This is getting out of hand

This game Is unbearable at the moment, playing as killer is horrible because gens can get done in less than 5 minutes which sucks.
Then when playing survivor a lot of killers have started to camp which is so fun to go against (not )(especially when they camp you on your first hook )
I'm not saying camping isnt a valid tactic its just a snore fest going against a killer that does it.
Not every killer can apply pressure on every map.
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Gens could always get done this fast...
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Imagine ignoring so many variables and making such a blanket statement with no logical backing.
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Tell me: How do i pressure gens that are on the opposite side of the map as (for example) Bubba or Ghostface ?
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The devs plan on fixing those maps/killers so all we can do now is wait/educate the less informed.
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At this rate, it will take years for that to happen.
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I did that already, in another thread.
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It's probably as fast as possible...not even the cosmetic department works as fast.
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It's also frustrating to see the generalization that all killers can just apply pressure and do fine.
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Many people are not going to bother to wait.
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Didn’t you generalize too by saying killers should be fine “if they just apply pressure”? Just saying...
Also even the high mobility killers like Billy can’t pressure all survivors at once at least not without slugging.
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I mean, after you, bud. You were the one who kicked it off by your "aPpLy GeN PrEsSuRe" comment. Which is a meme for a reason.
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play huntress on temple or ormond, then come back and tell us about your end-all "pressure"
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Sounds about right, killers are desperate, nothing else is working. They are doing whatever they can to squeeze some enjoyment or effectiveness out of their games because they know they can't compete.
Okay okay, so say they all need to "git gud" okay that's fair, but if the survivors are all THAT much better and more skilled with their 4 man toolbox gen rush; why are the killers being put up against them every game? Shouldn't that killer be put against survivors more on their level so both sides have a chance?
There is this level of ego where all the killer players don't want to admit they are struggling, that they may not be red rank killers; that the ones who are being honest and BEGGING for some assistance so that they don't lose 30 games in a row, are being chewed out by survivor mains especially, for not being good enough.
JFC all anyone wants is a fair game, to feel like maybe they have a chance in hell, that's all, but they are being told "No, you are not allowed that" and getting toxic survivor SWF after toxic survivor SWF harassing them in the post game chat, telling them they suck and that their very real problems don't exist on the forums- so of COURSE they are going to lash out in game.
I don't think we are at the tipping point yet, but if they keep going in this direction with the game, there is going to be a point where playing killer is going to be "You must be this skill level to be allowed to play".
Even then...a lot of it is becoming less about skill and more about blind luck and items/offerings....Which map you land on is the biggest one.
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Pressuring all survivors = winning
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I am a Myers main. Myers has the lowest mobility out of all killers in the early game. If I get a large map and I don't bring a slow down perk, I literally cannot walk across the map before the first gen is done. I don't want to play the game knowing my success depends on which map I get. Before this patch, I had to use Ruin every game. After this patch, I have to use Corrupt Intervention every game.
Edit: I'd like to add that I have played a lot of games without these perks. And the results were very dependent on the map I got.
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As Nurse that map is awful, it's so big and in the corn stalks when you blink to someone you can't see where they are or went, and that level of counter play is so strong versus nurse as she needs to track you that is like 80% of what makes someone good with her.
Even the best killers in the game, admit they struggle with certain maps. To say you are totally immune to the map problems the game presents, is to show yourself a less knowledgeable killer, not the other way around.
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Ormond, a map where nearly all tiles are connected and a giant building blocks any decent long range hatchets. A map that is also very large making huntress have an even harder time on it.
You either play at lower ranks or do not really play huntress as much as others
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As long as these maps exist, "just pressure gens" is not a good argument. Consistency is very important, and many killers cannot be consistent because of these maps. It's basically up to RNG whether these killers can win.
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If I can do it with Doc, addonless wraith, and Legion, you can do it. Some maps are too big that's all.
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That's the problem of the killer though, not necessarily the problem of gen times. BHVR really needs to start buffing more of the weak killers now.
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I've been playing killer for a while now today, and I am still highly enjoying my time. However I have only been playing Doc and Oni, which are arguably viable killers. Killers like Clown are probably less fun to play as.
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You forgot that all tiles have high walls lmao. There's only a few shorter rock variations that can spawn that you can actually hit people at with hatchets. All other tiles are high wall ones that are connected inbetween and can be pretty painful like thompsons. That map is for me personally worse than thompsons
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He doesn't really have to counter any points you're making because they're all just opinions that are subjective. There are people who will disconnect on Ormond over Haddonfield these days because of how bad it is and how connected every single tile is. Whether or not you think it's an awesome map you love is equally irrelevant from a balance standpoin, since you're most assuredly wrong
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Ormond is one of your favourite killer maps? That's like a colour blind person saying that they love Yamaoka Estate.
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Legion's entire ability is based on pressuring multiple targets across a long distance. Wraith has good mobility even without add-ons, and Doc is at least 115%, which is more than what can be said about tier 1 Myers.
And some maps being too big is my entire point. RNG drastically affects how well you perform.
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The best way to buff weak killers is by balancing maps. Otherwise we'd have to slap mobility on every weak killer to make them good.
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There are other ways of being good, other than mobility. Doc and Trapper are great examples of low mobility killers that can excel on any map.
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Possible, yes, but it's heavily stacked in the Survivor's favor. Killers already have to juggle 4 other players while survivors just need to hold M1, W, and sometimes just sit there and wait (when slugged or hooked). I can literally eat lunch while playing survivor.
Why is it then, that killers have to hope they get a good map so they don't have to work twice as hard as they already do?
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Trapper needs corrupt intervention against good survivors. Without it he has to either lose gens setting up or lose setup to protect gens.
I still don't see how doctor excels on mother's dwelling, especially in the early game now that his static field is gone. You would have to run whispers to be guaranteed a static blast shock without calm add-ons.
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Oh you mean basekit, I thought you meant the meta.
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And thats why Ruin got used in 80% of the games.
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So what exactly changed? Only those players that relyed on ruin got shown that they werent that well skilled as they thought they were, and now have even more to compensate their lack of skill by using even more cheap gameplay. Nothing new to me.
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I mean sure it's easier if you use purple add-ons and the same 4 perks every game, but survivors can run whatever they want and still do fine.
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Quite a bold statement of you to make. Could you explain to me how you pressure all 4 survivors at once when you’re chasing one? Let’s say this survivor keeps you busy for 30 seconds which is less than an average survivor at least if you’re any killer other than Billy, by the time you down and hook them and get over there by the gens 3 gens could practically be done.
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You are trolling yes?
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One could say that it goes both ways and that poster has a point.
Some players on here think gen speed is bad because they don’t know how to properly apply any pressure. It is evident from many red rank matches.
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Lol imagine believing there's a plan
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I honestly don't want them to rework problematic maps like Haddonfield or Thompson house because then I will have to deal with loading into them 5x times more often because instead of fixing the problems with the maps, they just make 5 versions of it.
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They just need to shrink a few of them
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Say sike
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It actually doesn't work that way; the map pool has only One badham map; and if the random-map-picker Lands on Badham, it will then do Another spin on the Wheel, and then you get one of 5 Badham maps.
I'm sure it would be the same if other maps like Haddonfield had it that way
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Oh yes, Skill, stopping 3 of the 4 survivors from holding M1 on the other side of the map; now we know
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Just like they didn't fix badham?
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Okay so you’re saying that killers are camping because ruin was changed? So why not blame the killers for camping instead of blaming ruin. Killers don’t need to camp but since they don’t know how to play the game or use their killer effectively, they resort to camping.
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No your first comment was literally "apply pressure" your logic is this "if a trapper player goes to get his traps and two-three gens pop that killer is bad and didn't apply pressure".
Tell me since you are obviously some pro killer player how does a low mobility player apply pressure? You think they can be everywhere at once? At purple to red ranks one chase will equate to two gens with a third close to completion if the survivors aren't fake, not even a chase just a simple set up of traps or myers stalk.
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If this was a usual outcome of games going quickly, the devs would have picked up on it because they make a graph of how long games usually last. So if games do end quickly with all killers doing poorly, they would have said so. By then not saying anything means this isn’t a usual thing of games lasting quickly. They also said in their live Q&A that they have been keeping taps on it and still are. So by them changing the ruin most mean that games were not lasting anywhere remotely close to what killers are saying.
Also, camping would always be a thing regardless of gen speed.
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Wait about they nerf thanatophobia, pgtw and dying light if killers use it together. Surv biased
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😂 unbearable? Game is fine. I’m sorry that they didn’t build the game exactly the way you personally wanted it. My condolences