This is getting out of hand



  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Take your Survivors back to Rank 1. This entire night's playing has been against deranked full T3 meta Survivors, either SWF or not, and it's getting ridiculous. How the hell am I supposed to learn how to play a Killer properly when all I get is some idiot with a flashlight, 2 toolboxes, and a medkit who all hit gens when they aren't being chased?

    I've been looped, flashlight spammed (this ######### is broken btw. How the hell do these things insta-blind when they were found in a chest?), basically just bullied all to hell, while I'm trying to learn a Killer. Take these idiots back to Rank 1 where they belong and leave the people trying to learn the game in peace to their own thing ffs.

    Thanks for creating this problem BHVR.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Do you work at BHVR or do you just get hard off of shilling for them?

  • gauger236
    gauger236 Member Posts: 11

    But what do they consider a loss.not killing all 4 or 2 escaping.

  • DeadByMemelight
    DeadByMemelight Member Posts: 51

    I've been doing fine as killer, but I also didn't use Ruin before the nerf anyways and I have no qualms about tunneling, slugging, proxying or using Moris/Strong Addons. Thankfully we have servers now so sore losers can't block you on MLGA xD

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    I'm a bad killer but every time I play I get r1-4s despite being r18-20. I just stopped playing killer because that was very common.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Just a fyi, immersed does this a lot. He made an entire thread with ill informed opinions on fnaf and why it shouldn't be added to dbd (feel free to agree or disagree) but when others corrected him because all of his opinions are based on misinformation he double downed with "if you can't see my opinions as valid then yours for wanting fnaf aren't valid" when the reason people wanted it is because we like the series and think it'd be fun.

    Then later tried to say he wasn't being a fun police and contradicted himself constantly after. It was funny.

    Feel free to argue with him but it's like arguing which Ninja Turtleis the best with him.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    jUsT aPpLy PrEsSuRe, 4hEaD!

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    yeah so fun..then they complain about the "gen rush", when they actually waste time doing this instead of preventing them from doing gens.

    There are several perks that help a lot in case you didn't know to avoid the rush gene.

    -Thrilling Tremors

    -Pop Goes the Weasel



    -Corrupt Intervention



    Any of these helps a lot, you just needed to create a good build. By the way, ruin is still good, especially when they play swf because they have to leave the gens to rescue others. But in ranges without color they rarely help..They prefer to hide or run around the map for no reason instead of helping others or making gens, then they insult you when you hook them instead of giving them the hatch :I

  • pichtuhq
    pichtuhq Member Posts: 11

    I agree with you 100%. I play killer and survivor and honestly, I have seen CLOWNS AND BUBBAS apply pressure without tunneling, slugging, camping, and noed (as survivor obviously).

    It is hard to apply good and equal pressure in a 1v4 but it isn’t impossible. Yes, it is even harder with certain killers, maps, and even combos.

    Playing killer is going to suck early game after the Ruin rework but in my experience as killer (Demogorgon, Hag, GF, main btw :) ), its better mid-late game than early. Why? Because if you can pressure the map properly, you can push for a triple gen. Less map to cover, more likely you’ll beat the survivors.

    What I do as killer is I use a 15-second rule. If I start a chase with a survivor, I try my best to land a hit. If I cannot land a hit in 15 seconds (the most I’ll go is 20 but I need to be confident that I can get them), then I move on. Why? Because I’m wasting time on ONE survivor when there’s three more making progress. If I get stunned by a pallet, I destroy it and move on (I try to waste all the good pallets so later in game, I have a better chance of catching a survivor). If you can down/ hook another survivor, then guess what? You’re applying pressure to the survivor (and all other survivors) you couldn’t catch earlier because they either have to stop working on gens to go for the save OR let their teammate die, which makes it harder to work on all gens that need to be done.

    If you’re a killer main struggling to get consistent 3-4K games, then I strongly SUGGEST you play survivor for a bit AND LEARN THE SURVIVOR MENTALITY (there’s more to it than DS, DH, Adrenaline, teabagging, and gen rushing). Observe how YOU beat/ avoid killers and use that knowledge to come up with counterplays for when you play killer.

    Gen speeds are unfair for killer, I will admit that. ( I feel like killers should have a universal passive that slows down gen progress by 10% for each survivor on the gen WHILE in the killer’s terror radius). There’s other ways to slow the game down though. Run Sloppy Butcher to slow down healing. Run Thrilling Tremors to stop progress on some gens for a short while. Run PGTW to slow down progress on a gen survivors are working on. HECK WHEN IN DOUBT, RUN NOED LOL. Survivors can’t get salty if they die to NOED because they had all game to cleanse totems but they decided to only work on gens.

    TLDR: While it is hard, it isn’t impossible to apply pressure as any killer. Best of luck to everyone out there. You can all do it! :)

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273
  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    @Peanits please review this post and the support killers are receiving. I say this with no disrespect but I think it’s something for the team to take in.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Honestly, if you think the game is balanced right now as killer, then. I don't think this game is for you. This isn't a bully simulator, if you can't bully the killer, then man. The game sucks, doesn't it?

    People still think the game is 1v1. When it's a 4v1. Loops can be strong. It takes about 10-20 seconds to have a safe pallet dropped,

    It can take more than 10 seconds to bring them to a hook, too. If a SWF is just doing gens, then yeah. It is a loss. There is no such thing as applying pressure on bigger maps, as Leatherface, Ghostface, any killer with low mobility. It just doesn't work. Design is flawed. I can send you some videos of a killer doing GREAT! But still losing, because of the design. it just doesn't make sense what the logic is behind it at times.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Just because one killer camps, doesn't mean every killer, lol

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    So, if you couldn't loop, click your flashlight, and teabag, this game isn't balanced, right? Yeah, makes sense.

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    it's not just one,now 7 out of 10 are campers or tunnels. 🤣

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Playing killer is god awful now I’m sick of it. The gen problem needs to be fixed ASAP

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Then why not slug when its tactically correct to do so? Get damage in whenever you can, rather than stopping everything as soon as a survivor hits the ground.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    Because when you slug you still depip because BHVR "doesn't want you to play that way" so they only reward you if you hook everyone. Half the time if people DC i still depip.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Never said go for a 1 hook kill on everyone, but if you can get aggressive and push survivor into the defensive, they wont be on gens. Even if its just a matter of injuring afew before picking up your slug, its something.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Playing anything besides top tier killers is garbage. Mid / low tier are only viable, if you can tunnel and mori one survivor quick. Otherwise, your chances to win are not realistic.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited February 2020

    You don't....and this has been an issue for over a year, there are tons of killers who would love to ditch ruin and other slow down perks but we can't do it because of the way certain killers kits work YOU DONT HAVE TIME!!!

    You just don't, you can't teleport, you cant sprint across the map, you cant set a trap and be 2 places at once, you can't put a jigsaw box on someones head and leave them to the RNG gods. Bubba, ghostface, wraith, huntress, Myers, Clown (regardless of how great you think your throws are) cannot apply the same pressure as other killers and it sticks out like a sore thumb.

    And its just annoying because we've been over this topic already we've had these conversations already before, but things just got that much hotter because the tool people recommend to bandaid the problem is nerfed. Incredibly frustrating to see....