What's some licensed content you DON'T want in DBD?

First off, please try and remain as respectful as possible, it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi wonderful people of the forums, I'm curious to see what would be some licensed content you truly don't want? For me, it'd have to easily be Jeepers Creepers, for extremely obvious reasons if you look into the case.
Chucky. He'd look so damn goofy running around on his little doll legs.
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Ntm he could never meet even Freddy's height
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Me personally I don't want any more licensed content Ive always preferred original survivors and killers
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The Grudge personally. I would die inside even if i played them. After that mechanically wise Jeepers because obvious reasons... Lore and consuming to increase his abilities would be weird in this entity realm hope scenario
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I'm mainly talking about those OTHER reasons...
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I wouldnt mind seeing any licensed content, some people will see it and buy it because they're fans and I personally like it too. If I had to pick something tho, Carrie just because she'd have to be heavily nerfed
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Pennywise from Stephen King's It.
Jeepers Creepers, of course.
Chucky would look ridiculous.
As iconic as Jason Voorhees is, I doubt DbD would do him justice.
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Clarify what you are saying? I mean flight, or the kids. Or am i overlooking something?
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The kids
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I k ow someone who keeps calling Trapper, Jason but i would view Jason being... More viable..? Like. Ot that trapper isnt 100% not viable i just... Cant see Jason focusing on traps
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They did justice to Myers and Ghostface. Leatherface could use some work. I wouldn't want Jason because of the debacle that happened F13 the game.
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I really hope I never see a FNAF chapter.
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Ah then yeah i can see why then
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There's two votes for FNAF. xD
Seriously though, I understand why.
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I mean... How would the Animatronics work if they were the killers? And how would they make a justifiable survivor unless it's a killer only... But having a map like the pizzeria would be cool for another "indoor map" but i think it would be mostly a bad idea
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Yeah, I have honestly zero idea how they could make a character like her work in DBD.
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So what if the creator did what he did in real life, this is a video game the creeper would’ve been great and he was planned and scrapped because “can’t implement flying killer.exe” but it was because of the dumb backlash oh nooooo I’m gonna give money to a predator oh nooooo. You’re just preventing good content in the game. Nothing else. This community is like oh we are too pure to have that monsters character in OUR game. Yet you’ll be a toxic survivor or killer and trash talk people on the side. Y’all aren’t saints neither am I so quit putting your ego on top of the pedestal. The creeper is the most obvious entity to become a killer in dbd he’s absolutely perfect in every way shape and form.
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Jeepers Creepers.
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Tbh i'd play the hell out of a FNAF chapter lmao.
What i'd never want to see is something small/not super popular like a Wrong Turn/Leprechaun or Hatchet Chapter.
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They'd punch em give em some good ol fisticuffs. The lunge will be a falcon punch.
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I mean.... That makes sense but their power i meant haha
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I highly disagree but I see were you're coming from. With og content, BHVR has complete control over ANY decision unlike with licensed content.
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Stalk with L2 to instantly blink (they run super fast) a distance to and scream very loud at a survivor that can't see you.
Basically a reverse doc you do the loud noises with elements of ghost face and nurse.
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Hey! They could have stools by each hook for Chucky LOL :(
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Or they could just have the hook lower like its on a chain for his animation. Have him drag/pull survivors not carry.
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I think if they dod that would be the last of my interest in DBD put the window.
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FnaF, Pennywise, Troll, Leprechaun, Bughuul (as much as I loved Sinister 1, he just wouldn't work in the game. He doesn't have a weapon, nor a power that could work in DBD), and The Grudge are all no goes.
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Now four votes. xD
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So much fnaf hate here. The game isnt even that bad, characters are pretty unique and give off an unsettling vibe. I think if done well, a fnaf chapter could potentially be a great asset to the game!
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Hell yeah someone agrees with me! :)
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Hi I think you killed me yesterday but besides that I agree lol
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The Creeper's the only one I'd really be disappointed in seeing. That dude still owns the character, so there's no security blanket of "focus on the art, man, who cares if the person behind the art was a bad person?" He'll make money on it.
Plus, like, the Creeper is kind of lame anyway. Winged Batman that sleeps most of the time and has try hard ninja throwing stars? Hard pass.
Everything else, no whatever, fine, I don't care. If the character is something I don't care for, I'll just play them. I won't be salt for them adding it. (course, if I learn of any other creators that also did awful things, are still alive, and would profit off of the characters inclusion, feel free to add that to the list of Never Do This).
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If it was BBQnDemogorgon on PS4 it was me. Hopefully it was a good match and not one of my silly ones if so.
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Yeah it was definitely you. I don’t remember what happened exactly I just remember me and my friend talking about how cute your name is because I love Demogorgon. I was a salty ChokeMeGhostFace
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I don't think I've met any other forum members while just playing randomly, only those who are now my friends who I play with.
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Probably slender man, dont really want that crowd tbh
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I agree on Jason. Besides Jason wouldn't listen to the entity anyways. He'd flat out mori everyone
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I'd like to vs or SWF with you sometime man.
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I'd dislike Predator somehow. He is too powerful and you couldn't put any of his weapons into the game. And seeing a Predator running in loops to slash at a survivor... narp
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Well jeeper creepers could have a ppwer like the more on the terror radius he could smell survivor fear so 3 tiers the tier 3 reveal survivor aura each 10 secs
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I don't want Pennywise in DBD
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Spring trap, for one with Afton used him, and the books have main characters
At the topic. I'm fine with any licensed content as long as it doesn't break the game
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FNaF - it's a meme game, not a horror game. All the Killers we have now have an excellent horror atmosphere and aesthetic. FNaF is just jumpscares and trash for pre-teens.
Child's Play - Chucky is awesome, I love the movies. His height would be a significant issue without killing his canon. Although a human-sized Chucky might be okay, a bit creepier too.
IT - We have the clown, we don't need another. If they used the Tim Curry Pennywise... maybe.
Slenderman - Just no. I don't want to see the Tall Man ripoff running around DbD. This just needs to die and be relegated to the trash.
Any remake horror film icons - The only horror remake I've seen that was remotely good was The Evil Dead, and they went from the campiness of the original to full-on horror. Everything else has been absolute trash. The Evil Dead though... but that's a whole nother discussion.
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Anything that was never a human pretty much. Demogorgan was a mistake.
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All the anti FNaF talk, now I want to see a creepy ChuckECheese map
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Looking at the above, I think I may be alone in saying that I would hate to see an Alien Chapter in DBD.
I can totally accept The Demogorgon, as part of the Stranger Things universe, but The Alien is a futuristic sci-fi story and would be incredibly out of place in DBD.
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Chucky, he's just too small. Making a big one would be kind of silly imo.
FNaF, if done poorly. There are many good options making it fit into DbD, the novel series for example which is seperate to the game universe. But people usually hard pass because they only see the shiny and colorful robots and only the pizzeria. Peoples lack of research would probably make it not happening. But whatever.
Any kind of aliens, yes the Demogorgon's here but Demo doesn't look too out of place than aliens would.