So this just happened...

Kungpowa Member Posts: 17
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

I started playing a little over a month or so ago. I have occasionally run into annoying things that were just a little toxic that I brushed off, like Ebony Mori, and just moved on to the next match. This though, took the cake. Apparently there was one survivor who just fed Mike Meyers until he was at his highest rank and due to the addons, this game was over in about 5-6 mintues. No surivors were hooked. All killed on the spot once he reached us individually. He never lost the ability to insta kill everyone on the spot. The addons responsible are below.

I have edited the names to protect the other players privacy.

My question is, is this the type of gameplay that the developers wish for their game? I'm asking honestly. Like I said I'm newer and I don't know their intentions all that well. I ask because I'm not sure I want to play the game if this kind of thing is going to be allowed. I understand survivors have broken items as well.

P.S. No I'm not the best looper yet but working on it. Two rank 5 survivors up against a rank 13 killer with those addons couldn't even live to tell the tale either, as you can see. Deaths will and do happen in this game, but they shouldn't happen like that.


  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Jump in a locker and there is no way Myers can kill you. Exposed is scary, unless you're injured, have Dead Hard, or are good at looping. While I understand why you'd hate these kinds of addons, they're the rarest variety and in-turn, the most powerful. To counter Myers, just break LOS (line of sight). He can't stalk you through walls. Those two addons in combination make stalking take FOREVER. If he got it early on, then it was mainly your team's fault.

  • Kungpowa
    Kungpowa Member Posts: 17

    Yes whoever fed him is responsible for him reaching EWIII, but that kind of gameplay should not be possible. I know how to not feed him his power and is one of the main reasons I run spine chill. Spine chill is the counter to that power and stealth killers. It can't counter a permanent insta kill ability once its gotten to that point. He never lost EWIII and killed us all within 3 minutes of each other.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Well if this is your first time seeing this after over a month of play you can see how rare it happens.

    Yes some things are overly powerful in the game such as this but they are not the norm so imo are fine.

    I will say Myers in this state is a lot slower than normal and he needs to be right up on you to use the effect. He is very easy to loop due to his speed with these. Getting to infinite tier 3 also takes some time and you should have at least 3 gens done by that point easily. He needs a lot more than just one stalk.

    I wouldn't take the ranks as good players. All rank means if they have played enough. The rank 13 killer could also have took a break and have 2k hours or more which looks the case since they have 4 perks all from different DLC characters.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    It quite literally takes 3 full people + some to reach tier 3 when using both of these addons.

    No, it's not the fault of the "one guy". Your entire team, including you, allowed him to get it.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Unfortunately DBD can be a utterly frustrating mess.


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Considering how long it takes for Myer to reach Tier 3 when using Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft and how slow he moves, I would say the team has more than enough time to get through gens and at least come close to getting out.

  • Kungpowa
    Kungpowa Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    Thank you all for your comments. Its my understanding now that my thinking is in the wrong. So I guess that means this game isn't for me. That sucks because I'm a huge horror buff. Best of luck to those still playing. Maybe I'll go back to one of the mmo's I was playing or something.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    There's an achievement for Myers to kill all 4 Survivors with T3 Evil Within. Yes this is 100% the gameplay that is desired.

    Honestly though, even if you didn't mess up someone else did. It takes FFE to get to T3 with those add-ons, and if people aren't breaking LoS then it's their fault he even got there. Have had numerous matches against those specific add-ons where he never got to T3 because of the time it takes, and the ability of Survivors to deny stalking.

    When it does happen, it really is pretty much Game Over, but you can prevent it reasonably easily if you are playing against him properly. Thankfully they are Ultra Rares so you don't face them very often. It's equivalent to all 4 Survivors running Commodious Toolboxes with speed add-ons or BNPs. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does it can be overpowering.

  • Kungpowa
    Kungpowa Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    I understand what you are saying. What I'm saying is it didn't take FFE for him to get there. I should have recorded the trial. I was in shock at how quickly this all happened. Not sure if its a bug that it happened as quickly as it did, but I just can't participate in gameplay like that. Actually its no that I can't, I won't.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    Believe us when we say that the scenario you are describing is exceptionally difficult for Myers to accomplish unless the Survivors are playing really poorly compared to the Killer. Judith's Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft of Hair make up one of the weakest add-on combinations any Killer can have (a large part of that is due to Tombstone being one of the weakest individual add-ons in the game, and Fragrant Tuft amplifies the things that makes Tombstone so weak).

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    There are many counters to this combo. For one MM needs to stalk I think about 3 or 3,5 survivors fully. That's pretty hard to do if survivors have spacial awareness and know how to use LOS blockers against this strategy. During all that time killer has 0 pressure on gens and most likely didn't break many pallets.

    So, if you see MM stalking everyone just assume he has tombstone addons and once he pops (if he even pops since suvivors should be more then capable to genrush him) you just loop a few pallets safely and once he starts getting close just hop into a locker and never come out unless he completely leaves. Remember MM is only killer in the game that has addons with such major advantages and disadvantages and it's quite rare to have such a game. I encounter game like that maybe 1 out of 50 games.

    I won't tell you to stay but judging DBD on 1 killer using very rare combo of almost meme addons isn't really average DBD gameplay but if you relly dislike games like this as much I wish you good luck in finding more suitable game for you.

  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    I love seeing killers defending these combinations.

    These are the same folks crying about the Ruin balance and crying about DS/AD/BT.

  • Kungpowa
    Kungpowa Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    I don't think you some of you guys are listening to what I'm saying. I hear you that you say it takes 3 full people plus some. What I'm saying, is that was not the case in this trial. It did not take the effort you are describing to achieve what he did in this trial. I don't know if there's something wrong or if there is a bug or what. One other person was with me working on a gen and he was nowhere in sight of that gen. He actually had just attacked someone on the other side of the map. By the time we were nearly finished with that 1st gen, he was maxed out and insta killing people.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Maybe trying for trophy?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    If that's the case, why did you blame that one guy?

    "Apparently there was one survivor who just fed Mike Meyers until he was at his highest rank and due to the addons, this game was over in about 5-6 mintues."

    Why not just say you found a bug?

  • Kungpowa
    Kungpowa Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    That was me taking a guess. I have no idea how what happened, happened and I know he didn't stalk three people. As is me wondering if its a bug is a guess. There are some complicated games out there and DBD isn't one of them. I fully understand how MM's power works and how to avoid it and how to recognize if I'm being stalked. I'm done discussing it though as I've already made my decision to discontinue playing DBD. By the way, I don't say this in a threatening manner or if you don't give me what I want I leave. I've just come to realize this game isn't for me if this kind of gameplay is desired in game.

    This will be my last post. Wish you all happy killing and hiding from killers.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I have Myers at P3 right now, and love playing as him, but if it went that fast, someone REALLY screwed up. Maybe the other players didn't know to break LoS with him, or something similar. You can only tier up fast if the Survivors let you do it. I mean stuff like:

    Standing at a pallet looking at you while you stalk them (have this happen with new players a LOT) instead of breaking the pallet.

    When you come in stealthy, they see you and you just stand there stalking them because they think you are friendly (multiple multiple times... please stop doing this Survivors....)

    Instead of staying around cover, they run to massively open places where Michael can stalk for days.

    Leaving the Cornfield. FFS the corn. I HATE Coldwind Maps with Myers. Being almost completely unable to stalk across half the map is complete bullshit (rant rant rant).

    Sticking around to complete that extra 3-4% on a generator when Myers has you in plain sight. This is usually the case, and generally results in me popping T3 right as they pull off the gen for a quick down. Overconfident Survivors suffer frequently against Myers.

    I know the gameplay sucks, but that's why they are Ultra-rare add-ons. 14k BP for a single match of potentially overpowered activity isn't a great investment imo. Sometimes all you can do is avoid, avoid, avoid and pray you get the hatch. But truthfully, when it goes down the way it happened to you (and I've had it happen in that fashion multiple times), move on to the next match and forget about it because one or two of the Survivors blew the match for you.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    The thing is, it absolutely did take that effort. Perhaps you weren't aware you were being stalked and simply didn't notice (which happens more times than you realize), but it did take that effort. He stalked all of you, with 3 people getting max stalk. It's literally impossible that this did not happen. He did not get all that suck on one person. Period.

    Excellent point here, as well. It seems like all of a sudden when you were informed that what happened couldn't possibly have been what happened, you had to change your story.