You guys ever play and then get a hilarious message afterwards?

I play on ps4 so its mostly voice messages but I always get messages saying "your so bad kid" or "reported you". Im not even good at the game yet. Share ur experiences
They sound adult or kid?
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So many. (Happy sigh) Last night, apparently i was wall hacking as Doctor with level 3 Restraint, Queen. With the perks Bitter Murmur, Whispers, No Ed and Dying Light. Restraint is probably what made them think that.
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I mostly get "nice tunnel" when I accidentally eat a DS early then proceed to tunnel the survivor because they were a toxic little [BAD WORD] that wanted to be cheeky and use DS outside of tunneling scenarios. It's their fault they didn't have the skills to back up their cocky use of DS.
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I got the same. Why? Endgame, only two survivors left (the others escaped), one healthy, one on hook. I even left the hook to not be accused of camping, the survivor gets freed, I chase and hit him again (the other one didn't have BT, or even tried to bodyblock), hook him again, go searching for the other one near the hatch (so no camping again), he gets unhooked again, and I get him again while his friend ran to the gate alone. Boths insulted me after. (and I was a green rank against red ranks btw, but I suppose I'm just a "dumb prick" after all) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Because how dare I use Pop. They thought I had BBQ, but he just kept going to the same exact spots. Never joined my party, either. Checked their profile, not a single prestige.
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People actually still use that 'My dad works at the game company' crap?! Jeez. Well, it was good for a laugh anyway!
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When you are not an English native speaker and they command you to text in your mother tongue when you (of course) start to text in English...
Then you check their profile... and it's private.
Well, how should I know you speak my language, when your name doesn't indicate this and your profile is private?
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I was playing as Clown with one tier 1 perk (Distressing) yesterday (on PS4). After the match, one of the survivors messaged me...
"You gave me depression"
"You could've killed us 100 times over but instead you let us suffer"
"You let us win but at what cost im dying inside"
"I'll never be the same"
That had me laughing. The toxic ones I receive are less hilarious, though I did once have someone claim they were a fog whisperer and that they shamed me live on stream so I should change my account blah blah blah. Man, some people get so salty.
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Ahahhaha wowowowowow
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Had a person say';
"I'm gonna ######### you so hard, it's gonna be terrible for you"
So I told him
"That sounds like a good time"
and he said
"I have chlamydia"
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I get a ton of messages... mostly calling me a camping tunneling POS... even though I get iridescent chaser for the most part
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I had a game tonight with a player that escaped through hatch because I decided not to slug. 3 gens up btw.
He messages me after the game: I escaped.
Me: Good for you.
Him: You didn't catch me. (the last time, I got my BBQ stack off him already)
Me: Oh nooooo how am I going to sleep at night?
Him: I don't know, and I don't care. It must suck to suck this bad.
Me: Get a life
Him: I do
I think he ran out of gas after that
Me: Blocked and deleted. It was so ridiculous I wish I had just started off with a block. I got a good laugh out of it.
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I'm laughing so hard I have a cramp in my side. OMG!
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I got something similar, except its way more sad considering the rank I was at. I played doctor with Green Obedience add on, and a Purple Order add on running the perks, Pop, Destressing, Whispers, and BBQ n Chili. And basically no matter how quick I downed them, the pumped out gens so I resorted to slugging 3 survivors, and using static blast to find the last guy. I saw scratchmarks near a few lockers and I checked one, found him hooked him , and hooked the rest.
The end game chat was filled with "Toxic Slugger", "Using Crutch Perks" (Note they had DS, BT, Adrealine, and DH), "Using Crutch Add ons" (Seriously, they had a key, and 3 green toolboxes..., and 3 of those survivors were SWF), "Tunneler", "Gen Camper", Bad Killer" etc., but the unusual and sad part was the guy I found in the locker called me a "Wall hacker", and he attempted to deny to leaving scratchmarks. Note: these guys are rank 1-3 survivors against a green rank 9 (I'm working my way to red ranks again because a friend challenged me who could get there the fastest from yellow ranks, and the winner gets 10 bucks).
Honestly the end game chat for moment made me think the PS4 community was less toxic than this.
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On PS4 when I see 'so and so invited you into a group' I think "Let's add another to the pile." Also good luck in getting to red ranks first, so you can get that 10 bucks. Remember this is what you are fighting for.
Edit: Lots of survivors feel that why. Do whatever it takes to win! Sabotage! Betrayal!
Post edited by Elk on1 -
Thxs so far my friend is a rank higher, so I may bust out my Iri king, and Iri queen combo to catch up.
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These are all so good
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Is there a consensus that only survivors send hate messages?
At least on PS4 I've only gotten hate messages from survivors.
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Not anymore. I turned off messages for anyone but friends. Mostly because (unrelated to DBD) I was getting too many spam bots telling me how to hack my PS4.
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I got sent "using Franklin's is basically cheating."
That one was cool.
Oh! I also played a game with super slow-down Plague and one of the Survivors said, "You gave me de-de-de depression."
Image he is referring to
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Yes, i had someone send me "good game well played" after they escaped.
That's the only time they send anything.
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PS4 here. Yup, whether I play survivor or killer, I only ever get hate messages from survivors.
The only non-friendly message I ever received from a killer was a Wraith who tunneled and camped everyone; after the match, he sent me a "gg." Pretty sure he was being a troll and mining for salt. I'm not an idiot, so I didn't respond.
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I send GG after every game and I'm not trying to be mean or farming for salt. Maybe he meant well, idk.
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A Claud "accused" me of being racist because I went for her first 😄
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I become extremely offensive around people who are toxic. If they are offended; it pretty much shows that they are a hypocrite and cannot take offensive stuff. 😎
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Thats the best thing about playing on Switch, you cant send messages!
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Unfortunately not; he was definitely being a jerk. But of the many, many survivor games I've played, I've only ever had that happen once. I don't receive messages from killers often, but every other one has been pleasant.
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Voice clips are the best. I always got these when I stomped them with old Legion. It would always be the typical "What a sweaty try-hard. Look forward to your nerf." Always made me laugh.
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Maybe on PS4 I don't have one so I can't speak on it but on Xbox I've had plenty of messages from killers accusing me of tryharding or not being that good at the game because I ran them a little. Or if I die rubbing in the fact like I care. I chock it up to more children being on the system than when I play PC.
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He go cry to daddy that's what he going do?