What is the best perk to use with borrow time and decisive

So I am playing survivor for 4 months and in my Feng min (I am a Feng min main) I use DS and Borrow time every match sometimes I bring sprint burst but rarely I can choose 4th perk because I don't know a good combo
Best Answers
Kindred would be a good choice, it combos well with both DS and Borrowed Time. Also Deliverance, but it's trickier to use than Kindred and You'd need DLC character for it.
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Unbreakable is probably the best, Iron will is really good too. but remember to have fun too. Right now my survivor build is: Decisive strike, Dead hard, Poised, Dark sense.
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Unbreakable, Deliverance, Resilience, Iron Will, Kindred/Bond/Empathy are all strong options.
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Poised is a great perk. Extremely underrated, in my opinion.
@Ar7ur if you're looking for meta perks, most people would put Unbreakable or Adrenaline in that slot. Unbreakable in particular synergises extremely well with Decisive Strike, since it gives you an out if killers decide to slug you to avoid DS. Iron Will is also a good pick if you are planning to spend a lot of time injured, and/or enjoy playing stealthily.