Fox's killer tier list (v3.5.1)

I always see these threads and I see people posting their tier lists a lot. Here is my killer tier list, I was bored. Have fun.
Pretty standard. Don't feel the need to explain anything other than I do not believe an F tier exists anymore. If there were an F tier it would just be Bubba because he is definitely the weakest killer in the game.
EDIT 1: Just want to point out that some killers could swap places. Clown/Wraith. Pig/Trapper. Demo/Legion. It's always hard to nail down low tiers.
EDIT 2: Also I'd like to point out that any killer can consistently 4k, ESPECIALLY if survivors are stupid. Bubba might be the weakest, but if he stands in the basement with Insidious and the survivors all flock to him like morons then yes he will 4k. But this is not a measure of killer effectiveness, it is a measure of survivor stupidity.
Face camper bubba gets 2 killer per game so he’s pretty balanced imo
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Not a lot I dispute except I think Warith is higher, not top 3 like Tru had him but he’s strong if played correctly with almost any addons
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Tier list isn't about balance it's about effectiveness.
If you consider the best player ever playing all these killers which would see the most success and which the least. It's a ranking of the killer's strength versus another killer's.
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Mechanically though he has nothing to pressure survivors with.
If you took the absolute STRONGEST build for every killer, he would still be about there because every killer above him has a much stronger build they can do.
Like anything Wraith has that makes him stronger, Freddy and Spirit have to make them damn near unbeatable.
Tier lists are about relative strength between characters.
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Wraith with his speed can pressure gens better than most killers, toss on a speed addon and it’s even better.
If I had money riding on it I would take him over Clown, trapper, legion and Myers for sure
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I would personally swap freddy with billy. I also think Oni can be A tier since he got his flick back (or at least that's what I heard, I haven't played him after the patch).
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What you did there. I see it.
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If Myers has infinite EW3 that pretty much puts him way above Wraith in terms of chase potential and map pressure. His strongest build is going to be better than Wraiths.
Like I'm not saying Wraith is a bad killer with my tier list, I'm saying he is quantitatively weaker than all the killers above him.
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Just played a wraith with speed add ons + PWYF, yeah it’s an S Tier Killer at that. Dudes pressure is insane.
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Dang, my own opinions differ a lot more than usual this time. Is this taking into consideration the recent Ruin changes? Or is it your experience using a month or more of gameplay?
With game times shortening, then ramp up killers (Myers and Plague) both took a huge hit in my opinion. Meanwhile, for the opposite reason, Pig seems a lot stronger at the current time.
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I don't understand why so many people think plague is weak, shes really strong in the right hands . also I would have to say that clown is below bubba.
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Excuse me, but why in the Sam Hill is Doc, Plague, and Ghostface behind Huntress? They're lovely killing machines!
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Infinite Myers doesn’t scare me oddly, generally you only have 2 gens left when he gets his power and he’s still loopable
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Infinite EW3 and Infectious on Myers is very strong especially in a 3/4 gen situation. He could snowball very quickly.
Yes but Huntress is a better killing machine.
You guys have to consider the absolute BEST players playing the absolute BEST builds and that's the killer's potential. That's what a tier list is effectively, one characters potential versus another.
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No! I refuse to believe it! I'm gonna stick to my biased belief!
(Nah I know better than that)
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My personal tier list. I think Freddy is strong but in way is he S tier.
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I personally think Pig should be the bottom of A tier. She's not exceptionally powerful, but she's a jack of all trades master of none. She does incredible work of you put the time into learning basics and my experience has definitely proved she is highly underused and underrated for what she can do. Being versatile has it's advantages and disadvantages.
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I believe doctor deserves better. Other than that,we are on the same page
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I’ve been using Pig frequently and I typically win most of my games with her. Once you start trapping survivors the game slows down in your favor immensely.
Even saying all that, I can’t put her in A tier. You have Freddy, Huntress, Oni, Hag, Billy, and Plague all in A tier. Pig is nowhere near as powerful as those killers.
B tier maybe but not A tier.
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Depends on survivors, to me billy is trash. everyone judges a wraith because he`s an M1 but so is billy if you can actually play well, wraith just gets stealth... its your opinion so youre welcome to it but i do disagree, sadly its insanely hard to compare due to all the different maps, perks and survivors.
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I would say she's better then Oni and Plague by far. Well Oni is debatable just because he's like her and takes time for set up, but I say she outclasses Plague by a reasonable amount. Plague is entirely based on survivors knowledge of counters and looping. If they cleanse too early they have a high chance to fail while if they cleanse too late the same is also a thing.
Hag is currently bugged beyond belief and the Dev's refuse to acknowledge it going so far as to tell some Hag mains "that is how she has always been" when in fact she has not.
Glad to see your playing Pig though. Like I said though her real power is the versatility she actually has. While inherently not as powerful as some of the killers you listed she can do a significant amount of things many others can't. Her power lies in the versatility not in raw output of damage.
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Plague with Thana, Black Incense, and apples can be a very powerful killer.
The problem I see with Pig as compared to Oni or Plague is that her power is limited and RNG based. Her stealth isn't nearly as good as GF or Myers. Traps can help her secure kills or delay the game but it's not really up to her.
Oni and Plague build up their power and both get insanely powerful tools when their power is full. Quite a lot like Myers, but unlike Myers they don't have stealth which is why I put him above them both.
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Like I said she is a jack of all master of none kinda killer. She may not overall have the same raw power which is what your making the list based on and your analysis, but she definitely makes up for it by having extreme versatility.
You highlight my point when you say she may have all this, but its weaker then X Killer. She's can adapt more than any other killer in the game because while her kit may look RNG based or simplistic a good Pig player can do more then one thing during a trial to keep people on there toes. The only other killer with the ability to adjust mid match is Ghostface, but even he can't do it on command nearly as effectively even if it is faster.
I will never see Plague as a stronger killer. Shes way too RNG based even more then Pig. This comes from a person who legitimately enjoys Plague as long as I'm not against her xD
Either way man I didn't come to ruin your thread so have a good day. I just came to put my personal experince in after playing this game.
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It's funny how much speed is the main factor for how good a killer is
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Not totally. Look at Huntress compared to Clown
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Here is my tier list, but the only one I question is doc I’m kinda idk with him. I don’t think Hag or Trapper are good cause they take too much time. Then Clown is replaced by Freddy and Pig is replaced by better stealthy killers like Ghostface. Legion is in the middle cause he’s good, but not great.
if this was on console then Nurse and Huntress go to F and hillbilly goes down one. Freddy will move up to S.
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I wonder why wraith and demogorgon are below Plauge and Legion above anything? Legion has no power at all, even leatherface has a better chase than Legion xD.
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Freddy S tier, and Wraith D tier?
Freddy should be A, behind Billy, and Wraith should be at least in C.
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Plague is not a RNG based killer. Nothing she does is luck based or random. Pig’s entire power is totally RNG based. Survivors can either get the trap off on the first box or have the party hat last a while.
Plague is just more effective and her power is much better than Pig will ever be. I don’t have an issue if survivors don’t cleanse. So what if they don’t? You play NOED simulator with them being even easier to find. Yesterday I played with Iridescent Seal and it can actually be a good add-on. Makes them cleanse and I constantly get to use my power.
I could never put Pig over Forever Plague with Black Incense.
Oni on the other hand snowballs easily and after see Scott Jund play Oni for about two months, it’s easy to tell that Oni is a top tier killer.
I don’t see how Hag is bugged. I played her the other day and she was fine.
I do think Pig is slightly underrated but her power is totally RNG dependent.
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why is clown d tier?
i have no issue applying extreme pressure as clown.
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All clown does is throw bottles and he doesn’t really have anything going for him in loops. His bottles make you slow, but it just makes ppl throw down pallets early. That isn’t enough anymore with the new changes and why play Clown when you have an better version then him aka Freddy. You also gotta remember how Clown fits in cause is he better than Leatherface? Yes and is he better than Nurse, Ghostface, Legion, Freddy, Hag and Trapper? No cause their are so much better killers than him. Sadly Clown got replaced by Freddy, but if you wanna start a revolution for Clown I’m in-
Btw where would you put Clown?
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A tier list is relative potential strength. In other words it is a ranking of the power of a character compared to another character compared to another character, et al.
Don't look at it as if I'm saying "Clown isn't a viable killer".
Instead look at it like "[Every killer above Clown] is measurably stronger than Clown and [every killer below Clown] is measurably weaker than Clown".
As for why I place Freddy so high, I really think you guys are sleeping on him (pun intended). He is an INSANELY strong killer that is actually not to hard to pick up an play. He has great map pressure and chase potential OUTSIDE of perks/add-ons. When you factor in those things he becomes every STRONGER.
Sloppy, Thana, Dying Light, Ruin/Pop, Swing Chains, Jump Rope. This build will crush pretty much any group of survivors. They will be so slowed down by everything that you have a ton of time, hence why it is called Forever Freddy
{By Calvin Klein}. This build would be strong on a lot of killers, but FREDDY especially gets the most use out of it because he can teleport to gens and end chases quickly with snares.And yes, the right build on Wraith is strong too, but 1) it's not going to be stronger than Forever Freddy, and 2) even if it WERE Forever Freddy is not Freddy's only viable strong build. He has several options, where Wraith is pretty much locked into a single viable option.
You guys need to see this as not a list of who can get 4k's and who can't. It's a comparison of all killers. Inherently some will be stronger than others, and you need to factor in more than just the best build. Baseline strength matters, range of builds matter, easy of use matters, STATS matter. Which the stats say Freddy and Spirit have the highest kill rates which makes sense because they are both VERY STRONG killers. And yes "don't draw conclusions" but when these 2 killers are already considered among the best by many and then have the kill rates to back it up then you can infer some stuff from that.
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i know im just memeing around. but seriously, i think trapper should be higher, he's proven not to be so bad.
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Billy is pretty much S for me, other than that I agree with this list.
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Well it's the same thing as with Clown or Wraith. He can be a good killer but it doesn't make him stronger than the killers above him, IMO.
Look at it this way, if you had to play a game without perks/add-ons who would do best? Okay now with perks/add-ons? Okay now with perks/add-ons against a SWF? You have to ask would this killer win in this situation and the more the answer to those questions are YES the higher that killer would be on the tier list.
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Can someone explain what these tier lists are about? What are they based on? Are they counting add-ons? Is it how easy is to 4k? If you then every killer is on the same tier for me, because if you learn the killer you can to exceptionally good with any of them. People often 4k with Bubba, Clown, Legion...
IMHO the only tier list you can present is the one how easy is to learn the killer so you can do well with him.