This needs to stop
I'm currently rank 8 and I keep getting a lot of rank 20s that do nothing productive at all and just crouch in a corner of the map.
It's really frustrating because no gen is popped if im getting chased and I don't get saved and die first hook.
I really hope this gets fixed with the new and "improved" matchmaking because I get these survivors 2/5 games
You do realise I've seen Rank 1's literally do the exact same thing. Self-Caring in a corner of the map while people are sitting on the hook. Everytime a survivor is hooked, my Kindred activates, I look around and boom. Someone sitting there Self-Caring away for 32 seconds. Also, you can't blame Rank 20's, especially if they're new to the game. They're still learning and don't realise that doing that doesn't help anyone. We were all there at one point. You just need more paitence with low ranks. It's the high rank potatoes as I say that have no excuse.
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Oh no, don't get me wrong, I know that they're starting, I'm complaining about getting these players when I'm a higher rank, because they don't really help a lot, that's what im saying that the matchmaking system is trash, because why they would put rank 20-15s with higher ranks
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I love low ranks so much I wrote a haiku about it.
Jake down in 5 secs
Claudette hiding in a bush
Dwight pulled from locker
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Oh I totally get the frustration. I'm getting tired of seeing them in my games, more that it's unfair when they go down so easily, then at the results screen I feel terrible because they clearly didn't know great loops, or how to counter. I mean, usually I can tell when it's a new, or low skilled survivor, but these days, with the amount of rank 1 boosted survivors, it's getting harder to tell
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I used to survivor main. Spent my time angry as randoms would crouch around the map all game and my swf group had no idea how to gen rush. Started playing killer, never looked back.
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HEY I DONT GET PULLED FROM A LOCKER A MUCH AS I USED TO!!! As a survivor main who barely plays anymore I barely events lockers unless I'm literally right next to a person who's about to get hooked.
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Good thing you took Arthur Morgan's words to heart.