The state of DS and my proposed DS changes

DS is in a very strange spot currently. It was designed as an anti tunnel perk and it sort of was for a while until people started abuse the perk and used in ways which i reckon weren't intended by developers. What the perk does now is that its not an anti tunneling perk its free invincibility for 60 seconds.

So why is it in the state that it currently is now? Well DS combos with many perks which would be fine if it wasn't already busted like it is now. Hopping into a locker makes you legit untouchable for the time the DS lasts while you're in said locker. This perk punishes good and bad killers, it punishes bad killers that tunnel which is how the perk should work. But it also punishes killers for playing too well, why? Why does it punish good killers who aren't actually tunneling at all and are spreading the damage and hooking multiple people. Hooking 2 people then downing a person should mean you aren't tunneling right? Well when you get DS'd like that it feels just very unfair for the killer.

So what options does the killer have for that situation? Slugging, you can slug and make them not able to do anything for a short time. This strat has always existed and to this day its still very effective, but survivors have caught on and are now using Unbreakabill to counter slugging. So what can you really do as killer, just eat the DS for doing something you didn't even do? Why do we have a perk in such an unhealthy state like this

So what are my changes i would like to propose? Well i have a couple ideas and i hope devs could maybe look into some of these or anything else they consider themselves. Also when i'm suggesting these ideas i'm saying 1 of the ideas would be the change not all of them at once.

So with that my first proposed change is a simple band-aid fix, making DS last 50 or 45 seconds at max rank, this would make it proc alot less often i feel. My second proposed change is when you hook a survivor the perk is disabled for the other survivors that have DS currently "Active", or the timer could be decreased by half the amount of time when another survivor is hooked. My third change is a little more complicated. So when you get unhooked DS becomes active like it currently does, but the timer is reduced to 30 seconds. The timer is paused when you get into a chase with the killer and will remain paused until the chase is broken off. However working on a generator (or even possibly healing) Disables the perk entirely and cant be used. This change would make it still an anti tunneling perk, but it wouldn't punish killers who are actually spreading the damage and hooking multiple people.

I understand this was a lengthy post, but i really wanted to get my voice and feelings out there about this particular perk and how it effects the killer playerbase. So i hope this was at least interesting or somewhat entertaining to read post and i wish you all the best out there in the fog! -Jamie
