

Who do you afraid the most during a match?

Member Posts: 715

Can you explain why? I'm mostly interested in Myers and the Ghostface results.

Who do you afraid the most during a match? 30 votes

The Shape
14 votes
The Ghostface
6 votes
The Pig
2 votes
The Demogorgon
1 vote
The Nightmare
5 votes
The Spirit
2 votes
The Wraith

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  • Member Posts: 17
    The Shape

    Definitely Michael, the way he just stands there and stalks always makes me look around

  • Member Posts: 699

    none, I'm scared of having terrible teammates The Hag. Everyone here I can look for, but I never use flashlight since I suck at it, and terrain (like grass) may hide Hag's traps, and without realizing it, I try to save the hooked teammate and *steps in phantasm (I think it's called) trap* HUFGHFDUMZGSDKUYXHGHGXHDF!!!! and panic and die, both in game, and real life.

  • Member Posts: 940

    Claudette, no skilled player should have her

  • Member Posts: 1,609
    The Shape

    Just an guy with a mask that makes him emotionless while chases after me and has an smol terror radius. Wraith is second because of his giant legs

  • Member Posts: 74
    The Shape

    I’m over 1000 hours played (650 as surv) and Myers still scares me. I often find I make very silly mistakes against him. Like this one time on the meat plant – and it turned out to be Otzdarva.

    But I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it’s the staring. It does make me appreciate Halloween much more though.

  • Member Posts: 43
    The Pig

    The Pig, the past few times I've had matches against her it's been impossible to get the traps off and I've died from the traps rather than her actually doing anything herself. So every time I see the match is against her, I hope I actually make it to the right machine in time since the past few matches it hasn't worked out for me.

  • Member Posts: 119
    The Shape

    How could anyone be scared of a good boy like Demo?

  • Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020
    The Ghostface

    G h o s t f a c e

    He can teabag your damn corpse.

  • Member Posts: 49
    The Pig

    Pig lady is terrifying. I always end up running towards her because I think she’s a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 695
    The Ghostface

    Myers on top seriously?

    Ghostface is more of a sneaky killer, at least myers has tier-up sound, even with tier 1 he's pretty slow so you can react quick enough. The ghostface though, the moment you realize he was there you're already 1-hit, plus the sound of expose status added to it even more.

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