Bannable offences are unclear to new players, please review

I am a new player, and unlike most, I actually read the EULA.

But even armed with that knowledge I was unaware that using an in-game option (disconnecting) too much is bannable.

Unless a new player comes to the forums and reads this post before playing:

Or reports another player and reads all the options, (not everyone reports players), they will have no warning that using the in-game option and DCing too much will get you banned.

This seems like an oversight to me.

If reading the forum post above is the official communication regarding this policy, then a better job should be done to notify the player that the information can be found there.


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2020

    You know that's kind of ironic that they have 'Disconnecting' too much as being bannable -- yet turn around and get upset at players for reporting people for Disconnecting... kind of counter-intuitive. Then again, only reason they don't want players reporting DC-ing players is because the playerbase can't handle it if they actually banned excessive DC-ers. So most of the time - they get away with no punishments and ruin the game experience for everyone else involved in their matches.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44

    Wait, you can get in trouble for reporting disconnects?

    Where did you see that?

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    No, you can't get in trouble for it (that I know of) -- but on their list of reportable/bannable offenses, they have 'Disconnecting' as being a behavior they don't want players to Report using in-game functions (I do it anyway; but seriously - start punishing them BHVR and man up)

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698
    edited February 2020

    It's not very clear. And there has been confusion...

    "Disconnecting" is not currently bannable. And you are also not supposed to report players in game for disconnecting (they don't look at them and toss them out). However, "excessive disconnecting" is bannable. And will be done with their automatic in-game mechanic that determines whether or not a person is excessively disconnecting or not.

    They attempted to implement a ban timer for every time someone disconnects, that kept growing if they kept disconnecting... but they took it away. It was for test purposes.

    I think there is a 3 strike rule in game bans(similar to the forums)? But I am not really sure of that either.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I mean, today I had a discussion with a person on how the report page was kinda outdated, then the post randomly disappeared.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44

    I am even more confused now. Where did you see that they don't want people reporting disconnects?

    And if that is the case, why does one of the reasons for reporting a player list disconnects, if they don't want people reporting it?

    I'm kind of freaking out because the game gives no indication that if you use an in-game option too much, you get banned.

    You have no options for what maps you want to play, or the killers you don't want to play against. I didn't know that you have to put your own fun on hold, and play against maps or killers you despise, so that complete strangers get to have fun.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I'm not sure where or why they think you get banned for using the report feature. But that's not the case or atleast they have not said that anywhere. They merely said that if you report disconnects they toss them away and disregard them, so they just ask you not to report them at all.

    The game doesn't really talk about "excessive" dc's. There's just been several posts on the forums talking about that if you disconnect excessively you will get banned - for how long or if it is permanent I am not sure. I think their main argument for having it in game was to avoid getting the game held hostage etc.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2020

    From what I've read on the game rules subforum, 1st offence is a week long ban.

    I'm now facing a week long ban for using an in game option, and the official response I've been given is that I should have came to the forums first and read this post before starting my first match (without any indication from the game or the EULA that I should have done that):

    I'm also still confused on why they don't want you to report DC's, yet have DC's listed as a reportable offence. Where did you see that they disregard reports of DC's?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Just curious but how many times did you have to disconnect for it to be considered abusive and them to ban you for a week? Because, seriously.. I doubt it's only once or twice in a day.. so yeah, if you're going to be a sore loser, don't be surprised if they put you in time-out.. it's common sense, no need to read the rules.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44

    Sorry, but bannable offences should be clear as crystal, if they don't want people to do something.

    This was not common sense to me, as again, its an option they give you in-game, with no warning, other than a forum post.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Yes. This also confused me too. I read they toss them out on this forums, it was a post I think by Peanits. I'll have to look for it and get back to you.

    Also, avoid talks about discussing personal bans, or they will remove/lock the post most likely. Forum rule is to not discuss bans etc.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2020

    I haven't been banned yet, and will not discuss it here if I do.

    I'm just trying to get as much info as possible to appeal my ban, if I do get banned.

    And I'm still confused as to why there is an option to report DC's if they don't even look at them.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Still doesn't answer my question of how many times you disconnected on purpose to get punished for it.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2020

    I don't know, I haven't been banned yet, but if I do, apparently I can't discuss it.

    The communication around DC bans is not clear, that is why I'm here.

    If you find out, let me know.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    As already explained to you, you accept the EULA - the EULA has all the relevant links to the website where the information is available (further links).

    Also, temporary bans are not able to be appealed.

  • NoRestarts
    NoRestarts Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2020

    I'm not trying to argue, I genuinely am unable to find what you are referencing, and asking for help.

    I have scoured the EULA, along with the links within it.

    It provides information to the terms of use:

    The privacy policy:

    And a link to the main website:

    I am unable to find anything directing the player to the forums for information on bannable offences.

    If it is in there, and I just missed it, please help me locate it.

    I checked the main website, and I don't even see a link to the Forums.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Ah. That's understandable.

    I only found this so far:

    Saying basically, you don't report for DC. But I know there were more discussions on it.

    I guess I am confused by the duration of the ban. For disconnecting specifically,when they implemented the disconnect timer (For testing), it didn't seem like it would ever be permanent thing. Just have to wait out the timer and you can eventually play again. So, I am not sure how that works out or will.

  • ManWithNoName
    ManWithNoName Member Posts: 3

    Technically you're right. The game should specifically lay out what is acceptable and not acceptable. You shouldn't be banned for something you didn't know wasn't acceptable.

    The response: It's "common sense" wouldn't fly in court. Nor would... it's your duty to search our streams, forums, and anything else related to us to find out what is okay or not. It should be clearly listed in the game and you shouldn't have to reject the terms to be able to see the terms and conditions against in the game.

    The questionably binding EULA states:

    "Improperly use web support or complaint buttons or make false reports to BHVR staff

    So yes, the Rules of Conduct state don't report too often. No where in the rules does it say don't DC too often.

    "Your online conduct should be guided by common sense and respect for others who access and use the Website"

    This term is vague and confusing as it refers to the Website and not the game. Moreover "common sense" is vague and conflicting with the fact a "disconnect" button exists in the game so it would seem to be common sense to disconnect if you aren't enjoying the match. It is also poor legal drafting to switch to the term Website here and essentially limit this condition to only the Website when the initial portion of the Rule said it applied to the Website and any BHVR Service. However, as this condition mentions only the Website, I'd say by the way it is drafted it means the Website.

    "Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users."

    Maybe disconnecting interferes with a killer's enjoyment of their sadistic enjoyment of hanging someone. But on the other hand, a survivor completing a generator interferes with the killer's enjoyment also... and a killer hanging someone interferes with a survivor's enjoyment of escaping. Being that the disconnect button was built into the game and there's nothing saying you can't use it or get banned in the game or in the tutorials; then why should that be considered any different than any other game-related interference of enjoyment? This condition is so vaguely drafted it's enforceable.

    Additionally, simply by posting here about any complaint of the game (like pointing out their deficiency of adequately laying out the bannable offenses in-game) could be considering increasing the cost of BHVR to provide a service since they have to rely on people to monitor the forums. Then again maybe they just use free mods that enforce rules inconsistently.

    "This above-referenced list of prohibitions only provides examples of unacceptable conduct and is not intended to be a complete or exclusive list of prohibited conduct."

    This is their cover-all condition, yet it is also unenforceable. Simply saying essentially here's our rules but if we have some other rule we want to invent, but not really tell you about we'll do what we want.

    There used to be a segment on the radio when I grew up where you tried to stump the sports radio guys with sports questions. They called it Ask Dr. Stupid. Rule #1 "We make the rules." Rule #2 "See Rule Number 1". Plenty of people called in and got frustrated when the radio hosts would ask 20 questions to get clues and get the answer so they didn't have to give out the prize. Essentially here, it's the same thing. If they don't like something you do they'll do whatever they want to you as they make the rules, change the rules as they see fit, and arbitrarily enforce them.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    "Don't report disconnects" "We just throw them out"

    Translation for the folk that aren't educated in game design philosophy or the industry = "Our Game has a dying player base that we are terrified of riling up - so instead of implementing the perfectly reasonable incremental wait timers for continuing to disconnect - and inconveniencing what players we have left - we are choosing to turn blind eyes to problems the majority of our community has within them game if we can't just slap a new DLC over and rake in some more money to get people's minds of it for a little while."

    EULA is vague because they want the wiggle room to decide on a case-by-case basis what is and is not acceptable depending on how it is affecting their sales and remaining player base.

    Please, BHVR Devs, I am begging you to step in here and clear all of this up - not just the OP's question but then entire shady vagueness of your policies and you clear inaction to fix many of the game's underlying - social, player-based problems.

    Or have you gone the way of other "devs" in the business like Studio Wildcard or Bungie -- and you blame the players for never being satisified; or blame them for ever questioning your design decisions because "you design the game, therefore you know what is best for it" without any regard for player feedback? Or maybe the ENTIRE concept of games-as-a-service is designed to be a screw you to players and a directive to just accept what you're given unless they ask you for specific answers to specific questions (like the latest survey that was up here on the forums; incredibly vague questions that didn't address any of the issues circling the forums).

    Will you go around silencing anyone that speaks out against your practices too? That seems to be a common thing for many "Devs" these days with a public forum --- a temporary ban from forums if you bring up some valid points and the community might see them and agree.