Maybe the community would be better off

perpill Member Posts: 58
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

If this game just dies. Let all this nerd rage leave your system. It's clear the majority aren't mature enough or care enough to just be nice or do different things. This game is worse than when I tried CS:GO after playing 1.6>CS:Source for years. Communities make and break a game. Even if this game sucks but the community was great? It would be tolerable. But when their game isn't in a great position and the community is even worse? You're literally just killing the game.

A house divided cannot stand, and we have more division than people coming together. We have more hate and saltiness than empathy and love. Many people play games as an outlet for their pain and to just try and escape and forget about it if only for a few moments. But what happens when the game you enjoy now becomes an addition and maybe even a catalyst?

If you want the game to survive, I'd advise you to find ways to ban toxic players. (Maybe Killers get speed buffs vs Survivors who are teabagging and if they teabag at the gates they depip. Make the punishment harsh.) And to find out what the biggest problems of the game are and throw all of your resources into that and not other add-ons or cosmetics or storyline. None of that will matter if the player base is leaving.

I play on the PS4. I don't nerd rage, I value my peace and do what I can to stay at peace. I don't play much survivor but when I do, I tell people up front I suck at skill checks and they should go to a different gen if they see me on one. Haha. I've been face camped, tunneled etc. I'm ok with it. It can be hard to win with 4* survivors, and if I know one person has one hook left, one more hit vs someone who's had 1 hook and healthy? I'll tunnel that last survivor to increase my chances of winning. (3 survivors left.) It's like an RPG game. You have all four of your characters on your side focus on one so that you can down the enemies quicker. Rather than you using all four to 1on1.

Sorry for being all over. I liked the game but also uninstalled (still watch online and see where the game is in forums) because it's the community that's hard to handle. I've got enough mental health issues, I don't need other players telling me to kill myself and to go buy razors and make friends with them. No one needs that rage/hatred/toxicity in their life.
