What is more important to you? Gen slow down or faster chase?

We all have different opinions and think differently but we can come to this big sum up. Is a bigger stall or a only fast killing power more important to you?
Or are perks like Spirit Fury, Enduring, Brutal Streangh etc better for chases or gen slow down perks? I would personally say, I like to have a longer game overall to have more chases. I am not having fun slugging all 4 survivors in the first 2 min as Oni or Spirit and end the match there.
I have more fun having a longer game where everyone is getting hooked 3 times. Its more fun having a strategic game which gen I have to protect or which gen I want to keep kicking down with pop and play around there. Having fast games is not fun honestly.
I still have to say that Oni is still a increadable fun Killer and well designed! Pretty good job so far!
Smaller maps.
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I think slower gen speeds would be better because chases are, in my opinion, the best and funnest part of the game.
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But that can enourage more slugging and camping. I dont think that is the solution to everything but still a solution for a part of the problem!
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Survivors can hardcounter both. Borrowed Time, and Unbreakable. Bill Overbeck is a free character, so no money required to get those perks.
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Agree but the problem that many ppl have currently is without Ruin Killers think that camping is the solution for everything. I personally slug alot but because I am forced to do that in my games, otherwise I can say HI to survivors at the exit gates.
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^ So much this. I have had some matches recently where I spend soooo much time traveling between gens. Even when I pick a side of the map and stay on it, sometimes the gens still have a ton of distance between them. It's so boring, patrolling through all of those dead areas. Playing killer shouldn't be a walking sim.
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The only problem is that smaller maps would make killers with a lot of map pressure, like the spirit or the hillbilly, unfairly strong. I feel like there should be a algorithm which adjusts map size to the killer used. So playing Trapper creates a smaller map than playing Hillbilly. It would also make maps more random and unpredictable.
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Depends. Long chases can be fun, wall hugging run-it-5-times is super unfun. That's why I love nurse on both sides. Can be finished super quick if the nurse does some good moves, but can also take too long so you need to give up. Typical M1 killers normally need to catch someone offguard for an easy first hit or need some mindgameable loops.
Regarding perks, I normally run gen slowdown. But depending on killer, I also love STBFL, especially at the moment on Demogorgon. It's not about slugging the team to death. I just love the chaos starting when they try to be altruistic and bodyblock and stuff, just to get smashed one by one. Normally, when I feel in a good spot, I just pick someone up and see if they get the team up again. Either they mess up by wasting too much time and the chaos continues, or they disappear for a moment to heal up, giving me some time to kick gens and place portals.