Toxicity of survivors is exceeding all my expectations



  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I'm german and sometimes salty Survivors call me a nazi just for being german.

    But all this verbal abuse happens more and more lately. The reason I turned chat off. I don't want to poison myself with that ######### behavior anymore.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I think that myself, but reality tells you that not all follow the path of honor.

  • RngGenerator
    RngGenerator Member Posts: 25

    I just find it kind of pathetic how some people insult others because they lost at a game. Bro just chill you probably pipped anyways.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Playing with camp/tunnel is honorable as playing without it. Using cheats or exploits is not honorable but allowed tactics are. You are not dishonorable person only because opponents have less fun.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I do not like to tunnel as killer (unless I need pressure), because I hate it as Survivor. Same goes for camping (not patrolling, but staying in 20m range).

    I really hate it when I die because was found first, camped by a Huntress with drawn hatchets and then tunneled to death (despite DS). So I do not want to do that to others.

    I will use these tactics if I get Gen rushed left and right, or someone is pissing me off (looking at you Object of Obsession!).

    But I try to be fair.

    There is no good in an easy victory. A hard won 4k is such a better fight and victory.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    No one deserves these words at the end game chat but it seems that you're a toxic/obsessed/garbo killer. There's a good killers out there without tunneling and camping. You're one of those who give killers a bad name. My advice is get good, earn your kills and move on.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    I earned my kills by normal tactics and I will not apologize for using allowed ways to kills. Its not my problem that survivors consider almost everything as "dirty". You will get verbaly attacked by almost everything - camping, tunneling, slugging, NOED, playing certain killers that are considered "OP" by survivors, so killer are forbidden to play all of this because survivors dont like it? I dont like survivor perks like BT, DS or Adrenalin and its not fun for me to play against it so its considered as "dirty" perks? Then all honorable survivors should stop use it but I see these perks every game and I must deal with that.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    I'll say that again. You're giving killers a bad name. Your tactics are horrible for the game as killer. DS is for tunneling killers like you. BT is for camping killers like you. Gid good and earn legit kills. You're hurting the game.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    No, Im not hurting anyone, these tactics are normal. I will not ask survivors if I can play this or this way. Every kill is legit or only kills that was "fun" for survivors are legit?

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I honestly don't want to see post endgame chats like this on the forums especially. Keep that to yourself.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I find it hard how killers get "verbally attacked" for anything. Stop exaggerating. I play killer matches all the time and never bet "verbally attacked". And believe it or not I only get messages when people get mad at me when I DC due to the ######### map design the devs have.

    Stop playing the victim card, because no one here is a victim at all.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yea these kind of people usually play survivor too so its much more common for the survivor side of the community to be toxic since its so easy to bully the killer. on a side note, tunneling and camping shows that you probably are not very good at the game but neither are they. going against killers who do this with a decent group should always result in the killer getting 1 or 2 kills at most depending on how fast you gen rush which is what you should do against them. so if you got a 4k they also suck since they should have just gen rushed you. lastly coming from a killer main try not to play like this, imo camping and tunneling is pretty scummy and i can promise that you will get better at the game if you try to play without doing either of these things. Its fine to camp after gates are open or if you come across that one cocky and annoying survivor but camping straight away wont get you that much experience in this game if you do it every game.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    No it’s not nor should it lead to a ban. Maybe just be penalized for it somehow in-game. Maybe A perk or a temporary effect that causes survivors to repair generators faster if killer is under a certain distance away from a hooked survivor. (I’ll take note of that idea actually, it sounds like a good one :D). All applicable Variables (repair speed and distance from survivor) playing out in favor of survivors (speed percentage gets bigger over time but distance remains same). Because Pressure needs to be placed on killers to not camp or tunnel. it just kinda ruins the game for people looking to survive more often or to just get more chances in general at surviving since someone getting caught by the killer within the first 5 seconds of spawning in almost seems unavoidable on a consistent basis. Certain combinations seem a little excessive such as no heartbeat while being invisible. Sure the rest of the team can work on gens while you’re camping somebody on a hook but people kind of want to actually get back to playing the game of “hide and seek someone else”. I mean, let’s be honest. Is it really that serious? Besides, that’s an inexperienced and lazy thing to do that ruins the game for someone. Whatever though right, why care. Gotta have that one kill maybe two before all the others skip out the exit doors, huh? Thank you oh heavenly entity for the gift of kindred 🙌🏼 I knew there was goodness in your heart to let us see this killers bad mannered and foolish intent to waste an unfortunate souls valuable time playing a game they paid good money for from afar whilst repairing this generator at an about an inch and hour.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    All I can say is if random people trying to bother you bothers you, then you shouldn't look at or have chat enabled.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Wait wait, what?!?? the perks you listed off were DECISIVE STRIKE (the ability for a survivor to escape your grasp basically only if the killer is HOOK CAMPING -60 seconds after hook at most, practically a one time thing) . ADRENALINE (which helps survivors get away from you) . BORROWED TIME (which lets the survivor take another hit from these killers that have been gifted the speed they need to keep up with them) I mean, That’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. All survivors are trying to do is survive. You’re lucky that’s all they can do and not kill the killer. Check out Friday 13th Jason getting put down (takes teamwork but can be done). KILLERS SHOULD NOT FEEL ENTITLED TO GETTING ANY KILLS AT ALL.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    And that's the main reason why I never will play this game.

    A game which is so terrible balanced, that even dbd looks like a shining star besides it.

    Killers have already enough to struggle with the 4v1 factor. You don't need to add weapons to it, if killers getting not extremley buffed in return.

    What the topic matters... Kiddos... Just ignore them, or report them, if you like.

    No matter what someone thinks about the game mechanics, that is no reason to behave like this.

    If the game mechanics of killers are too much for their mental health, they should maybe playing something like tetris or hello kitty online. Just so that they can come a bit down :).

  • H4l0R34ch4r0und
    H4l0R34ch4r0und Member Posts: 5

    Honestly this is what kills me when playing killer, Survivors message me after the game and say I'm facecamping even though I'm across the map chasing there friends. With these people I just can't enjoy killer as much anymore

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    No, camping, tunneling, slugging is just toxic and ruins the game for survivor players, primarily those you do this to. You say you can do this, the game allows it, then I say you earned their wrath. Act like garbage, be treated like it.

    This is a game, and like all games, it's meant to be enjoyed by all, not just by you.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Its your opinion and I take it, my opinion is that there is no toxic killer tactic. I consider toxic cheating, exploiting or using bugs for example survivors using famous "hook tech" that is still working and many survivors is still doing it. My job as killer is not provide fun for opposite side.

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    I got ten xbox live messages in a row from somebody for camping him, when all 3 of his little friends were right there and I could see them circling like altruistic vultures, so you better believe I was sticking around. Why? Because he brought a BNP in a yellow tool box and was mad that he lost it. Wound up 4king that game too, just because everytime I brought one to a hook, the others would be there in seconds.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    That is where you are wrong. The game is designed for 4 players to play against 1 player. It has set goals and set objectives. It relies on both sides to entertain each other. The problem is, you choose not to. You choose to entertain yourself at their expense, then expect them to just take it, say nothing. Games aren't about your fun but everyones, and you are ruining that.

    I'm sure you think I'm saying you should let them do what survivors want. I'm not. This game is meant to be thrilling, challenging, scary, and yes survivors expect you will probably kill them. The thing is, you provide none of that. Face camping, tunneling, is not fun for survivors, it's not thrilling, or challenging for anyone. Its destructive to the game. Like it or not, you deserve anything they tell you.

    If anything, your post shows just how salty YOU are about it, and I can guarantee you, those survivors are loving it. They cry after the match, you come here and cry about it. The best part about it, this will continue to happen to you game, after game, after game.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    Well.... if I just killed someone I would not expect them to be happy about it.

    Nowadays I dont really care. I just say for the survivor that I love them and I thank them as I thank the food that is on my plate. Specially if I mori with demogorgon.

    To all survivors, thank you. See ya next meal...

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    It's a competitive game. Why would you, by your definition of 'respect', respect your opponent? You wouldn't let your opponent win in a game of chess by 'respecting' their queen. Killer should be allowed to use any tatic he wishes to win the game.

    "You guys choose to use tactics that are just pure scummy, dirty, and kill the fun of the game for everyone else."

    That's the kind of thing an entitled survivor would say.

    "You guys are the true definition of entitled."

    Hypocrisy at it's finest.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    That is not my definition at all. In a game of chess, if I can take your queen I will and set it to the side. What would be scummy is taking your queen and throwing it across the room and telling you to suck it. In DBD, that is what you are doing. You are choosing to disrespect your opponent and saying they can't disrespect you. THAT is hypocritical.

    You should look up the definition of entitled. You obviously dont know it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I’m not going to defend what they were saying because they were wrong to say it, but given whats said in the ingame chat and posts in here I can get an idea of how this game played out and I can see why the survivors were so furious but unless you play survivor you will never understand how awful these “legit tactics” are to play against.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    DBD has insidious as a perk. What other use is their for this perk? How are BT hook techs and DS locker techs considered acceptable and part of the game but insidious camping is not. Bubba has a chainsaw that takes down the hooked survivor and rescuer. Clearly BVHR thinks its an acceptable strategy.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020

    1. Having a killer camp you at the hook and throwing the queen across the room are not the same. Camping a hook or tunneling a survivor and putting a queen to the side are the same. The only exception to this is if the killer is camping/tunneling you specifically to target you.

    2. Throwing a queen across the room and telling your opponent to suck it is equivalent to a survivor teabagging you at the exit gate or survivors being toxic in the end game chat.

    3. I know what entitled means, it usually has to do with people who complain about not having fun in a game because the opposing team didn't play to their advantage. Killers who complain that "survivors who use DS or BT ruin the game" are entitled. Survivors who complain that the killer camped them or tunneled them are entitled (Spoiler Alert, that kinda sounds like you).

    You're bias against killers has you putting simple decisions like guarding a hooked survivor against rescues and tunneling survivors alongside insulting people's livelyhood in the same boat. You see the problem here?

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    At the very least only use it for SWF and KYF matches.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    You don't seem to get it at all, My throwing your queen across the screen is treating you like #########, ruining the enjoyment of the game for you. You camping the hook and tunneling is ruining the fun for the survivor. You are the One acting entitled when you claim you can play how you want.

    By stating "guarding a hooked survivor against rescue" sound like you have a problem with

    and want to force point loss on all 4 survivors by being toxic. you want to remove 1/4th of the points survivors can earn. Lets make a deal. you want sruvivors to give up

    So I want you give up

    Sounds like a fair trade, Survivors can't heal or save, you can't hit or do damage. Don't want to give up Brutality, How about Hunter, or Sacrifice? You're forcing a choice by face camping, so lets take one from you.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020

    Well, I pretty much saw this coming to be honest. Guess I have to tell you the same thing I've told every other entitled survivor.

    If.. You're.. Being.. Camped.. Then Stop Being Selfish and only considering your experience as a survivor. The killer is making the decision to waste time watching you. Have everyone else finish the gens so they can escape, even if it means taking one for the team. In fact, why don't you run kindred so you help your team out while you're sitting on the hook? Too selfish to care about your teammates? Maybe you shouldn't play survivor then, the killer role fits you better.

    "You are the One acting entitled when you claim you can play how you want."

    It's a video game. I don't need to respect your entitled survivor rulebook. Plus, there's a lot of other people who agree with me that it's not.

    "By stating 'guarding a hooked survivor against rescue' sound[s] like you have a problem with altruism (BTW, the pictures were unnecessary) and want to force point loss on all 4 survivors by being toxic."

    If you played killer once ever, you would realize that the killer's goal is to kill and eliminate as many survivors as possible. If that means doing it one at a time because the survivors are stupid enough to wait around a hook, then so be it. If the killer knows that a hook rescue is inbound, he should stop that rescue. Why? Because it effects his goal of sacrificing the survivors.

    Do I care about your points? No. Go complain to BHVR if you don't like the bloodpoint system. My ultimate goal is to win games. Never did I say that I camp to stop the survivors from earning bloodpoints.

  • futurenoob010
    futurenoob010 Member Posts: 14

    They re unbelievable. I have my account messages closed cause when its open, a tornado of saltiness, hatemail etc comes in

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    I've played killer PLENTY. You assuming I haven't shows just how bad you are. Unlike you, I prefer a challenge. You just look for the easy way out. No you're here crying "I can play how I want and you can't say nuthin about it!" It shows you think you are entitled. You give killers a bad rap, and you are doing nothing more than destroying the game. No one wants to play against you and if they had the same choice at the start, you'd never get another game.

    Of course you dont care about your opponent, their points, or how you treat them. So why should they treat you any different? Face camping is toxic, get over it l, and take your lumps like you deserve.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    "I've played killer PLENTY. You assuming I haven't shows just how bad you are."

    Well, there's no argument here anymore. All I see are personal attacks at this point, instead of any attempt to diswade my previous points. It almost hard to believe that you play killer at all, considering how idiotic your reply is. But what do I know.

    "Unlike you, I prefer a challenge"

    I'm glad that you like to play the game your own way. Don't impose on me though. I have my own playstyle.

    "You just look for the easy way out."

    If 'face-camping" and tunneling were the easy way out, then everybody would be using those strats. The killers who face-camp are the ones who are struggling the most. I guarantee you if you ask anyone who plays killer and face-camps if they enjoyed their experience, that they would say they didn't. Most of the time of why it occurs in the first place is because the survivors are on the verge of escaping and the killer needs to secure at least one or two kills before the match ends. So no, it's not "looking for the easy way out."

    "You give killers a bad rap, and you are doing nothing more than destroying the game."

    Too bad you don't have anyway to prove it. Maybe some hard evidence that correlates 'face-camping' or 'tunneling' to the lack of participation in the game. Otherwise, this is just childish statement made by a naive individual.

    "Of course you dont care about your opponent, their points, or how you treat them."

    I would refer you to the chess analogy again, for when I'm playing a game of chess, I'm not going to just let them steamrole me. If the game has been too easily in my favor, I may give the other side a break. But DBD and and chess together are competitive games, where the majority of enjoyment comes from the fight for victory. Nothing else is more important. That's my personal opinion, and others will have their own. I only grind for bloodpoints and let the survivors win at times so I can make myself a stronger killer player in the end.

    "So why should they treat you any different?"

    I'm not the one that's complaining about camping and tunneling. That's on you.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    In fact, here's a whole post dedicated to showing how stupid your "Camping and Tunneling are toxic" argument is.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    "Well, there's no argument here anymore. All I see are personal attacks at this point,"

    All your posts have been nothing but attack survivors, and yes you've attacked me as well. Your pathetic for even trying to call me out on that.

    "But DBD and and chess together are competitive games, where the majority of enjoyment comes from the fight for victory. Nothing else is more important."

    So you would be the garbage player no one wants to play against, chess or dbd. Winning is the goal, the challenge is the enjoyment. The important point of ANY game is the enjoyment.

    "I would refer you to the chess analogy again"

    Since you like my analogies so much, I'm sure you'll love this one, Football. Your play style is like the Patriots. you'll deflate that ball to secure your victory. Good job! Me, I'll take the Giants. Sure they don't always win, but they kicked the Patriots ass.

    "I'm not the one that's complaining about camping and tunneling."

    ROFL! This wouldn't be a discussion if you were. You are here complaining about SURVIVORS!

    "YET SALTY CHILDREN OF THE CORN MAP DBD will SEND you a message on your console LOL.


    And with that, good bye. Like the Patriots against the Giants in the Superbowl, you've proven to not be a challenge.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    "All your posts have been nothing but attack survivors, and yes you've attacked me as well. Your pathetic for even trying to call me out on that."

    Yeah, because it pisses me off to see little entitled survivors like you run around the forums and push your bs around. Your last reply didn't address any of my previous points with any actual arguement at all besides ad-homenen attacks. Thats what I was trying to get at. At most, a misinterpretation of an analogy.

    "So you would be the garbage player no one wants to play against, chess or dbd. Winning is the goal, the challenge is the enjoyment. The important point of ANY game is the enjoyment."

    Umm, hello? DBD is a competitive multiplayer game. You're playing against other players. You should be able to use any strategy to your advantage to win. Camping and tunneling are S.T.R.A.D.E.G.I.E.S to acomplish this in DBD. You shouldn't be playing multiplayer games like DBD if you have a problem with not having enjoyment from competition. Single player or Co-op games seem more like your alley.

    Edit: It's not healthy to speak for others and to make assuptions about people.

    "Since you like my analogies so much, I'm sure you'll love this one, Football. Your play style is like the Patriots. you'll deflate that ball to secure your victory. Good job! Me, I'll take the Giants. Sure they don't always win, but they kicked the Patriots ass."

    Oh look, you've managed to misuse another analogy. Deflating a football in the NFL isn't part of the rules, and wasn't supposed to happen. That was cheating if anything else, and thats why Tom Brady got punished for it. You can't compare Tunneling and Camping to cheating. Don't believe me? BHVR themselves said they were fair strategies.

    "ROFL! This wouldn't be a discussion if you were. You are here complaining about SURVIVORS!"

    I'm not complaining about survivors, I'm arguing with another entitled survivor.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    "I'm not complaining about survivors, I'm arguing with another entitled survivor"

    "SALTY CHILDREN OF THE CORN MAP DBD will SEND you a message on your console LOL.


    ROFL! Would you like to try again?

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    Now that, is a shining example of Toxicity. If you've ever wondered what it actually is, look at this specifically.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    "SALTY CHILDREN OF THE CORN MAP DBD will SEND you a message on your console LOL.


    These are your words being used against you. You came here complaining, got called out, tried to deny you were complaining, proven wrong, and now you are COMPLAINING about it. This isn't me being toxic, this is you complaining.

  • Liannet
    Liannet Member Posts: 86

    Yes they deserve a ban.


    If you use camping and tunneling, you should be prepared for aggressive messages and comments. Nobody will say you "thanks". I don't like these dirty tactics cuz it annoys me as a survivor. But I use it for toxic survivors. Nevertheless I understand that part of players will be salty even if you don’t camp and tunnel them ("gg ez baby killer" etc.).

    So I decided to hide the chat cuz I am not a Zen master. Salty messages upset me. Btw you can turn off the chat while watching the match results.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Close the end game chat. Easy as that. I keep mine always closed. They should even take it out from the game. It's useless.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425
  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Please tell me you're not trying to say that highlighting toxicity in a community is toxic in itself. Its the furthest away from toxic you can probably get.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    Those weren't my words and I'm not gonna argue with a keyboard warrior who accuses me of complaining when I was the one calling you out in the first place. Never met someone so dumb and inmature in my life at this point. That was exactly you being toxic.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    i had a rough match where i couldnt get a kill, so when i camped at 1 gen left and actually got a kill, i was called a gay killer.

    it made me question my sexuality :(

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    A list of words that you still need to learn the definition of. I've noticed that you use of these words inadequately a lot.

    1. Entitled

    2. Toxic

    3. Complain(ing)

    This list will continue to update as I see fit.