Solo surv rate/kill rate for killers over 100 matches

So far it is not really pretty at all, and far from the 2 die,2 live, ratio they are claiming and wanting.
So far killers are getting 3.38 kills a game, at rank 11, and my surv rate is less than %5.
About halfway done now.
When i play killer i see the same numbers. I get a lot of 3 and 4ks with hardly any 0's and the odd 1 in there.
Oh, now i see, where those big numbers come from. Its low rank solos.
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Keep practicing man.
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No, this is more like an indication to let this go on without me as i am done being a punching bag and statistical padding. I keep getting stuck in teams that hook rush - without BT, cant do skillchecks to save their lives, hide in lockers, dont get totems, get the outside gens on one side first leaving the rest of us to do all on one side close together.
I use bond. I see it all.
This is just not fun anymore. Sorry. I really gotta think if i want to invest any more time into this cos solo surv game sucks ass
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Kill rates are above 50% at red ranks.
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Haha why do you think they added swf? If you want to get out of potato ranks the best thing to do would be practice in kyf then hop on for a rank rush with some friends. After that teammates will be slightly less potato and you'll have some mates to play with if solo gets stressful.
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Its true if you play solo you die more than you escape.
If I play 2 man swf I’ll do a lot better but that’s more down to having at least one good player who wont go down in 5 seconds rather than voice communication.
Red rank solo wasn’t too bad before the rank reset change but red ranks are completely watered down now unfortunately.
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i escaped 10/15 games solo, most games the killer achieved about 6 hooks max
I escaped 7/7 duo swf, killer got about 5hooks on average.
Im a rank 1 survivor have been for years and this game is getting pretty bland and easy, if i end up having a team even slightly similar in skill then its an easy 4 man escape. some games are so easy and fast you de-pip from escaping. games shouldn't be balanced for people who are scared of the terror radius, cant loop or optimize plays but instead focused more of the players near the top. i dont get why people always think they should escape, youre nothing but a play thing to the entity and id much rather die and have a long, interesting and fun match that one faster than the lobby times...
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I've played this game solo for about 95% of the time and had to learn how to play differently. I used to be the first survivor found, who'd get tunnelled to death while my team mates were useless. I found it really hard to rank up and was terrible at looping.
My advice would be to practice looping if you haven't already, once you can get good at looping and successfully able to escape/hide from the killer it's a lot easier to be solo. Or try being immersed. I've stopped caring about rank and escaping a long time ago and I'm the better for it. Just try to have fun and not take it seriously as I know I actually played worse when I got annoyed.
I don't play as much as I used to but it does seem like killers get more kills than survivors escape, especially at low rank but it all depends (I'm usually purple rank or lower).
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Well, you are playing solo.
Equip bond and look at how how many survivors are doing generators, i would guess the number is 0-1 at best.
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Funny. The killer mains keep crying about how hard and unfair the game is but all data shows otherwise. Even the streamers who complain do so while getting 4ks on stream, it’s stupid funny.
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Is that your own stats? Or a group of players?
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I have a better source.
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The statistics do not apply anymore. 80% ruin usage in red ranks. Even when it only lasted 2 minutes, it could you at least net you one hook and lowering the chance that a gen is done by then.
Now, the kill ratio is definitly lower than before, because even bad survs make it to red rank and can do gens easy, because ruin is gone.
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It's amazing how many people think that, in a 1v4 asymmetrical horror game, 2 kills 2 escapes = perfect balance.
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Rank 3 surv and I escape pretty often, so long as my team is solid. However, on console or any platform at that, we can't do accurate statistic pullings because we aren't ranked properly. Rank 11 v rank 2s is HIGHLY unlikely to win, unless those rank 2s decide they are over-altruistic, which can be detrimental on a team. Same can be said about a rank 2 v rank 11s. The ranks may not matter entirely, but there is a curve to some degree. And that jump between ranks is enough of a curve to say so.
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Below is a link to the last ten matches I've done as solo survivor on ps4, I think I escaped either 7 or 8 out of 10 times but terrible matchmaking was forcing me to play against lower ranked killers...or there aren't any high rank killers left.
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I think it's more that there are too many high ranks survivors..
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It's the same thing lol too many high rank survivors = not enough high rank killers
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Yes almost all old stats are invalid by now, especially ones this old.
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I’ll be honest, Red rank situation is pretty dire. I cant literally gain pips cause games are too fast.
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Then you get red ranks playing smurf accounts. Run into that once in awhile. So, as it stands you really can't go with rank to determine anything. Really hours played by role should be a better determintation
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Are these new stats or still the stats from when Ruin wasn't nerfed yet?
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These official numbers can easily be manipulated, as can all statistics. Statistics are one thing. I am showing the results of my games.
For instance if you have a series of hard games they will give you the most benign of killers who is prolly 8 years old and can barely chase somebody let alone hook them. Or you will get a game where the skill level difference is as wide as an ocean. Numbers can be produced. That pic dont mean a thing.
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I started facing those teams just before i reached green ranks. Once into green ranks it was nothing but teams at least 8 to 10 levels higher. MM at its finest. At this rate i am not surprised that they cannot retain killers.
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What I meant is that it's too easy to go to the red ranks for survivors compared to killers. I mean, even me could go to red ranks survivors, and most of the time I end up facing purple ranks killers that are strong enough to get kills, when I end up facing red ranks killers, I feel like they are much stronger than us
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Funny you say that cos i just made a post saying the same thing asking if they want the remaining killers to keep playing in the face of 10 ranks higher opponents. There is a significant overall skill increase even if the odd potatoe is in there.
As soon as i hit rank 11 killer i faced nothing but red ranks. Sure there are some pototoes in there for the most part they are seasoned survs with plenty of hours in the game.