saying or doing. Then, you have to remember that they can play with friends, so they also may have like minded people also in there with them.
Then you have the fact there is no punishments for negative behavior in chat, as long as you just call people tunnelers, campers, baby killer lol, no skill git gud ggez and all that sort of stuff and more. Unless someone directly calls you something or says something like "* * * * you idiot camper" then they won't actually re-portable. However people know that they can get away with all the previous stuff, and it gets people just as upset and gets just as much support from teammates so they just stick to doing that very frequently.
I hope that answers your question. The only solution at this time is to turn off chat if it bothers you, or just ignore it if it doesn't. Just don't escalate that is what they want; because if they can get you to call them a name, they can report you. So a lot of them try and bait you so they can do that.
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Sounds like you're on console. Disable your messages and don't play fair because there's an infinite amount of little shits online. Have fun at their expense if it's deserved. The end.
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Unfortunately he is right. Ppl are just A holes some times. Just do you and dont let them bring you down.
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If your on console some of what you described, the them messaging you back etc. It can count as harrasment and goes against code of conduct. Likewise with steam in some regards. I'm on Xbox and if people repeatedly spam me with hate mail and I report it to Xbox the person's use of messaging gets suspended. And if it happens after that. The punishment rises. : P some people don't learn until the toys get taken away.
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Do what must be done. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.
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Why care?
They're just crying bc you're the better player. Accept it and move on.
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I get a lot of salt from survivors in this game over some of the dumbest things. I get more ggs than salt on xbox. When I was on PS4 it was the opposite probably because a lot of the people on xbox get their chat suspended or don’t want to get their chats suspended. I’m a super nice killer though, anytime I bring streamers I let everyone out so they can get 10k bloodpoints each off that alone and sometimes they still send me messages saying stuff like damm your garbage you should uninstall can’t even get 1 kill
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I never got the mindset. If I don't like how you're playing I just leave the match and queue up for another one. It takes way too much effort to wait until the end game lobby and then bother with all the chatting.
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I play on PS4. I have all non-friend list players blocked from messaging me and I have friend requests blocked too since lots of players like to include their hate in friend requests. I just play the way I want and don't worry about survivor's feelings. It's just a better experience that way.
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Give an inch they take a mile
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Remember when we just had games that weren't online so nobody was a toxic #########, those were the good ol days
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You're not going to set your messages to why even make a post about this anyway if it doesn't bother you? Some of you people on this forum I swear...
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There is the problem: You played with distressing on the smallest map, with doc's new ability. No survivor in the right mind, wants to play like that. And you really asking, why they are upset? omg.
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Denial is one of the strongest psychological engines of the brain (inverse of belief). So when they lose, they deny that it was their fault; therefore it's clearly the killer being toxic.
Try playing ghostface and hide in the basement in shroud. Camp opposite side of the chest. 9 out of 10 times at least one survivor will come down for a free item. Mark them, down them, hook them. Most of the time, others come for the save even though I'm clearly doing a rain dance around the hook. No matter if you get 1 or 4 on the hook; 9 out of 10 times you'll earn some salt. Get called trash killer even though they come to you. It's ######### hilarious! Run NOED while your at it, for when they actually finish all 5 gens. I've gotten all 4 at the end trying to save one survivor. Again, ######### hilarious!
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The other day I got 3 kills (although all 3 of them DC'd as I was putting them on their 3rd hook). They'd only completed 2 gens, and the last guy got the hatch, then started cussing me and saying "EZ"... Survivors are just [BAD WORD], and I say this as a survivor main (rank 6 surv, rank 15 killer)
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Dont play to please other people. Play to enjoy yourself.
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It's because of the psychology behind the game and it's all about how people perceive your role as a "killer" inside the game. You're the bad one, you know? If people die on the map because you did your job, is very difficoult for some players to discern. So they get salty because of the frustration, but they are not mad at you, they're mad to themselves. They just need someone to blame, and it's very easy to blame "the killer".
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Don't care ! Survivors still like to judge your gameplay or give "advice" even if some only play killer for dailys !
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I remember were playing with leatherface and there's one bill that was playing really good. I chase him and I couldn't get him. 3 gen were repaired in less than 5 seconds, almost at the same time. at the end of the match, they told me I was a "crap" in portuguese and ofc the "izi". I was like 0_0 ok then. I didn't reply because it's worthless. So I choose to ignore the chat in the future matches, but yeah, there's some ppl who are just like that. It's fun for them to be like that.
Then I think about this:
Now there's dedicated servers, why they don't log bad words in the chat at the end of the match and identify toxic players?. I think it's easy. If the server detects a bad word from a premade list it will add, let just say a token to the player id or something to identify them. If they get more in the session, let say 10 or less, automatically ban her/him to play for 10 min or more. Not only for survivors but for killers too.
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People gripe and moan about how I play as killer all the time lol. I play to 4k, not to pip not for BP but to 4k and thus as a result I am not beyond slugging, tunneling, etc. The funny thing that I find in most of my post game chats however is when I actually play nice because the survivors were not nearly as good as me and thus said "scummy" tactics were not required is where people complain the most. Punishing a survivor for unhooking right next to me, and the unhooked survivor tries to block for a BT hit is considered "camping and tunneling." My dude here is some advice: play the game for yourself, don't worry about the other team or if they had fun because 9 times out of 10 they will be doing the very same thing. You don't need to play like a jerk but don't worry what they think, salty people will always find something to get upset about.
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I often get these kinds of messages as well but on xbox, at least there they can't go past a certain level of insulting me without getting a communication ban.
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You eventually learn to thrive off the salt it makes you stronger also you eventually learn to just sit back respond calmly and not show any emotion it annoys them even more
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I'm not gonna change my messages and do something I don't want want to do because you people are ignorant monkeys who can't use your brain when you message, this isn't about my messages, this is about the community of the game gets heated over nothing, you wouldn't get that, would you? I suppose you don't put much effort into thinking.
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On Xbox you can disable all messages. I just turned it on so before I played for 5-6 months and no one could message me about anything, it was nice! But also you never get GGs and stuff so yeah.
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No matter what you do in this life, there'll always be people there to tell you you're absolutely wrong for doing it. Weak-minded people trying, for whatever personal reasons they have, to put themselves above you, that's all it is.
Good advice is one thing! A good thing. But talking trash because things didn't go our way is as old as humanity itself.
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i used to get enraged voice messages from murdered survivors on Xbox. all sounded like 11 year-olds. its typically dumb kids that should be doing their homework instead.