Has any game frustrated you as much as DBD?

I remember when I started F13, I was annoyed and died a bit but eventually got good and reached top rank. With DBD I’ve been playing for over 7 months and most games just aren’t fun....killer or survivor. It has to be the most frustrating game I’ve ever played.
It can be frustrating but it's still fun. If you want to play a super frustrating game try For Honor. That game has brought me so close to throwing my controller so many times.
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League of Legends could ruin my mood pretty easily
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For Honor is super frustrating to me too, and oddly addicting.
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Overwatch and Dota 2
I would love to be interested in fighting games, because then you can't blame losing on your teammates or balancing issues.
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I killed my brain cells when I played League of Legends.
They are slowly recovering.
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rainbow six siege
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Nothing ever has. Nothing ever will as much as dbd. Lol
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I’ve actually heard this from some buddies. They detest that game lol
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Played the Souls Series since release. My tolerance for what frustrates me Is through the roof. The only thing that impressed me what after a decade of Souls that DBD took the toxic community award in a few months.
Hatemail has no effect on me, but I will indulge you between matches. Occasionally I get the unique and funny hate mail.
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I played Demon's Souls past then and when i died, i just turned off my ps3. I did that so many times, as i nearly finished the game, it deleted all my trophies from all games. Luckily, i had not much xd
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I usually play a tank or healer that raids in mmos.
This is one of my retirement games. Wee.
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When i was a beginner. I used a very expensive add-on.
And stuck in the wall.
I cursed developers for the first time. lol
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I may be the only one, but I used to get really really mad at The Evil Within. That game is so baddly designed, its hardest mode is hard only because of the many bugs that game has. Also, castellanos would be a perfect match for DBD since his hitbox is big as f
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I just uninstalled DbD. It's nothing but frustration everytime i play and i dont play games to be frustrated or waiting in a lobby 90% of the time. Between the massive bugs, wait times, and unpleasant games it has finally pushed me away
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Just a few years ago I was a huge fan of BFI, that game made me uninstall it at least 5 times.
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The most frustrating thing is losing a game with most chases being <15 seconds. You end up feeling like you never got outplayed but simply lost because gens were too fast. You feel cheated.
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Definately. This game is the DEFINITION of SWEAT. If you're a killer you're sweating your balls off and because of that it can frustrate the hell out of you since any of the issues or imbalances the game has will jab you in the side like a entity leg.
I used to play fighting games all the time, like actually play them, competitively learn combos an git gud and all that and DBD pisses me off most of the time than even those. I think the only game to rival it is XCOM when the RNG buggers you.
The game has 3 problems with this:
1: Some killers aren't fun or aren't effective or you simply don't feel like you are a threatening presence. The devs are really unsure about making killers just...powerful. For some reason. Although over the years I've been playing DBD they have gotten better.
We are getting more varied killers and even reworks to make F tier powerful .I man freddy went from the bottom to the top or at least A tier in one rework. So credit where it is due. Problem is. They got like 7 other killers that need this treatment without messing it up. Tall order.
2: The maps are empty besides from vaults and pallets. Personally the maps should of been getting more stuff in them with each new killer but for some reason survivors get really powerful perks instead of enviromental things to take advantage of. Which makes no sense they are basely built around observing the enviroment and planning around that. Same with team work.
Devs seem to be aware of this. I think. Because the last two killers before oni both can spawn something on the map survivors can interact with-demagorgan and plague- they also added a survivor perk that lets them put back up pallets. Which makes sense, since they're mean to utilize their enviroment. Unlike DS which is an innate, immutable powerful skill. Which should of logically been an item. Like a knife.
But hey, the nerf to it made it a lot more circumstantial instead of body armor. Still should of been an item in my opinion.
3: Gen speeds.
You as killer just lack an innate ability to determine or reduce the speed of gens, not without wasting precious perks spots and even then, they are arguably effective at best. It';s not even that gens get done quick...it's just that all the anxiety is on YOU against an invisible clock .it's like having a bear trap on you all game...but you got to get 4 people who can loop and time waste. It's just not fun.
You don't feel in control at all. Which means you don't really feel like a power role. One would logically assume survivors should feel anxiety since this is done in a horror game theme and dynamic, but survivors taunt and loop because they know between the 4 of them, gens speeds, number of hooks you need and chase time standard the clock is SO against you.
We really need some secondary objectives or something because putting ALL the stress of time on the killer is just not fun. Maybe some times. But not all the time and it will quickly stress you out and make you have to sweat since you're literally counting seconds.
Then you get mad because you feel like the game constantly screaming at you GIT GUD when the points are counted up and you're like "WAIT up. I'm meant to be the power role here. Why am I sweating like a lunatic and get a anxiety spike when I see a survivor sprint burst away and increase this chase by 20 seconds" then you exit the game. You see that big RANK also tell you to git gud even in menu and lobby.
and eventually you realize. There's no reason to git gud. it's stopped being fun. So you uninstall for a while.
I've learned to enjoy the ultra-comeptitiveness myself but even for me. Sometimes I uninstall and I can't handle more than a couple a matches a day without it starting to rise my blood pressure.
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Yes. Death Stranding and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Death Stranding isn't a hard game by any means, but when the controls get janky and you trip over a snowflake and break all the cargo you're carrying, you'll want to chuck your ######### controller/keyboard through your screen.
KCD on the other hand IS an incredibly difficult game.
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hollow knight. especially the trial of fools. If you die there you get laughed at. Idk my death counter but has to be something far above 50.
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Any game where my team thinks it team deathmatch and not defend the objective.
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Clash Royale.
I don’t know how I haven’t shattered the screen of my phone yet. It is so infuriating to play that game. It seems like it’s rigged to match you up with opponents with cards that perfectly counter yours.
I had to quit that game for my sanity.
Not frustrated, but Diablo 3 disappointed me so much so that I considered never purchasing a Blizzard game again. Their “Don’t you have phones” cemented my decision.
I was introduced to Steam and found that there are lots of smaller developers with many fun games.
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Yes, For Honor. That game is SO unbalanced, it’s not even funny. Though, I have to thank that game for creating one of my favorite video game character, PK ⚔️🖤
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I read that with doctor laugh at the end.
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To answer the original question, yes. If you’ve ever played Monster Hunter and had the creature limping, but ran out of time before you could trap it, then you know the true meaning of frustration! Also applies when hunting the same creature 10 times and STILL never getting that one material you need from it!
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siege is so frustrating, especially when you play ranked by yourself .
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Overwatch has frustrated me a ton in the past, but nowhere near as much as DBD.
At least I don't wait 20 minutes for an entirely unbalanced and utterly broken game at any point there.
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Yeah, I stopped playing For Honor pretty quick.
DBD easily takes 2nd place though. Considering the amount of breaks I have taken from the game.
Can't find any fun past playing a handful of games.
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Madden in the most frustrating game I've ever played. There is even a series on YouTube of all the gamer rage that happens in that game. The dbd community on twitch is super chill compared to the madden one. I dont know of any dbd twitch streamer that gets super enraged by this game.
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The difficulty was pretty overwhelming. I got even stomach pain, thinking of playing it again. But i just had to ######### beat it. At the end, i even got the platinum trophy for it. One of the best games i have ever played. But still frustrating as hell.
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Overwatch frustrates me more 😑
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The new call of duty lol I only got it because my friends play it a lot and man ..sometimes that game is more frustrating to play then playing nurse on console (and I play nurse a good bit)
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That chalice dungeon in Bloodborne that halves your health.
But even then, dbd takes the cake.
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Pathfinder: kingmaker. Guaranteed 1/20 of crit or fail dice roll and recognised dependency on save scuming makes this game quite frustrating at times.
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Many. Overwatch, COD, Apex Legends, Death Stranding, WWZ and many more!
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Dota 2.
I'm glad I stopped playing it last year.
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Bennet Fody: getting over it
"There's no feeling more intense than starting over"
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Dbd never makes me angry but it does frustrate me. The game that pisses me off because of how unfair and rage inducing is FIFA.
I've played rb6 siege, for Honor, bloodborne, overwatch but nothing comes close to the broken clusterfeck of a game FIFA is. You could be dominating the entire match and still lose, you could make 3 perfect tackles but due to rng the ball will bounce back to him and he'll score. There is even a conspiracy that the game has scripting that forces you to win or lose online.
Ive had to quit that game for my own health. It's been two years.
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The first Crash Bandicoot game
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Getting over it
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I’m noticing a trend here. The vast majority of games people mention here are the ones where they play with other people......
So is it the games that are frustrating? Or the “game” of humanity?
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Like when you have a long streak going and you think damn I am doing good today. Somebody comes who just completely destroys you, you will try so many times and at the end it is back to the training room to figure out what this person did and how you have to play against it. Feels like more time spent in practice than actually playing vs other people.
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I never played many multiplayer games before DBD/F13, I always stuck with single player.
Only time I’d get frustrated is when I was going for an extremely hard trophy like surviving the ENTIRE game on Alien Isolation without dying. It’s scary at first but then if you get a long way without a checkpoint and you die it’s annoying as hell. The ship is like maze as well so I had to watch walkthroughs on how to complete a level. Still never completed the game yet :(
No other game triggers me as much as DBD. It’s not even the players that annoy me, it’s the fact that the game can be broken. Ya know what I mean. Ghost hits. Getting hit when you medium vault. Sound occlusion. Sound bugs. Myers and GF stalking being bugged. “Hook techs”. Getting hit through pallets. Dedicated servers, etc...
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Dude i hated that Chalice. That dog had me on the verge of breaking down in tears. Amy was just a long tense 30 minute battle.
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######### that dog. Also the undead giant from the earlier chalices.
Only 2 bosses that made me question my sanity.
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I hated him. Brofist made me go ######### when i entered the arena and was instantly punched from halfway across the room.