Unpopular Popular Opinion: Too many bad survivors.

Killer Mains: Its not fun to kill potatoes.

Survivor Mains: I can't play solo because my teammates are bad.

I think it's widely accepted by both sides that there is a significant amount of bad survivor players (not new players) in the DBD community. I call it an unpopular popular opinion because I see it everywhere in the forums. But when it comes to balance, the problem seems to disappear.

Suddenly, Ego Killers brag about how good they're at the game and how all other Killer Mains should bow down to their Godly presence.

Suddenly, survivor players aren't dying because their teammates are bad but because Killer OP.

I think the whole "Casual vs Competitive" debate is the reason for this. Some players refuse to get good because they just play "casually". And if a killer tries to 4k or all 4 survivors try to escape, they're "sweaty".

I feel like there should be a baseline level of competency for players. There are a lot of resources for improving at the game, but I want to ask,

Survivors, what is the very minimum you expect from your teammates?

Killers, what is the very minimum you expect from a fellow killer player?

If you play both sides, I'd like to hear from you as well!


  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I play both sides. Have been rank 1 in the past, just stopping by nowadays for those sweet juicy tomes.

    I consider myself a bad player on both sides, but I play well enough to get survivor and master challenges fairly easily.

    From killers I expect most of them to do what they saw on YouTube. Its actually the killers that just commit and walk forward that trip me up. I expect the killer to try to mindgame. I never see that clothesline coming.

    For other survivors I expect a degree of boldness. When I see survivors just playing cards in the corner through auras it makes me sad inside.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    well iv been rank 1 killer and survivor for 2 years odd now, i could always hit ruin and lead on great chases, i know map tiles,loops, totem spawns. but now i get teammates that hide from the terror radius most of the game, miss normal skill checks and lead on about 10 seconds of chase. now i do feel that not every survivor should be insanely good on a team, even more so with ruin gone as casual killers will struggle alot more but ranks are very messed up, i personally feel gens should be longer to make games longer, iv escaped multiple games and de-piped because of how quick they went, but iv also had games where i do 4 gens... ranking needs to be harder, people get too much towards ranking from hook saves or escapes which depends on the team not your actual skill. as for killer ranking is okay, but if i have 4 survivors at my skill its an easy win 95% of the time with 4 escapes atm

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    Yeah, I noticed after the ruin changes the forums were suddenly filled with more survivors calling for Killer nerfs. I realized that it may have been because of a low skill level and not because they were trying to be "toxic".

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    Yeah, when I see killers pressing w and doing nothing else but following the survivor, it feels so bad. Mindgames is a must for killers.

    And for survivors, I agree. When I play killer, I see hooked survivors hit second stage or straight up die, because no one went for them. Even when i'm not in the area. Sometimes they can be TOO bold, but even I feel bad for survivors when their teammates are playing hide and seek while they are dying.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    I play both sides.

    As killer there isn't anything to expect from survivors, killers expect the DEVS to limit survivors in some way or change the way the game functions.

    As survivor, i expect the other 3 to be doing generators when not being chased instead of..... what ever else they are doing? To win as survivor, all you need is 2 people on gens at all times and the game is over for killer.

    If you want to see why killers win, just equip bond and play solo and see for yourself.

    The game also seems to pool players closest to your area so you will see the same people over and over again. If the survivors in your area are good, then you will see killer as under powered and see the true state of the game. If the survivors closest to you are bad then you come on the forums saying everything is fine and you 4k most of your games.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905
    edited February 2020

    I agree too many survivors are bad ( not saying I am great but I do okay) but then I realize that not everyone has been watching good survivors on twitch or youtube. Whatever they know about the game like how to loop and evade the killer they learned for themselves. From rank 20 to 14 it's rare to have someone save you if it risks their own skin outside of swfs. Survivors struggle and give up on first hook. These same survivors go on to dc on first down in higher ranks. It's awful but I don't see it changing. I expect the basics from teammates; do gens, make saves, attempt to run the killer. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

    As killer or rather as a survivor playing against killer I expect them not to respect pallets, to close down loops, to mindgame, and to camp the hook once the gates are powered.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    I am Red Rank in both Killer and Survivor. I very much relate to this post.

    I am a solo survivor and find it frustrating to play with some other survivors. I expect that over time, survivors will understand the importance of how to use their time. It is aggravating watching people while I am on a hook not do anything. If you learn how to utilize time, this game becomes very easy.

    For killers, I expect that the will know how to shut down loops and also prioritize objectives. Killers need to know when to kick gens, when to chase, and when to hook others.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Its funny, the amount of red rank survivors willingly let me set a 3 gen strat so I can farm them for perfect game as Freddy. Ill let them pop half the maps gens while i keep them away from the smallest cluster getting a few hooks here and there, then when they get down to 2 gens left, they realized they ######### themselves and end up with 15-40 minute game depending on how long I want to extend the match, or if one or two play immersed Claudette trying to wait out hatch.

    Rank, especially for survivors, is not a particularly good indicator of skill. I expect red ranks to know how to loop for brief periods before getting downed, hit good skill checks somewhat consistently, occasional great skill check, and to know what meta survivor perks are. Most do not know individual killers basic mechanics or counters, how to loop for extended periods of time, how to mind game, when its better to loop, do gens, go for an unhook, etc.. They tend to not know anything about killers build mid match, such as the perks and addons the killer are running or how to counter them.

    Then you will get the red ranks that know all of that and more, who will make you sweat your ass off as a killer or run you right on over. Survivors that know what they are doing, especially when in an SWF, are definitely on a much higher skill level then your average red rank survivor. A lot of the really good survivors ive gone up against also play killer quite a bit as well and are able to predict how a certain killer is going to approach a given situation.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    This is quite evident if you watch Peanits' stream. He isn't a bad killer by any means. Probably should be around high purple/low red ranks. But even with the new ruin he is getting his fair share of 4k's at rank 1.

    I would say I'm getting 3k-4k's in 80-85 percent+ of my games since the ruin nerf, at rank 1 (I never slug the last survivor for the 4k so they often get out through the hatch). Yet if matchmaking were actually working well, that number would be much lower. So many of my games, and so many of Peanits' games had survivors who look like they just started the game recently.

    And then he says things like "most survivors are like this" when his chases last 10 seconds because the claudette he is chasing runs into a wall after being hit, or away from a pallet.

    I'm tired of the easy games. It's a waste of addons to enter a game and know that the game is won after the first down, even with the awful new ruin, because the survivor(s) don't know how to look behind, run away from pallets, etc. The frustrating thing is, due to how absolutely awful the matchmaking is right now, the stats that show how much ruin affected games won't be accurate. I'd even bet that the kill rates will go up since ruin was nerfed because basically 3 out of every 4 game is a matchmaking joke.

    And, if they do manage to get matchmaking working, so that true rank 1 killers will be facing true rank 1 survivors, maybe then the devs will realize that something needs to be done with the balance. I'd say equalizing all the awful maps would be a start, and probably make so many people happy.

    I know this probably seemed like a lot of complaining. I love the game, but am pretty frustrated recently with how the devs keep making awful maps (the last one is an absolute joke - do the devs even know that lockers don't spawn in not only the middle of the map, but in one other entire section of the map. As if that map already isn't a huntress killer.) Also, with how bad matchmaking is. And all the bugs that keep popping up. It seems like there is a new bug in every game I play.

    And then I see Peanits on stream acting as if the games he is playing in are what actual rank 1 games are like. They aren't, and it's pretty frustrating for killer players to hear that everything is perfectly fine, and that he prefers the new ruin, when most of the games I watched his play (I only watched yesterday, to be fair) were against complete potatoes that the best killer players could beat perkless.

    To get a bit back on topic, even at rank 1 there have been decent numbers of survivors that you look at think 'did you borrow someone's account?', but the awful matchmaking recently has amplified it so much. These days it is like playing against easy bots.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    "I think it's widely accepted by both sides that there is a significant amount of bad survivor players (not new players) in the DBD community"

    I'm a killer main but I sometimes play survivor and I'm god awful. Mostly because I don't spend enough time to get a feel of the red stain/killer catch ups in pursuits.

    The Base I expect from survivors is an intention to commit to escaping and act in a manner that is proper to that. I've seen so many survivors just stand there, give up or just not try. Hell, potatoes treat generators like hot rice cookers and recoil from them and I end up getting light bringer gold for soloing half of the gens a good deal of the time.

    Maybe less ######### around trying to copy those "so cool troll survivor youtubers" as well. Most of the time they get cocky without the skill against any decent killer and I watch them get tunneled or moried and they got no one to blame but themselves. But the rest of the team suffers.

    I've seen it as killer too. So many survivors just...give up if they get caught and chased not near a pallet or get downed early. Hell, my last game had two people instantly quit at early game down as LEGION. Legion!

    Most of the time if the team even half commits to running away or doing gens at least 2 or 3 of us will escape even if we do horribly.

    EDIT: Base I expects from killers: Knowing that you're not the power role and sometimes you got to eat pallets, gen pops and loses chases. A lot of newer or bad killers naturally expect to be a deadly predator but the game is not built in that manner and is more about tactical allocation of time and mind games. This leads to noob killers getting stomped when they get aggitated at taunting/flash light clickers from survivors who know time is on their side.

    It's a mindgame in and of itself in a way. As survivor, even bad survivor you can see these killers barely able to do much due to endless loop chasing or not midning safe areas.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I'm a new player, and I've been playing Survivor (aside from a few games where I played Killer for some dailies). I am Not Good, so there's that, but I really do my best to perform for the team - popping gens, cleansing totems, running the killer as long as I can when they inevitably find me because I'm just dumb and I main Steve (for now) and apparently on all maps there is a giant sign that says "HERE'S STEVE, COME GET HIM" and I'm found first. (Some are my fault. I have straight up run headfirst into a killer like an absolute tool lmao.)

    But basically I expect the same from other players. If I'm running the killer nowhere near where people are for a decent amount of time, gens should be popping. I've had games where I've just run circles and had not a single one happen. I've also watched as three players had some healing circle and let me die on hook (and then when I was spectating it was super weird and looked like they were farming or something? like the killer wasn't even trying to hit them) or just straight run past me for a gen when they easily could have unhooked me and then gone for the gen.

    Also like... it's so sad to be abandoned at the end after knowing I did half the gens and plenty of running. I don't mind not escaping if I can still pip up/safety pip because I'm well aware I can't escape every match, but today I didn't escape once because I somehow got paired with people that ignored the whole coop aspect of playing survivor.