Can we bring back the old nurse?

Hello devs,

I'm a rank 7 survivor on xbox one and my friend is rank 4. All we have faced are: Billy, Doctor, and Ghostface. I would honestly love for you to change the nurse back for her power. We miss facing nurses - both extremely skilled and baby. Your game is getting stale and boring at these ranks, especially now with the doctor changes - we see him more than any other killer (the challenges don't help his frequency, I know).

I just miss the variety of killers I used to face. I never see a huntress, hag, pig, or nurse. Rarely see a bubba, trapper, or an oni. There is the occasional Legion...but also no wraith. It's just crappy facing the exact same three killers over and over.

Can you at least get rid of the nurse power bar and revert her back to how she was before?


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    What has her power to do with how much she is played on console? She used to be rare on Xbox anyway. Wouldn't it make morse sense to give some of the weaker killers a slight buff? Leatherface, Legion or Clown for example?

    I also want to mention: The nurse is still a goddess. Bringing back the old nurse would be not very pleasing at all, especially not for pc players. I know that many dont want to hear this but she is still the strongest, and in the past she used to be very overpowered (in fact, you did not stand a chance against a good nurse at all, she was an auto 4K)

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 46

    There's absolutely no need to. She is just fine now but people are scared/ too unskilled to play her. With how the ranking system currently works, getting the highest ranked survivors slugged before all gens are completed is inevitable if you're somewhat decent. People just need to get good ;)

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Uh no. If they were to revert nurse to her previous state all you would see is Nurse on PC. We will have lack of diversity much greater than your xbox experience. At least you are seeing 3 killers currently and I find it hard to believe you only see those 3 at rank 7.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    She used to be played on console at red/purple ranks. I have only seen two nurses since the change, when before, she was about 25% of the matches. I don't want Legion buffed- I hate going against Legion. Leatherface and clown, sure. Hag. Pig, and huntress, definitely.

    Then keep her as she is now on PC, but bring back old nurse for console. The console controls already made her difficult enough and now she is practically unplayable for most. I used to take pride in being a nurse main on console and now she isn't viable beyond green ranks because her recharge of her power makes it infuriating to deal with.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    It's not a matter of getting good. It's more like the devs need to adjust other killers then. This game doesn't derank you fast enough once you're in purple and red. It's boring facing doctor after doctor, followed by a red ping Billy, and then maybe a spirit. Otherwise it's ghostface after ghostface. It's just really stale and I would like more variety to play against. Today I have gotten two bubbas and it was refreshing, even when the one camped and tunneled, simply because the killer was different. Getting good doesn't solve that problem - the problem actually is being good. I wish I could be back at rank 15 so I could actually face a variety of killers.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    Today, this was the line up before my friend got off: Doctor, Billy, Doctor, Huntress (dc'ed after 1 gen was done so it was a two minute match so I wouldn't count it), Ghostface, Bubba, Billy, Bubba, Doctor. At that point, we stopped because she had to go to bed.

    Sometimes Freddy makes an appearance, sometimes Oni. Haven't seen a Demo in 4 days, only had 1 Myers in the last week. No hags, no clowns, no wraiths...

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    Nope. I ran into a nurse at least once a day - whether they were babies or gods. I've come across 2 in the entirety since the changes to her.

  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 222

    i didnt...

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    That's fair. I can't really debate against your experience haha.

  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 222

    It’s ok. Who knows who you encounter 😊

    good luck in the fog my friend ✌🏻

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am not an xbox player, but i do know some and when we talked about common and uncommon killers, The Nurse was always mentioned as one of the rarest killers. On Pc, yes you faced the nurse very often but apparently you were lucky facing her on xbox frequently (lucky in the sense of variety and that xbox nurses are not that good apparently - lowerst killrate)

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Yes, we do.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    If we can't bring her back to prenerf then can we at least change the rework she got? We need something to help the fluidity of it because they left it a janky mess. Something like:

    -Power meter charges even when charging a blink but does so at a much slower rate (i.e., 25%~50% numbers can be tweaked) to avoid the nonsensical times where you are at 99% or close to a blink but you don't get it and waste not only the blink you just used but also the timer on the next one.

    -Doesn't consume charges outside of chases

    -Any one of the other thousand suggestions by people who play her and understand her

  • Paula_Bean
    Paula_Bean Member Posts: 20

    Probably you only see those rare killers if players have a daily for them.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 130

    And I would be totally okay with that. The add on rework is fine. It's more the cooldown that makes it difficult to play her these days.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Nurses are definitely the most rare killer I go up against currently

    when you try her for the first time you will get clowned and she's still very strong but the nerf made the learning curve worse.

    Still there are other killers who need buffs way more than her.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    I can tell you her nerf was good and bad. The add ons needed the nerf but she didn't. The god nurses are still godlike but everyone else is meh. Before her rework I considered my self a good nurse. Good, not god. Now that I have to recharge my blinks it takes longer to simply catch up to people. By the time they recharge they already got to a jungle gym or a building and its a guessing game. A Kate lead me into the school on freddys map and it was just a nightmare. I was screwing up so much it got to the point where if someone ran in there I gave up the chase. I want to get better at nurse but its just too frustrating now. Killers have it rough regardless of who they choose thanks to the ruin nerf and MM but using nurse is like pouring salt over the wound. I like characters with high skill ceilings but the way these devs operate, why bother learning a top tier killer when they will nerf them at one point?

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    She was fine the way she was. Just revert her and nerf her +blink addons. She's unfun to play now and isn't as scary as she used to be.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    So you don't play the Nurse but you want them to make changes based on how rarely you see her? Why specify Nurse? Why not suggest changes to any of the other killers you "never see?" 🤔

    Also Huntress is one of the top 3 most common killers I see on ps4. Plenty of Pig, too. Only Hag and Nurse are really rare but they are the hardest to master so it makes sense.

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2020

    I probably got more hours in her than any other killer and I don't even main her, and still only barely losing 1 match out of 25( lost= someone escaping through the gate).

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    There are better ways of making her more fun to use but not overwhelmingly OP.

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 46

    With how easy it is to play her when you have 3400 hours, decent blinks and comp decision making experience, the amount of bugs she has really doesn't affect much. Only time you should lose with such circumstances is against a comp team that plays the match like its a tournament. I'd be ashamed to call myself a nurse main and complain about her needing a buff/ change.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I would love to see her cooldown go, and keep the meme addons. Only the addons of old Nurse were problematic, not her base-power.

  • zaquintar
    zaquintar Member Posts: 54

    The cooldown is doo doo

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    Thank you!!! This is what I agree with right here. Base nurse should've never been touched, however I would agree omegablink and pentablink had to go.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Xbox player here and last three weeks the only killer I play is Nurse 😀 I only played old Nurse once, but we know that survivors would just complain and cry about it if old Nurse returned, so never going to work.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Basekit is a disaster.

    Revert her basekit back.

    Keep addon changes.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If it helps any ive been playing nurse more on xbox. I put her down for a min because of all the bugs but i hear tyey fixed the worst ones

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I feel like her addons are in a good place, she just needs her base blinks reverted. Nurse wasn't the issue, OMEGA Nurse was the issue.