Killer should get less points for every hook of the same person in a row



  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    So your solution for hen rushing, and tunneling is to remove points. But you want to do this before the game is remotely balanced so that those strategies that people dislike aren't something that killers have to resort to.

    No first off this is a terrible idea, sometimes needing 1 person dead as soon as possble is your only chance for having a remotely decent match of 1 to 2 kills.

    The reason why killers complain about this is because we're looked at for just doing it to be toxic, to make it unfun, to ruin the game for survivors. We just want to have a chance at victory, and if you need to be tunneled to require that then yes it's going to happen. As much as I want survivors to be punished for sitting in the exit gates T-bagging and clicking their flashlight like mad men to get a GG EZ at the end of the game. I don't come to the forums telling them to start taking bloodpoints for people doing that.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    How about no

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Cant ask for a penalty to a legit strategy Devs say they will never do anything to combat besides add perks to help counter it.

    "Who cares about points"

    Umm....How long have you been playing the game. You NEED points to level up characters

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    I care about points. In fact, they're the only thing I care about. The whole goal is to get as many points in a game as I can. What else would I care about, the rank? lol

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    How about we don't punish killers for playing the game

  • TwystydNation
    TwystydNation Member Posts: 1

    When my rank 16 killer quits being matched against rank 6 survivors, I will quit tunneling and/or camping. I should get extra points for every survivor 10 ranks below me that I hook.

    See that's another dumbass remark. Here is the reality, play your game. If your strategy doesn't work then YOU are the one who needs a rework.

    Why am I going to chase a survivor for 45-90 seconds hoping for two hits when I can chase you for 10 and all but guarantee a down with one hit? You do know killers lose emblem points for allowing an unhooked survivor to escape. Campers are punished for face camping.

    Most killers, myself included care less for the player created imaginary survivor handbook.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    So, a survivor is unhooked. I'm heading to another spot I believe somebody is at, and I find the unhooked survivor, either because they were healing behind a pallet or literally ran into me. Why should I be punished for that?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Why punishing? Why not reward the killer with more points if they go for a fresh hook?

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    Only way I can see this working at all is if BP became a push/pull system, where gained BP became weighted against your opponent(s). So each side would start with a common pool of BP between them, and each action performed would tip the scale one way or the other. Whichever side performed better gets more BP in that category, and the amount is decided by how much better. In that case, diminishing returns could make sense. Or take all the BP for the new hook action from the survivor who unhooked unsafely.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Care to explain why? Just a dumb suggestion without providing anything to it? Great idea, do not punish the survivor that unhooked you like an idiot but the person that has nothing to do with it. Who literally has the objective to kill you.


    Maybe you should try to add anything to the discussion instead of insulting others or are you just flamebaiting?

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Hey question? Do you play destiny 2 and get mad that you have to shoot a gun. or sign up for a swim class then get pissy cause you have to get wet? Nature of the beast.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors are punished in emblems for working on gens too much :/

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    posts like these make miss the down vote button, instead of just retyping what has been said dozens of time on the same thread i could just a hit button to show i disagree with you

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495


  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    This is the dumbest thing I've seen on these forums and you survivor mains have had some duzies.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I disagree sometimes a Killer to establish pressure has to do this. Tunneling while definitely a feel bad moment for the Survivor, but sometimes it is needed to remove one of the 4 Survivors off the board immediately or to make it so you can get a 1k.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Kind of like how survivors justify toxicity in game and throwing fits when killers dont comply to their bull crap, totally nonexistant rules huh?

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    If you don't like tunnelling, just bring Decisive Strike. Strongest perk in the game. So strong, you don't even need to run it to get its benefit.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Sorry, let me know if I got this right. I got hooked, killer is walking around the hook, I guess we can just say camping, I get unhooked, even with BT, teammates are running around to block and protect me, killer ignores them completely, avoids them just to get me, downs me eventually and hooks again. And situation repeats. And I am the one who needs to play better? Then tell me how, I'd love to get better.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I don’t think it’s wise to further disincentivize a player from playing killer. Maybe in the future after achieving a balance through the many, many changes that need to happen. Then this may be a good idea. But dear god not right now.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    You do realize this is not a nerf. Suggesting that point reduction happens for each successive time a survivor gets hooked doesn’t mean there can be an edit in the hooking system to balance that feature. Like more points with the first initial hook, or a bonus for each different survivor they hook in succession, etc.

    your logic is faulty to directly claim that it’s a nerf, for you’re lacking the creative thinking necessary to mull over a suggested idea and find a sense on balance. apply critical thinking skills to the question and brainstorm, and maybe you’ll realize your initial thought was an impulsive thought as opposed to a well thought out one

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    If it's not a nerf then why suggest killer get less points for doing their job? The opposite to what op say is to punish survivors who go to same gen over and over with less BP but nobody mention this of course.

    If you think is not a nerf then I suggest you do research my friend and you find yourself embarrass situation.

    To other yes you can post it say whatever but most will think joke because it just another negative detrimental idea to game instead of positive change like fix sounds or map changes this is punish killers for doing their job which is to eliminate the heroes my friend

  • jayjay23vaz
    jayjay23vaz Member Posts: 12

    If u struggle against tunneling just run ds simple as that. Tunneling is toxic that's about it. It hurts your feelings but it isn't illegal. A player who gets 4 or more flashlight saves in a game is just as toxic. Honestly just don't make excuses unless it's game breaking or a perk is broken. Imagine someone complaining as a killer that a Jake is running around with Alex's toolbox and saboteur the whole game ruining his hooks. It's all apart of the game.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Everytime a killer hooks a survivor, the killer should be sent to killer jail for 1 minute.

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174


  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Are all survivors recently like this guy?

    Seriously op.....if you don't want to be tunneled or have the person you're unhooking get tunneled.....STOP MAKING UNSAFE UNHOOKS!!!!!






    They aren't going to die instantly, theres a timer, they have multiple chances to get back into the game. And if you're the person being unhooked.......RUN AWAY AND GO HEAL, GO HIDE, GET OUT OF DANGER AND STOP BOPPING AROUND THE MAP RANDOMLY MOANING AND BLEEDING ALL OVER THE PLACE, IM NOT OBLIGED TO LET YOU LIVE IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!

    If you want to stop a killer from tunneling....STOP CAMPING THE HOOK!!! You're risking your team mates life....

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    I'm a survivor player. We should play as a team.

    Also in this scenario the killer is punished by not finding people. Gens are getting done and he is getting no Chase or hit points

  • Ratatosk
    Ratatosk Member Posts: 23

    Normally I'd give my argument about genrushing not existing, but killing people is also the killer's main objective, so tunneling is just doing so to one survivor quicker than usual.

  • Ratatosk
    Ratatosk Member Posts: 23

    I can safely say that I've never seen a comment more stupid and wrong than this one. Doing gens is the survivors' objective, they LITERALLY can't win without it, and looping is pretty much their only way to survive if they've been seen. Camping and tunneling, on the other hand, are completely unnecessary for a killer to win, it just secures one kill faster and makes them a toxic dikebag in the process.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Learn the loops, and map layouts. The moment you said "downs me eventually and hooks again" then I know you're not playing right. Because the only reason you would say that line; You get downed very quickly, because you don't know the loops, and expect holding 'W' or ^ on your controller is gonna save you long enough for your team to get a gen.

    If you are doing chases right as a survivor than you can easily make a single chase 4-5 minutes long.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2020

    Ok survivors should get less points for... unsafe hooks.

    Multiple gens.

    Opening both gates

    Flashlight stuns

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I admire you survivor mains' ability to use your imagination and continually come up with new suggestions of how to screw over killers even more, down to the smallest interaction or detail.

  • Both of these are already punished in game. If a killer tunnels, he opens himself to being gen rushed. At higher ranks they don't pip and get less points. If survivors gen rush and do nothing else, they're open to NOED and at higher ranks don't pip and get far fewer points.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Depends on the map, the killer and the survivor experience.

    Often you are forced to tunnel someone down as killer, to slow the whole game down.

    Besides that, my comment isn't stupid.

    Killing is the objective of the killer. Surley he can not use face camping for it, or tunneling, but you know... Generators are the objective for survivors and no one forces you to do them in a few minutes.

    It would be counterproductive, but you could stop gen-rushing.

    The same is with tunneling. It is counterproductive, to not do it as a killer, but of course we could stop doing it... If we like to endanger our win, or give the survivor their win on a silver plate.

    The truth is, the survivors have a rule book, thicker as ... well that wouldn't polite to say... Just let us say it is a ton thicker as the rule book for survivors.

    Just because something stays in this imaginary rule book as bad behavior doesn't mean that it is not necessary sometimes for a killer.

    I use tunneling on a regular basis in my matches as a slow down tool, since I had never use any slow down perks, like ruin or pop goes weasel and I don't feel bad about it.

    Tunneling 1 survivor down, to give all others a reason to leave their generators to rescue that 1 survivor, gives me the possibility as a killer, to damage in this time the generators, or to catch the 1 survivor who is not running towards the hook to safe his friend.

    If I would not be able to do it - for what ever reason - I would start using slow down perks and I know already yet how much survivors love to work over and over again, on the same generator, because he gots always kicked with pop goes weasel :).

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Because then you could be punished for survivors being dumb.

    So many times low rank survivors quickly rescue their ally then go blendette stealth mode leaving their ally to die. Or said survivor just happens to be the first found after a heal. There's just situations a blanket penalty will punish that would be unfair and make people feel as if they're being forced to play by "The Survivor's Rules for Killers"

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Survivors should be punished for doing more than 1 gen in parallel. Less repair points and slow down.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Don't play Nostradamus or Sherlock Holmes, it ain't working for you too well. You don't know me and you don't know how I play. I don't hold 'W', I'm looping, mind gaming, using flashlight etc. Am I good? Most likely no, but I can hold it for 3-4 minutes.

    And now, lets get back to my question, read it again and then answer. Or let my simplify it, if I can:

    • killer camps my hook
    • I get unhooked (obviously I'm injured at that point)
    • killer immediately rushes after me
    • teammates try blocking, protecting me, but killer maneuvers around them, only focuses on my person
    • gen might pop, maybe more, but killer doesn't give a damn at this point, he just wants to kill me at any cost

    My question is in that situation, what am I supposed to do? Turn on a speed hack? Because (yes, I will use that word again, don't read too much to it) eventually I will get knocked down again. Maybe some real top tier players can run forever and will never get downed and will get out of every situation, but I won't, especially I won't escape face camping tunneller.

    Another situation, two days ago. I'm playing with a friend, vs wraith. Total face camper (like 99% wraiths I meet, I'm rank 5, if that matters), hooks my friend, moves away. Or at least we think so, because in reality, he was right behind the corner, invisible. So BT didn't work, wraith maneuvered around me just to attack the unhooked person at any cost. He downed my friend, got DSed, but was after him anyway. Second hook, then same situation, camping around the corner. This time though somehow I was able to stun him, blind him, get him on me and make him lose us both (in the end 3 people escaped).

    But my point is, if killer is camping, just waiting to tunnel the unhooked person, not even giving them time to react, then saying to a survivor 'git gud' is rather... inadequate to the situation.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    You seem to forget that you're not supposed to be able to loop the killer for the entire match. You run from him for as long as you can, and either try to lose him, or force him to lose interest in you. I literally can't sum up learning 13 realms, and 33 maps into a single post other than to just say "git gud".

    That's also saying that it's not the killer's fault if another survivor goes and performs an unsafe save, meaning - yes you are going to get punished for the other survivors mistake and it's not the Killer's fault for that. It's the survivors, so stop blaming the Killer for playing right, and start blaming the other survivors for being bad.

    However even in most cases where I was saved unsafely, I still used my Dead Hard, or took a direction that forced my way out of a killer's attack off hook, and then into a nearby loop where I take his attention for 3 or more minutes, and then either lose him by hiding, or they realize they won't get me and give up chase. Yes sometimes they refuse to stop chasing me, at this point it's tunneling because they ignoring better objectives. The rest of the survivors finish the gen's and I die with at least a black pip for getting max chase points, and any other points I accumulated up to that point.

    Btw your whole "second scenario" you literally just described how the killer lost by camping. 3 people escaping is a win for the one person who died by dev's standards, and everyone who survived is a win because they survived. The Killer lost for not securing 2 kills. If this is what you're talking about tunneling, and camping, then you need to learn a lot more about the game than just map layouts and loops, and in the meantime work on being less toxic until you do.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Or better yet, they come back (or stick around) to mori you right off first hook. 🙃

    Not that I 100% agree with OP, but I just love the amount of people that came here to turn this into 'entitled Gen rushing survivors just need to git gud and run to the nearest God loop' because so many of those exist, right.

    They're assuming so much, from where you've been hooked to how far you are away from a safe loop down to your skill level because how dare you make a suggestion that doesn't benefit someone playing scummy to 'win'.

    Doing nothing but demos in Rocket League instead of getting goals is a tactic that is allowed, doesn't make it any less scummy. Same goes for spawn camping in other games. People act like they've never heard 'just because you can doesn't mean you should'.

    If que times werent 30 min+ right now, I quite frankly wouldn't care that happened to me because I could just move on. I'm not going to sit here and get offended that you felt the need to eliminate me immediately because you acknowledge that I could out play you. I only care that I have to go back to a half hour+ que.

    Gen rushing doesn't exist and Epstein didn't kill himself.

  • irejog
    irejog Member Posts: 39

    Tbh, you are just shame-stamping killers who go for the tactically wiser option. Your opinion is only reinforcing the incorrect stance that survivour need more counters to tunnelling. Which they clearly dont thanks to the perks you just listed.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No not shame stamping. I understand that if killers want to go for rank these tactics may indeed be a necessity.

    Just saying there is another way to play. That is more fun and fair. And you can maintain purple ranks that way. If I wanted to be concerned with rank again I'm sure I'd have to be more ruthless.

    And I have stated before I don't care if you find me 40 seconds later. I don't consider that tunneling. But chasing me right off the hook is low skill and unfun.

  • Ratatosk
    Ratatosk Member Posts: 23

    It wouldn't be counterproductive if the killer chose not to camp or tunnel. If they were actually even somewhat decent at the game, they'd have no trouble getting kills without camping or tunneling. Plus, they have many other ways of getting kills.

    If the survivors chose to not do gens, that wouldn't be counterproductive. That would be neglecting their one and only objective.

    - If the killer isn't camping, one person goes for the unhook while the other two stay on their gens. There's absolutely no reason for more than one person to go for a generic save.

    - As for totems. Survivors can break them as they come across them, but they have no SENSIBLE reason to go totem hunting. Sure, it'll prevent a NOED in most games, but if they just break them as they see them, they probably won't have to worry about it anyway.

    - There's only one way survivors can do generators. It shouldn't come as a shock that they want to get it done quickly.

    Because of this, there's no such thing as "genrushing" because they have one objective and one way to do it. Killers also have one objective, but they have multiple ways to do it.

    Also this 'survivor rule book' thing. Sure, I'm aware it exists. In the minds of toxic people like p3 invisidettes and OchiDO fanboys. But nobody ever talks about the killer's rule book. Or more like, "Book of things that survivors should do so I can get my kills as easily as possible." It definitely exists, because of so many people talking about 'genrushing' and 'losing points for doing their only objective in the only way they can' but it's never mentioned anywhere.

    I... REALLY hope this was sarcasm. Read the rest of this comment and tell me what you think afterwards.