From the void she kills..

Someone please. Explain how I'm supposed to get this achievement now.
It requires you to grab someone after blinking 3 times.. ok.. well the only way you can get 3 blinks now is with an Iri add on.. that blocks where you can blink. Fantastic.
I tried Insidious camping a hex totem.. Insidious camping a gen.. it's useless as they scatter like flies as soon as I charge the blink, because it takes me out of Undetectable. Also tried Insidious + Tinkerer + Dark Devotion + the purple addon that makes me undetectable.. useless.
I tried playing normal and hoping for a window grab.. but wait.. the survivor needs to already be injured and running to a window in my line of sight, and i have to hit 3 blinks at the precise moment they hit the window.. amazing.
Farm it with the survivors. One game ez
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i want to get it legit though -_-
I got Myers' evil within 4 kills legit.. this appears to be worse though
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Message a survivor to see if they're willing to help you get it.
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Well I dont really know when this trophy was made. I remember when nurse was released she had 3 blinks in basekit. Even after the nerf 2018 the trophy was easy to get. But doing it now is really a pain.
If you want to earn it fair n square you need to be very patient. Many survivors tend to keep repairing the gen if its almost done (at least the ballsy ones). Tinkerer is a very good idea. And the most important thing you need is luck. If dedicated dont screw you over and the survs are dumb enough to stay at the gen after you triple blink on them, I bet you get the most amazing "Hell yeah" moment of DbD history.
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@Peanits could this achievement be reworked?
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Possibly on PC, but not on consoles. Valve doesn't care, but Microsoft and Sony are really stingy about changing the achievements. As long as it's still technically possible to achieve, they won't let you touch it.
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But they changed the achievement for Legion, didnt they?
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Get their cooperation. When I need grab stuff I kill 3 survivors while letting them finish all gens. Then I down the 4th and bring them to an exit gate. They do the gate, I grab, they struggle off, they do the gate, I grab, ect. Once done I let them escape as a thank you.
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"technically" is a very loose term for this one
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I think Insidious + Tinkerer could work if i sat on one gen the whole game.. one i know they'll go to.
Wait for Tinkerer to activate, then blink and grab off gen
maybe.. after I de-pip 20 times.. just maybe..
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Which one?
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Yeah, but as long as it's possible within the mechanics of the game, even if it's unfair or a huge pain, they won't let them change it.
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I really would only try it on certain maps. Try the small indoor maps with a big terror radius as well. I think saw map could be great
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the one for downing someone with Deep Wound applied, because BT applied DW so you didn't really need to use your power for the achievement
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Yeah all I can say is good luck fam.
I got it back in the day from a 5 blink game where someone just happened to be vaulting right as I landed on them. With the ultra rare being the only way to even get 3 blinks and it's removal of a key aspect of her power there's very little chance of getting it now.
Especially since every time you want to even try for the grab you need to wait 9 seconds to get all the blinks back :/
Who the hell is gonna be willingly in a situation after 9 seconds where they can be grabbed? Potatoes. What a great change.
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i have a couple ideas.. and i'll keep trying until i run out of black wards & the add on.. but I think a more reasonable update to this achievement would be down someone 10 or 20 times after blinking 3 times.
Still have to know how to use her power, plus still have to use that hindrance add on.
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I think best chance is when you have a survivor that wants to finish a gen, blink behind, easy grab.
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I love when an ultra rare addon is more of a chore to use than it isn't.
Seriously though good luck. The 20-30 hits sounds reasonable especially since they removed the teleport through walls feature on it.
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Approach them and act as a friendly killer, shaking your head vigorously at the gen. Wait until they're almost done and just blinkblinkblink grab. Ez.
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I think the devs forgot about the achievement, just didn’t care about it, or like BS achievements that are unfun as #########.
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Like someone said earlier, they can't change them on consoles unless it's literally impossible to do anymore. I have no doubt they either forgot or didn't care about it when designing the addons though.
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Right. That one was changed because the changes to the character made it impossible, since you can't down survivors while using Legion's power anymore. As I said, they only allow the trophies to be changed if they're no longer mechanically possible to do.
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You can do it with franks mixtape, like you can only do the evil incarnate achievement with judiths tombstone.
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Well, I couldn't tell you then. Maybe it has something to do with the mechanics of Killer Instinct. All I know is that the achievement was changed, and that was the reason given for the change, that it was no longer possible after the update. Maybe a developer or someone who plays Legion can explain to you in more detail why the change was made.
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it was because you could get the achievement quicker by hitting people with borrowed time, not ones hit by frenzy
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Anyways after 5 or 6 more games.. I finally got it.. relieved. Got it from a hook rescue during EGC, which is probably more logical than trying to grab off gens.
I swear I was putting all my mental processes into trying to figure out the best way to gen grab.. I used Shadowborn for extra line of sight, Insidious and Tinkerer, and bunch of random crap after each of the previous matches failed. Even on The Game, I was Insidious above the bathroom gen.. when Tinkerer kicked in I blinked down and the guy immediately ran off :(
anyways.. glad it's done with.. I pray for the ones that follow in this quest
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Is this a good reason for sony and microsoft to change it? They seem to really care about achievements. It doesn't seem a strong enough reason.
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Much of your struggle came from trying to do it in a legit game. My joke suggestion might've alleviated much of that stress in lieu of a real scenario. Regardless though congratulations on getting post nerf as that is definitely more of an achievement than getting it prior.
Did you like Tinkerer on Nurse? I personally think she's one of the few capable of getting real use out of it. Well, WAS capable, before her changes.
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But that's the current achievement, isn't it? Previously you had to down survivors while Killer Instinct was active, I believe.
Also congratulations on the Nurse achievement! Glad it finally worked out 😊
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Tinkerer really didn't seem to do much for a few reasons
- It doesn't last very long
- As soon as you charge the blink they get an audio cue, and so they are looking around.. it seemed they were always ready to bolt away
- It only activates at 85%, so by the time you're able to blink to said gen it's probably going to be done
Even if I were playing normal with Tinkerer.. these points would still stand IMO.
Dark Devotion is probably a better option if we're talking stealth
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ohh, could be right.. I think I got that achievement before BHVR fixed it on their end, probably why I got it confused. BHVR patched the fact that Borrowed Time downs were counting towards the achievement. maybe that's what I'm thinking of
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I got it before the patch so tough balls its going to be hard
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Maybe try survaillance?
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Like I said, I'm used to using it prenerf where it doesn't take 15 seconds to travel the same distance it took you 5. Back then it didn't matter if they heard it or not as long as you weren't on the other side of the map there was a decent chance you could get a grab right before it was finished, especially if there was a wall blocking their LOS so they could only hear her gasp and not tell the distance of it.
Glad I dropped the game before my favorite combo got ######### on.
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I had to message the group and ask them to help me get it. They were happy to help and I put on BPS and we farmed.
Unless you get lucky or are really good at Nurse I don’t really see another way.