Do you think Demogorgon needs a small buff?

Soo... Demo is already a pretty decent killer, but his addons mostly effect his portals. The numbers are very small too. I think he needs a lot more shred addons since it is his more important ability in my opinion. And he should have better stealth when using portals,.or just buff violet waxcap and vermilion webcap.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Why would you like this to be removed? Let's remove the indicators for other killer powers and see how that goes.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    His shred should be harder to avoid, but I don't want him to be another add on dependent killer.

  • demodude
    demodude Member Posts: 9

    I think like 5 seconds undetectable would be a nice start. So red moss, violet waxcap and vermilion webcap could get better effects

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Let me explain this quickly before you think I just want him buffed. I do not enjoy him, I dont like him, I honestly even hate the very chapter he was released in. Also FFS fix the footsteps from the killers perspective.

    The reason I want it removed is solely because the teleportation via portals takes time, has a obvious tell if you see said portal (him appearing) or him entering one (not the location just leaving). While it Grant's the oblivious status giving him stealth a entire map wide notification makes that stealth near pointless.


    There is a difference between adjusting a Killers basekit to bring them more into alignment with the powers VS just being stupid about it. Also a lot of killers dont actually have mechanic breaking tells like this.

    After conversing with me on the forums over the last few months I figured by now you would of realized I have extremely abstract ideas, but I'm not exactly a main for either side. I don't break thinks to make a killer or survivor OP just try to fix them in odd ways which brings them into a more sensible position.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    Demi isn't too far from being just right, he only needs some tweaks.

    The vast majority of his addons are just really bad.

    On that note, remove the negative effect on Red Moss and allow Demi to turn his camera during portal travel. Red Moss isn't good enough to warrant the negative and allowing him to look around during portal travel will make Leprose Lichen much better.

    Undetectable from his portals needs to mute his sounds as well. His footsteps are insanely loud to where it negates the entire point of Undetectable on him when leaving portals. I don't think asking survivors to have eyes and always be vigilant looking around is asking a lot, we need to stop holding hands so much. Some people want the Undetectable to last longer, but if the portals and Undetectable from portals was buffed in the ways I'm presenting that would be unnecessary.

    The radius of effect on the portals for detection using Of The Abyss needs to be much larger.

    Lastly, remove the global teleport announcement. This, combined with his sound removal on Undetectable from portal travel and the portals increased detection radius will actually make survivors waste time cleansing them more. For one this gives him some slowdown on gens and secondly that all the sudden makes many of his bad addons decent now. The reason many of them were bad is because they rarely did anything since most survivors just ignored the portals because of how weak they are. Now the survivors will actually see the portals as a threat and waste time on them.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    So you say Demo has enough counters/indicators? I would have to agree.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Can you just tell me what you're trying to say? What I got from your response is that Demo can be countered quite easily even without the shriek and removing it would only improve the experience for both sides. Also hopefully you agree his footsteps could be quieter.

  • demodude
    demodude Member Posts: 9

    Removing the global warming sound when Demo uses a portal wouldn't make it fair for survivors. Stealth killers can be countered by survivors who look for them and by perks like spine chill or premonition. He would just appear without sound and the portal isn't visible before it got used once

  • demodude
    demodude Member Posts: 9

    I like the sounds of stompy boi to be honest

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited February 2020

    That is accurate. Just the way you formed your last post was basically stating I thought he was perfect as is so I got confused.

    Majority of survivors look around and would notice him. As you said there are counters to this as well. It's just a QoL change.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    You should be able to charge your credit card like a dollar irl to make the Demogorgon shoot out a laser beam that instantly downs a random survivor.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    He needs two changes in my book. The first is the ability to destroy his own portals. Right now, any bad placement and he's down part of his power. If he could destroy them, he'd have more flexibility. Make it so he has to be on top of them to do so, for the sake of balance.

    The second is is addons. They're pretty bad. Why do so few affect his Shred? Why aren't there any that silence his wide range of noises? Why aren't there any that give more awareness to survivors breaking his portals? Again, pretty bad.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Plenty of strong killers don't have a map wide noise like ghostface, hag, huntress, and plague to name a few plus killer powers that have a map wide notification are strong demos portals are not.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    What killers give map wide notifications?

    1. Spirit, the strongest killer in the game, and only outside of TR
    2. Nurse the 2nd strongest killer in the game, with a power to get a hit in 10 seconds using her power.
    3. Shape, with a power to 1 shot multiple surviviors
    4. Oni, with a power to 1 shot multiple surviviors
    5. Plague, when she gains the power to down surviviors from a range
    6. Demogorgon, with an ability to travel to a location where he has set a portal before, even when portal is visible to surviviors.

    Yeah, seems balanced to me

    Post edited by Archimedes5000 on
  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Personally I think a small rotation while using the Shred would be quite nice to his power, in a small map like Hawkins his shred is useful but in open maps it sucks so. I mean not like he can turn, would be like oni or hillbilly. Also, if his power would be a bit faster to charge, it would be cool.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Shred is a fine M2 attack. But the portals are rough and need work. They are annoying to place and inconvenient to use. Survivors can moslty ignore them because they don't really do much, but if they feel like removing them they can do so easily and quickly with little to no risk involved.

    Demogorgon has so many interesting game mechanics baked into his kit, its just a shame that all of them feel underused and limited. Likewise with his add-ons. They are uninspired and incredibly underwhelming.

    Shall we even mention his perks ? Surge is the best he's got, but does not work well on Demogorgon himself because it only activate on basic attacks and he need to use his Shred a lot. As for Cruel Limits and Mindbreaker, its like the devs where so afraid that thoses could be too powerfull that they made sure to give them pathetic values just to be safe, resulting in two dead on arrival and complelty worthless perks.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I think Demogorgon needs more dedicated players that's all. He has a lot of potential but you can't just pick him up and reach his ceiling like you can with most killers.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Ehhh, there's a fair amount of killer powers that don't have indicators until someone is injured or effected by it. You don't get to look across the map to see hags traps when she teleports....

  • Coolwhy
    Coolwhy Member Posts: 12

    You should definitely be able to pick portals back up, It'd definitely help. He also needs some kind of add-on for his shred that either increases range, makes is charge faster, or makes turning radius larger/faster. The map wide sound is a little much, what good is undetectable if the survivors hear the sound and look for you. They spot you coming from a loop nearby and head to the next loop elsewhere before you can get a surprise attack. Even with good placement some maps do not have enough cover for you to get close enough. Besides if they aren’t blasting music they’ll hear your footsteps from half of your terror radius away (16m) so even with undetectable, you basically have half your terror radius.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited February 2020

    I would like portal placements to be less finicky and faster, and when he teleports let me be able to rotate the camera while i teleport. If they could make his undetectable worth anything after teleporting that'd be nice but i'm not gonna hold my breath.