When is tunneling ok?



  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    When you know the other survivors are not on Gen's, or if you have other survivors hooked/slugged.

    Tunneling is a fast way to lose the game, not to mention the actual definition of tunneling was lost due to entitled players. Tunneling is the act of focusing on one target even ignoring better options. It's the idea that you are so fixated on one individual you can't see anything outside the scope of that individual. Meaning it does not mean "yOu ChAsEd Me OfF hOoK hUrR dUrR", like as if you are entitled to a free escape because someone else unhooked you. Even if it was an unsafe save, or you decided to run to an unsafe or disadvantageous position.

    Tunneling isn't a bad thing, it's just an insult entitled players use to get under your skin, and in your head to make you feel like you played bad, so that you play worse so that themselves and other players can get an easier win.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Well as a survivor main I can maybe answer.

    Tunnel if you want, I understand tunneling last hook, gotta secure a kill.

    Heck you'll even hear me say after being unhooked "he's found me again" survivors are quick to call something tunneling when the fact is you just found me again.

    I get annoyed when the killer is actively chasing another survivor, hits them, I get unhooked and they b line it back to me... That's the tunnel that bums me out.

    Do what you want though, if you ever see me and tunnel just know I love you lol

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I love you too!

    I don’t tunnel right off the bat until I get a feel for the survivors looping abilities. If some of them are good at it, I search for the weaker ones and get rid of them ASAP. I know it sucks for them, but the less people in the match, the easier it will be for me to watch the gens and try to down the good loopers.

    More often than not, I’ll let the weak looper stay slugged on the ground, down/slug the rest of I can and hook the annoying ones who kept going to the strong loops. Once they’re dead, if the weak ones haven’t bled out, I’ll pick them up and let them struggle off.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    I mean im sure it's been said to death but just play the way that's fun for you and if someone bitches let them ######### and if you abstain from using those more optically toxic methods then go for it take the metaphorical high road if it makes you happy

  • SandySushi
    SandySushi Member Posts: 27

    I tunnel if its the person's last hook or if I'm getting pressured with gen rushing. Plus if the player is annoying or good at looping, I try to down them and get them out of the game as soon as possible. I try to leave the baby survivors last since they typically aren't extremely productive.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    I don't mind tunneling a toxic survivor but people need to stop tunneling just because a teammate or I made noise at the start to get a head on stun for the rift challenge.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Always. Tunneling is a legit strategy and no amount of survivor bitching will ever make it not one. Bad strategy but still one

  • Lowercase_Symbols
    Lowercase_Symbols Member Posts: 18

    Nah bruh you have to do whatever you need to do to win the game. It only takes 80 seconds for one gen to get completed. When survivors have toolboxes and perks or work on it together that ######### gets done in 30-40 seconds. If you play against good survivors or even optimal ones that sit on gens or is good at looping it’s basically impossible to end a chase within 30-60 seconds especially with big ass maps and obviously 3-4 perks versus 16 different ones. It doesn’t make you toxic when it’s not even a rule in the game. It’s you using whatever means to increase your chances of winning when the game is heavily designed against the killer. It’s only toxic if the people complain about the killer doing what he has to to win unless it’s a ebony mori or a face camping leather face or face camping infinite tier 3 Michael

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    Always appropriate.

  • futurenoob010
    futurenoob010 Member Posts: 14


  • MrVecetti
    MrVecetti Member Posts: 41

    When the devs nerv killers in every update for 3 months in a row and they arent viable anymore otherwise 😁

    ~ survivor main BTW

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470


    Hurting take longer than healing, and killer cant pressure all 4 survivors. If all 4 survivors pressure killer, generators cant be stopped. Hook stages dont slow down repairs, only full sacrifices make an impact, so only killing survivors can change something.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    When is doing gens ok?

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    It's up to you as the killer. Sometimes it's better to tunnel one into the ground (example: you manage to down the best survivor in game. You know he's gonna be a pain in your ass later on so you decide to kill em now to save a headache)

    Sometimes it's a bad idea (organized teams).

    It's up to you.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited February 2020

    Whenever you want.

    Get tunneled isn't fun at any time, but if Survivors can't understand that you're a person playing the game too and want to win then they're the one with a problem.

    You don't owe random internet strangers anything and shouldn't worry about being 'toxic'.

    While I personally usually try to play 'fair' for Survivors I do that because I enjoy being nice and giving them a 2nd chance. Not because I feel like I "owe" them anything or have to follow some set of rules.

    Short of DC'ing, or needlessly bullying someone, play however you want to. If you think it's fair to tunnel then that should be good enough for you.

  • skoopydoo
    skoopydoo Member Posts: 24

    When the survivors are being toxic

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    I'm like that with any Steve, but especially sailor outfit. Not sure why. I just go around shouting "STEEEEEEEVE" as I chase.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Tunnel whenever you want. Don't give into the survivors rulebook that they try to bully into killers.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Technically it's always okay to tunnel. Though it does feel cheap. Otherwise if it's end game or if they've been toxic. If you are getting your ass handed to you and need to to it to regain pressure I understand. Though other survivors might not.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    When you are running Make Your Choice and upon returning to the hook the injured (just saved) person is running like a dipstick while the person who saved them went immersion level 9000

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    Huh, it's cool to see how many people on here say it's okay too. Yet whenever I tunnel in game all survivors have a tantrum

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    It's ok to tunnel camp or gen rush aka the things people think your a douche for doing

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    If you want to tunnel then tunnel. It'll help you have a more relaxed game in the long run.