Nerfed ruin to make up for matchmaking system

I saw the reasoning the devs gave for changing ruin was to prevent discouraging new players with the skill check difficulty but that wouldn't be an issue if the matchmaking was accurate. Ruin is used by green ranks and up which is average skilled ranking, if yellow and white ranks played within their skill level this would not be an issue. Why should killers face the consequences of the neglect of a faulty mechanic that has been around since the games release? Nerfing ruin is lazy and inconsiderate and implies that it can make or break a game when in reality it "slows the game down just a little bit". Do they know what it's like to be in a red rank lobby as a killer without map control? Stresssssss
Actually, I heard this is why ruin was nerfed:
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It's mc_ote saying (repairing a generator, misses the Great Skill check) "F#@$ this. Ruin is making me unhappy right now... which I guess is the point. Screw your totem's. (Starts cleaning a totem)
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And that green toolbox lmao
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Saw it, all he did was miss his first skill check by so much that it wouldn't even have mattered if ruin was there or not lol. All I'm saying is green ranks and up should be able to hit ruin while yellow and white ranks can't and wouldn't experience it had the matchmaking been fixed.