

Is Playing Survivor Team Based?

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

Or in other words, do you need to play as a team when playing survivor?

Is Playing Survivor Team Based? 36 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,609

    Unless you use an key

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    Kinda, but not really.

    Obviously, you shouldnt just let other Survivors die if possible. But you also shouldnt prioritize going on a blatantly suicidal rescue attempt. You shouldnt just sandbag other Survivors for no reason, but screwing them over to save your own ass is A-OK.

    Help other Survivors if you can, but in the end its every Survivor for themselves. This is what the original game concept designed and balanced around, and how it was marketed as was back in the beta/pre-release.

    SWF kinda throws that whole thing out the window though, and utterly breaks the balance of the game.

  • Member Posts: 344

    I feel like your team can make or break you with a good killer. Sure you can go for solo play and try to get out of the hatch or gate but if the team sucks and screws up in the beginning or even at the end and the killer is actually good... you're probably dead.

    Or if your team "farms" you. They can literally be the death of you whether that's by getting you off a hook too early, running to where you are when they're being chased, leaving you on a hook to die, just leaving you if you're downed or hooked at the end of a match, etc.

  • Member Posts: 11

    The survivors can only escape using teamwork. Solo/selfish play just gets you all killed. Even if you’re the best looper in the entire world, if your teammates aren’t doing gens, how close are you to escaping?

    If you don’t save your teammates, what reason should you be given any different treatment?

    Playing like a 1v1v1v1v1 just makes the killers job that much easier.

  • Member Posts: 210

    Solo survivor. I always play as a team because I know if we don't work together it's gonna be bad for all the survivors. Even if other survivors have been jerks I've helped/saved them and usually they've returned the favour.

    If you get hooked with no perks to help you get off, you're screwed without your team. There's so much team work that is involved in progressing and escaping (excluding keys) so I am very much in favour of the teamwork.

    Fair enough at the end of the match they don't want to risk getting killed but I usually go for it anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    If you want to play at optimal levels then yes you have to play as a team, however low ranks and nearly all of mid ranks you can get away (and pip) easily while being selfish.

    Also with all the changes that keep cropping up this game is becoming more and more of a 1v1 so its becoming easier to get your pip points while ignoring your team.

    Now if its BP you are after as a "win" or the feeling of having the most people escape then I suggest playing in a more team focused way, but if its pips you want you don't really need to worry about saving people unless you want a 2 pip game or reach high ranks where the game puts a heavier point total on you.

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